I am so embarrassed.....



  • lillyloki28
    lillyloki28 Posts: 15 Member
    You can do this and you're not alone.............BELIEVE ME! You can do this and you need to be patient with yourself. I completely know how you feel and feel for you. I have to keep in mind when I get upset with myself that I didn't put the weight on in a week or a month so it's not going to come off as fast. But, being a person who was at one time at 335 lbs and have been fighting the past 13 years with weight creeping back up on me I know I have to keep it maintained. With me I'm in my 50's and they say the older you get the harder it is to take it off; but I need to keep positive and so do you. I'm here for you if you want to talk. Always here for support; the more the better!
  • joeneely71
    joeneely71 Posts: 49 Member
    Others on here are no doubt better than I at the specifics of weight loss, but I'm pretty damn good at guilt and shame. Both of them kill. While you establish a long-term weight loss plan, do something each day that lifts your spirits; perhaps, for example, a 30-minute walk. Talk with your doctor about counseling. Depression, which is often undiagnosed and therefore untreated, drives guilt and shame. Relief is available in the form of talk therapy and, if your doctor agrees, antidepressant medicines. Best wishes!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited February 2017
    Maybe start by figuring out why logging your food and exercising didn't work for you. The concept might remain the same but maybe it was a combination of other factors as well. Don't be embarrassed, all of us have lost and gained through the years. It often takes a few tries until we find what works well with our lives and our brains.

    1) Did you continue to eat foods you liked (just less of it) or did you pick a special diet instead (paleo, low carb, low fat, etc), or did you restrict your treats and meals out?

    2) Did you enjoy the exercise you were doing? If not, is there a mobile activity you like that you could do that doesn't feel like exercise (walking, swimming, bowling, frisbee, dancing around your living room, etc.)?

    3) Were you struggling with using the MFP app at all? Do you need tips on how to make it work better/easier for you?

    4) Did you have MFP friends when you did it last who could provide some support to you? Do you have support in your life for weight loss?

    5) Did you start making a lot of changes at once or did you slowly build them up?

    6) How did you feel about the calorie counting? Did you find it stressful or annoying? Did you find it hard to stick inside your goal?
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    Reading your post I think you are in the same boat as I am. I was 294 lost about 80lb, took my eye off the ball and put about 60 back on. So this time I am really focusing on the maintenance, I can lose weight, I know how to do that. I just dont know how to keep it off. BUT here is the best bit, I have a year to figure it out! I am not going to "diet" and then go back to "normal" eating. I am going to change my "normal" eating to my "new normal". There is lots of good information and posts from people that are far better than I am at the losing part of this journey.

    So my plan is to use MFP to get down to 200, then I am going to pause and maintain for 3 months. Then either carry on as is or lose a bit more.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the good suggestions.

    Three years ago I lost 24lbs, never felt better, got lazy and now I am back to where I first started. Older and suffering back pains etc.

    I have decided this has to be my year to return to my slimmer self. I have started walking now that the weather is getting warmer. I also do calorie cycling which I have found to be a lot easier, especially on the weekends where temptation is so much easier. Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays I eat at 1100 calories, the other four days my calorie varies and I have found it to be very satisfying.

    On the low calorie days, I tend to eat later in the day which I found is very helpful. I am getting in my 10,00+ steps and hopefully will start C25K in the Spring.

    I need to reclaim that spring in my steps when I was 24 lbs lighter and I was much happier.
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    Im sure this has been said before but i'll say it anyways. You must be doing crash diets. You must want an easy fix. And you must want to feel sorry for yourself.

    1. There is NO easy fix. If dieting was easy we'd all be skinny. Its trial and error. It could be yo yo, gaining and losing. But guess what? That doesn't mean you give up and just feel sorry for yourself.
    2. This isn't a "i'll lose weight and magically stay this way". NO. You gotta make changes and stick with them.

    My suggestions:
    1. Don't take out anything you don't plan to keep out. Chips, cookies, soda. Learn moderation and keep them in your diet.
    2. Don't go too fast. Take off 500 cals and keep going from there.
    3. Exercise!!! Walk for 10 minutes, then 20 and then 30. Start doing cardio, swim, bike. Do at home work out DVD's. You do not need a gym membership to workout!
    4. STOP feeling sorry for yourself. You put yourself in this position and if you really hate what you've done then fix it! Cause guess what? You'll only change when YOU want to.