Desk job people!



  • tonyanoemy111
    tonyanoemy111 Posts: 2 Member
    My fitbit reminds me to get up and move! taking the long way to the bathroom, or just to walk around the room. On the nice days, I will go outside and just walk down the sidewalk and back. it really only takes 3 min, but getting outside and moving helps a lot :)
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I don't really. I just sit around like a lump. I get up to make coffee, stretch, eat, etc. The reflection of the work day though is that I exercise roughly 2 hours after wards.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    If I'm busy at work I am not able to be active until later in the day. If things are slow I will try to get some steps in, but mostly I get my activity in when I am not at work.
  • bpyrda
    bpyrda Posts: 1 Member
    I have a vivofit and I try to get up and go for a walk when the red bars start popping up. I also don't like the taste of the water on my floor so when I need to refill my water bottle I go 5 floors up to the fitness center to refill from the water cooler. The nice thing about having the fitness center is I get to do a group class at lunch so even on days I'm busy and am stuck at my desk all day I at least have that.

    I also park in a cheaper garage that is a 10 minute walk to work so I get that twice a day.
  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    Feel free to add me. I take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    1) I have a fitbit blaze that reminds me every hour if I haven't taken 250 steps yet. This seems to help my knees as well because they seem to be locking up less as I move more often. Before that I set an alarm on my phone once an hour to just remind me to get up and move.
    2) I started using a restroom in the building next door.
    3) I walk on my lunch break to hit my 8000 step goal by 1:30. Everything above that is gravy.
    4) I take the stairs more often.
    5) When I am called to the next building over I find a way to do at least a half lap around whatever floor I have to go to.
    6) Deliberate exercise--boxing, swimming, lifting, biking, walking with my family.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I park far away from the building, always take stairs, I get up and talk to people in the office rather than send email (and then only as confirmation), drink constantly. I get up and move every hour - have a Flex 2 to help remind me. I eat at my desk and workout at the gym in our building. On teleconferences I went mobile and take walks if I don't need to be online at the time. I also changed many of our staff meetings to working walks.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    We get two 15 minute breaks a day -- I can't always do anything for the first one, but I usually walk with a coworker for my second one.

    I walk on my lunch break. My work area has a lot of walking space and sidewalks, and I live in Florida (nice weather!) -- if you don't have that setup, I know a lot of people who walk around our local mall. The most I was able to do in one lunch break was 3 miles. I microwave my food and eat at my desk when I get back or beforetime.
  • glennagael
    glennagael Posts: 84 Member
    My office mate and I have taken to deskercising! We have flash cards in different colors for arms, legs, back, core, etc, and on the other side different reps (we looked online and found some ideas really easily), and every hour we pick from a different category and different activity. None take more than 2-3 minutes. Our office environment isn't super lax but no one minds this occasional "stretch break." Obviously doesn't replace a workout or a lap around the building but it does get you on your feet throughout the work day!
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I catch the bus into the city. I walk about 700 meters each end so nearly 3km in total. I also go for a walk at lunch, get some air. That and a 3 hour ride on my horse on the weekends is plenty of exercise for me.

    When I used to ride the bus, there were 3 stops along the way of 2-5 minutes. I would get off the bus and pace up and down beside it. Initially, I got some looks or comments, but after a while they got used to me and would even encourage me.
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    I walk at my desk, and I have a standing desk that I use to stand for at least half the day (it raises with the push of a button :). ) Also, I'll take walks on my lunch hour.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    3) On days that I have to go to the store (groceries) I park at the far end of the parking lot. Then I walk up and down every single aisle in the store, even if I need only one or two things, just for extra steps.

    Hah! I do this too. I find the farthest most remote parking spot possible. Pisses my wife off most days. She's one of those 'cruise the parking lot for 20 minutes to find a closer space' people. I'd have already been in the store shopping for 18 of those 20 minutes even walking from that far. ;)

    Ha! My husband is one of those people who just seems to get the great parking spots without even trying. I could drive all day and never get a spot, so I don't even bother looking and head take the first spot I see - usually in the back. The fact that the extra walking drives him nuts is just a bonus.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,617 Member
    edited February 2017
    1 - Park farthest away from building entrance that I can, and take the stairs to 3rd floor, where my office is. Vice versa to go home at lunchtime.
    2 - When I use the restroom down the hall (thanks to drinking water, at least a few times each day), I then take the nearby stairs down to the basement, walk the hall to my primary stairs, and walk up to the 3rd floor.
    3 - During webinars on my computer, I close the door, crank the volume on my speakers and pace in my office; this morning's webinar was 4,339 steps according to my fitbit.
    4 - Weather-permitting, I walk the dog 3 - 5 times each week on neighborhood routes of 2.34 - 3.66 miles. Otherwise I walk on the treadmill at home.
    5 - Plan to reincorporate using the weight machine at home, but haven't yet.
  • bearbear30
    bearbear30 Posts: 46 Member
    I walk around my work building and I will do "desk exercises", when it gets warmer I will walk to and from work
  • krushal8880
    krushal8880 Posts: 80 Member
    edited February 2017
    I walk my dog in the morning. Break a work @10. Lunch, I walk for 3 miles. Afternoon @ 3 break again. When I get home I walk my dog again. 5 days a week, I walk 5-8 miles a day. Track everything with Fitbit and food with MFP. :) Weekends, golf, cycling or walking. I drink a lot of water too. Whew, I'm tired....... lol
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Reminders on my calendar to move.
    Walk on lunch.
    Fidget in general.
  • SilverSheWolf55
    SilverSheWolf55 Posts: 95 Member
    Being I am a receptionist, it can be challenging for me to get up; with that being said, I have two scheduled breaks and a lunch. I walk on all three breaks. Plus, whenever I do get up to go to the restroom, I go to the one furthest away from my desk. I have a phone with the "MapMyWalk" app on it. It tells me the number of steps I do each time I walk! I, too, park "in the back forty" as we say here and walk into the building. :)B)
  • BabeMeister83
    BabeMeister83 Posts: 56 Member
    Me and another lady at my work walk on our breaks, we walk around our floor then we go up the stairs to the other floors and walk around them. We also bought hand weights and do a different exercise with them on each floor (looks silly but we don't care, a few other people stared doing it to).
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I also take the bus into the city and get off several stops early and walk the rest of the way. Also walking at lunch, then to the bus stop in the evenings.