3kg (7lbs) loss in July!



  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Argh...OK, I've not budged on my previous weight...it's only been a few days but I sometimes I get so down about it. I think I need to up my exercise a bit.

    This is what I'm doing:
    I'm sticking to 1200 calories per day - I don't feel hungry, feint or lethargic, I'm eating a well balanced diet and take vitamin supplements. I actually struggle to make up all my exercise calories and, I'm sorry, but I'm not cooking my chicken in olive oil or snacking when I'm not hungry just to make them up.
    The past few days I've really been trying hard to minimise the carbs (I've got PCOS so figured this may help) and up the protein.
    I drink about 4 UK pints of water per day plus cups of tea and fruit juice.
    I walk (with some jogging in there too) for at least 1.5 hours a day.

    I reckon I need to incorporate more jogging but I can't seem to do it. I've never had much stamina, even as a kid, and I can't power through the muscle ache. It's not painful, it's more annoying...almost like it's more of a mental barrier than a physical one. Anyhoo...any tips on how I can ease myself in to jogging a bit better??

    Sorry for the moan lol!!

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    We have 12 days left in the month... How close is everyone to their goal?

    I started at 150 and I'm only down to 148, so I've only lost 2 lbs. It was tough with a week-long vacation this month. But I'm not going to give up on my goal of 7 lbs lost! That's only 5 lbs to go in 12 days... Possible if I work really hard for the next 2 weeks!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Argh...OK, I've not budged on my previous weight...it's only been a few days but I sometimes I get so down about it. I think I need to up my exercise a bit.

    This is what I'm doing:
    I'm sticking to 1200 calories per day - I don't feel hungry, feint or lethargic, I'm eating a well balanced diet and take vitamin supplements. I actually struggle to make up all my exercise calories and, I'm sorry, but I'm not cooking my chicken in olive oil or snacking when I'm not hungry just to make them up.
    The past few days I've really been trying hard to minimise the carbs (I've got PCOS so figured this may help) and up the protein.
    I drink about 4 UK pints of water per day plus cups of tea and fruit juice.
    I walk (with some jogging in there too) for at least 1.5 hours a day.

    I reckon I need to incorporate more jogging but I can't seem to do it. I've never had much stamina, even as a kid, and I can't power through the muscle ache. It's not painful, it's more annoying...almost like it's more of a mental barrier than a physical one. Anyhoo...any tips on how I can ease myself in to jogging a bit better??

    Sorry for the moan lol!!


    have you tried a program called c25k??
    it eases you into running/jogging.
    so instead of jogging as far as you can then walking the rest its walk/jog/walk/jog all little times and enough to catch your breath and fel better again...
    maybe you should download that???

    so just do it yourself, just run for 1min then walk for 2min then run for 1min then walk for 2.5min then run for 1.5min then walk for 3 etc etc jsut give yourself time. and if your doing it every day then you will build up really quickly :)
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    We have 12 days left in the month... How close is everyone to their goal?

    I started at 150 and I'm only down to 148, so I've only lost 2 lbs. It was tough with a week-long vacation this month. But I'm not going to give up on my goal of 7 lbs lost! That's only 5 lbs to go in 12 days... Possible if I work really hard for the next 2 weeks!

    Sorry everyone - I have been slack touching base with this thread. We are in the process of packing/ moving house so thats taking up all most of my time/ energy at the moment.
    I have lost 2kgs so far this month, so hopefully on track for the 3kg by the end of the month.

    I think most of my loss this month comes down to eating much cleaner - I'm not working in any Mcdonalds or whatever into my daily calorie amount (which is what i was doing), and its paying off for me :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I've got 1.5kg to go to my revised goal and I was really hoping to lose 1kg this week but I have been getting very achy legs after my runs and so havn't been going to the gym as often as I should be. Today I did 10km run/jog on the tredmill but then went out for dinner so hopefully the calories burned from my run mean I didn't go too much over my limit. I ate too many different foods to even begin logging but did manage to skip the dessert.
    I guess we will just have to see on saturday when I weigh in.

    Does anyone else struggle with social occasions? It seems like anytime I get together with friends it's all about food (restaurants, pot luck dinners, dessert, baking) and I don't get to see them that much so feel like I should go but lately I don't enjoy myself because i'm worrying about what I'm eating.
    Do you guys have any tips on dealing with these situations?
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    have you tried a program called c25k??
    it eases you into running/jogging.
    so instead of jogging as far as you can then walking the rest its walk/jog/walk/jog all little times and enough to catch your breath and fel better again...
    maybe you should download that???

    so just do it yourself, just run for 1min then walk for 2min then run for 1min then walk for 2.5min then run for 1.5min then walk for 3 etc etc jsut give yourself time. and if your doing it every day then you will build up really quickly :)

    I'll check out C25K...thank you so much. When I feel a bit 'lost' my brain tends to stop working. It's great to have a suggestion :-))
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Does anyone else struggle with social occasions? It seems like anytime I get together with friends it's all about food (restaurants, pot luck dinners, dessert, baking) and I don't get to see them that much so feel like I should go but lately I don't enjoy myself because i'm worrying about what I'm eating.
    Do you guys have any tips on dealing with these situations?

    Could you invite your friends round to yours for dinner...then you could cook up some tasty low fat/cal meals??

    Or, maybe you could suggest to them doing something a little different...like go-karting, indoor skiiing, paintballing. Not sure what you've got around where you live...but then if you go out for dinner afterwards you can feel better because you would have burnt a load of calories beforehand.

  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    Hey girls,
    10 days to go!! Hope you're all hitting the gym hard and sticking to your goals!

    Just thought I'd give an update,...so a few days ago I was back up to nearly my starting weight but over the last 3 days it dropped off really quickly and I've lost 2.5kg so far this month! YAY!

    For those of you who are having trouble losing and are doing exercise - try mixing up the exercise you're doing! Do a swiss ball circuit (you can find plenty of good exercises online - just go through and do 10-15 reps per exercise and straight onto the next thing), a weights circuit (again do 10-15 reps - you won't bulk up then, just tone and muscle uses more calories than fat), treadmill, intervals, cross trainer, rowing, swimming, stair runs....make sure you're challenging your body and it's different muscles constantly! Try not to do the same exercise two days in a row! It's more fun and makes you lose more :)

    Anyways keep up the good work girls! We're nearly there...you can do it!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Always a good reminder to switch things up with exercise! Lately I've been doing a lot of walking, jogging, and hiking. I think I'll switch it up a little tomorrow and add some strength in BEFORE I go on my jog/walk. :smile:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Finally back from work and sickness...good news as of last week I haven't gained...bad news I haven't lost either :sad:
    So tomorrow is weigh in day, will report back, wish me luck :happy:
    Hope everyone has an awesome weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Good luck at your weigh in aegira! :smile:

    I have 2 pounds to go now this month and 10 days to do it! Feeling pretty good about it at the moment but we'll see.
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Just a note that C25K is pretty good!
    Altho i got to the end and havent carried on running, but thats because im concentrating on the 30DS before my holiday to try and get some all round weight loss and toning and i dont have time to do both, plus i have my new obsession with zumba!

    weigh in tomos-am feeling hopeful have been very good, but anything could happen yet, its Friday night!!
    Keep up the good work all!! :D Only about a week left isnt there?! Eeek!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I've downloaded a similar program to C25K (basically the same though) did my first session last night but continued my walk at the end by 20 mins - Shadow (one of my dogs) wasn't happy with just the 28 mins lol!!

    I feel absolutely fine today, no aching and I wasn't out of breath after doing it - pretty good all round. I'm looking forward to day 2 tomorrow.

    Don't think I'm going to drop 5lbs by the end of the month but I'm not quitting lol!!

    Happy Friday everyone!!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Good luck at your weigh in aegira! :smile:

    I have 2 pounds to go now this month and 10 days to do it! Feeling pretty good about it at the moment but we'll see.

    Ok 1 kilo down, 2kg to go in 6 days?? If I can get rid of 1more kg by August 1, I'll be so happy.
    I'm actually wrapped because last night I totally forgot to read the ingredients properly and "glutened" myself then promptly dislocated my finger *sigh* what a night :grumble:
    But it doesn't take the smile off my face about the loss :bigsmile:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Congrats on the loss! Sorry to hear about your finger! Yiiikes, that's never happened to me before but I bet it was scary!

    9 days to go everybody!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    One week to go! We can do this!!

    Weighed in at 59.8kg today so I have 0.8kg to go which I think is achievable. I have been trying to lose weight all year but this is the first time it's actually worked. I havn't been able to get under 60kg so it was so good to see 59 on the scales this morning! This thred has been soo good for me. Thank you guys so much!

    Good luck for the last week everyone :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    well doen everyone!!!!

    you are all doing soooo great im oo inspired by you all and your fantastic efforts and dedication!!!

    thanks for making this thread really great!!!!
    i cant wait to do another one in afew days for august! :)

    i have lost my way abit :(
    i keep gaining even though im exercising and drinking water and watching my sodiun,
    not sure wats going on with my body but im focusing on how i feel and look and not weighing as often! see how that goes! :(
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Well done guys!

    You have been doing so well Bree! All your high burns and eating well! Can be so dissapointing when we work so well and our bodies are just not cooperating with us and we dont see anything on the scales. How often do you weigh yourself? once a week is always good. But measuring helps so much too. I always seem to lose in inches and pretty much nothing on the scales. Its weird.

    I havent weighed myself at all this month, i havent been doing very good at all the last couple of weeks and im scared to get on them and see that number.

    Went out to my cousins 21st burlesque (sp?) themed party saturday night and was so envious of them all in their skimpy little outfits. (Not that i would probably wear any of that out in public anyhow lol) but it did motivate me to try and get back on track!

    The end of year seems to be coming around very fast and i cant wait for summer/Xmas partys and what not! I soo want to be able to feel good in summerish clothes this year so i have to get off my *kitten* and start doing something about it!!!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member

    Or, maybe you could suggest to them doing something a little different...like go-karting, indoor skiiing, paintballing. Not sure what you've got around where you live...but then if you go out for dinner afterwards you can feel better because you would have burnt a load of calories beforehand.


    I love that idea. Thanks!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hey everyone, sounds like you are all doing great :happy:

    I actually got down to under 65kg which makes my 3kg goal last week but after the weekend I am back up again :grumble: I still seem to not have any control on the weekends, so that is my goal to work on being good on the weekends too!!

    Bree just a thought but I have been doing the Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation program and one of the things we have started doing is one day a week (we do Tuesdays which is the day before our official weigh in day) we do a low carb day or what Michelle calls 'accelorator day'. So one day a week we have a day with low carbs, no breads,cereals, or even fruit. It is hard but mostly eggs, lean meats, veggies, and for snacks things like tuna, diet jelly, low fat cheese etc. It has seemed to help me get rid of my weekend weight gains :noway: You are only supposed to do it one day a week so its not really to hard on your body like a full time low carb diet is. Just an idea, I know how annoying it is when you seem to get stuck at a weight or even worse gain when you have worked so hard.

    Good luck for the final week everyone :smile: