Any have success with Low Carb?

I am starting out doing low carb again. I did it 2 years ago and lost almost 50 lbs but eventually stopped and gained all of it plus some back. Is there anyone who has had real success with this diet? What are some should and should not do's? Before and after pics would be inspiring! Any problems maintaining?


  • FightingFitWithAnnie
    Very interested in the replies here. I think it's finding what works for your body. My body hates carbs lol so I'm very curious
    TARGET65K Posts: 150 Member
    email4jenp wrote: »
    I [ I would add a Before & Now photo, but I can't figure it out! [/b] LOL!
    You use the fourth symbol from the right hand side to insert a photo.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Doesn't matter what you eat as long as you eat less calories than your body Burns. Started January 1st 2016 my weight was 288 pounds my current weight is 208. During that period I still enjoyed Wendy's hamburgers Pizza and beer on the beach. If I had to give those things up I could have never done it and I maintain my current weight for approximately 6 months.

    For this to work can't look at it as a diet. Diets suck you're miserable and give up stuff that you like and you eventually fail. For this to be a lifelong process you have to enjoy it. Don't give up any foods that you like there no such thing as bad food or good food for losing weight. A couple years ago USA Today had a article about a high school teacher the guy lost a hundred pounds over a period of the Year by just eating McDonald's. All he did was calorie count and as long as it matters numbers he lost the weight.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Unless your body has some sort of adverse effect to carbs, I see no reason to do this. I reached my goal weight and have maintained it for a year eating carbs. When I was losing, I probably ate a lot less carbs since I could only eat 1200 to 1300 calories a day. I wanted to eat as much food as possible yet stay in my calorie limits. Therefore, I naturally ate less carbs during that time, but it wasn't intentional.
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    Maybe a way that maintain could be to allow carbs in the weekend that way you have something to look forward to and don't go crazy on carbs once you reach your goal weight ?
  • glp724
    glp724 Posts: 48 Member
    I do think calories in/calories out is the basis of any weight loss. You eat less than you burn, you lose weight (things like insulin resistance mess with your metabolism, eating differently can help you work with your metabolism). But how you eat and what you eat makes a great difference in health and how you feel. If I eat a 200 calorie deficit of lower carbs, higher fats I know that I will feel less hungry. It helps me stay on my plan. I feel more energized, my food tastes great. If I eat a 200 calorie deficit on high carbs, low fat I feel hungry and that jeopardizes my ability stay on my plan.

    In either case - a 200 calorie deficit - will have you losing weight. In either case, if you ditch a plan and go back to eating a 400 calorie surplus when you reach a goal, you will gain it back.

    I lost a bunch eating low carb back in the early 2000s and I was able to keep it off for a few years (my maintenance plan was low carb Monday - Friday, and off on weekends). Then I started overeating, had a few kids, and here I am. I'm back on lower carbs, trying to lose and doing ok so far. If you are happy with your foods with a low carb way of eating, then go for it! Maintenance is tough no matter how you lose.

  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 822 Member
    I'm not a carb lover.... I'm not a bread person or a pasta person so it wasn't that big of a jump to cut carbs. Most of my carbs come from fruit and veggies :) I do really, really well on low carb
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    I am starting out doing low carb again. I did it 2 years ago and lost almost 50 lbs but eventually stopped and gained all of it plus some back. Is there anyone who has had real success with this diet? What are some should and should not do's? Before and after pics would be inspiring! Any problems maintaining?
    I am starting out doing low carb again. I did it 2 years ago and lost almost 50 lbs but eventually stopped and gained all of it plus some back. Is there anyone who has had real success with this diet? What are some should and should not do's? Before and after pics would be inspiring! Any problems maintaining?

    The science around 'low carb' points to the reason low carb works is due to the increase in the proportion of your diet from protein. Pay attention to the ratio of the three (including fat) Don't make carbs the enemy entirely.

  • devrinator
    devrinator Posts: 79 Member
    When you think about what has a lot of carbohydrates, it's generally food that is highly processed and high in calories, low in fiber. I've always lost weight easily with low-carb, but sticking with it has been challenging. I think it's a good idea to create a long-term plan to underlie your weight loss plan. Like hzl22 mentioned, maybe eating carbs on the weekend or allowing one or two days a week might be a good goal. That way if someone cooks pasta and offers it, you can enjoy it, not feel guilty, and have a built-in plan to keep from going off track.

    I'm thinking that creating a long-term--life--plan, like doing a few exercises each day, allowing certain carb days, etc. will work under a weight loss plan where we exercise more and watch what we eat more strictly during our weight loss plan. That way, if we go off kilter, we can feel good by staying, at least, within the long-term goals, but go back to the weight loss track. In other words, we'd create a plan for life that's healthy and doable, but during the time we're trying to lose weight, we're a lot more strict.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited February 2017
    Low carbs help me a great deal. My appetite is under much better control and I sleep better. If you have a problem with insatiable hunger I do recommend low carb to help get it under control.

    I see people asking if you think you could eat low carb for ever. Well, you don't have to. But you can gain some lasting control over how many carbs you eat. It is totally possible to use low carb to gain control then increase your carbs in small amounts up to a level that isn't necessarily low carb but rather reasonable carbs. Say between 150 g and 200 g a day. When we start eating carbs in large amounts all the time is when we begin seeing "carb issues" such as the crazy hunger and constant craving of more and more carbs.
  • whiskeykittentoo
    whiskeykittentoo Posts: 43 Member
    I started on the strict keto (LCHF - low carb/high fat) diet a few months ago and have not lost much weight at all - BUT, I did lose belly fat and inches from my stomach/waist/thighs, and felt a little more energetic. However, in doing this diet, I discovered WHICH carbs affected me (I binged on pizza one of the days and I had TERRIBLE tummy upsets and horrible cramps and pain for about 2 days afterwards - I was in PAIN) the most, and I can avoid them. I then discovered the Wild diet (it's Paleo - Abel James..., if you're interested) and it's a lot more flexible and doesn't deprive you of anything - you just keep an eye on your carbs and the TYPE of carbs, and you don't stress about grams. ALSO - in doing this, I have discovered IIFYM - which is all about macros (macronutrients - fat/carb/protein) and you work out percentages of those, based on your daily calorie intake and exercise level etc, and it makes life much easier - no counting calories, avoiding foods etc. So I'm transitioning over to that.
    As mentioned above, it's all about finding a LIFESTYLE (not a "diet" - as that word seems to mean something "temporary" to most people, and when they are "done" with it, they just gain all the weight they lost back again) that suits you and works for you and that you can continue.
    My husband LOVES his carbs - but he is in the military, so he's very active and can get away with higher carbs than I can - I walk/hike with my dogs EVERY morning, but that's about it.
    I was running, but I started studying and I just do not find time to do it properly (and I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I can't do things "half-arsed") so i have stopped that until I have written my finals.
    Because of this, I have also brought my calorie intake down, but only use it as a guide for my macros so that I keep my carbs low and my protein medium, etc.
    Go check out (I used it a great deal - the first month is totally free, no strings attached - you can cancel at any time without charges, within the first 30 days - and it helped me tremendously - they have meal plans, shopping lists and LOADS of videos that explain everything in great detail, but very simply)

    If you want to find out about IIFYM ("If It Fits Your Macros") then do a search on - that article explained it very well for me.

    Good luck! Find what works for you - even if it's a mix of different things.
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