only on day 2....

I have been lurking on here for awhile, but just getting into the groove of eating properly and dieting. I would like to lose 30 -40 lbs by January, I am 175 now. What are some tricks and ideas to keep me motivated to continue on so I can see results???




  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    Make mini goals that are achievable and that you aim to reach about once per month. I also have scheduled time everyday to log in and track my food and exercise as well as scheduled times for going to the pool/gym/walks etc. Add me as a friend and I'll try to help keep you going.
  • tammyll3
    tammyll3 Posts: 44
    I lost 30lbs just by integrating fiber and by eliminating diet soda into my diet. I started with using lots of the fiber one products and eventually branched out into using flax and other whole grains.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I take a daily photo of my torso. Day to day you can't see any change but if I feel my motivation flagging, I can look at the first picture and the latest and remind myself that I really am making a change.

    I've got the camera set up in my study so each morning I walk in, take a quick front, back and side shot with the little remote control and get about my day. Only takes a minute.

    My biggest regret is not starting the daily pictures from day 1 though so I'm missing my first 5 or 6 lb loss :(
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Take before pictures and take your measurements. Update those pictures and measurements every month. You might not notice much of a difference from one month to the next, but you'll see a difference after a few months. Eventhough the scale is good for a weekly measure it doesn't tell you what your body composition is. The measurements and pictures will help keep you motivated when the weight loss slows.
  • Rjerumbo
    Rjerumbo Posts: 2
    Honestly, my biggest motivator is watching shows like Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition, I Used To Be Fat on MTV, etc. (you can watch old episodes on hulu and the networks websites). For me, seeing that the people on those shows are able to exercise and diet when they are as overweight as they are makes me realize that I can do it as well. It also shows the time it takes but if you're willing to put in the effort over time you will see a huge difference.

    Another thing is my wife telling me how good I look. Having someone seeing the progress I've made and complimenting me on it is very motivating. If you have someone in your life that can give you that feedback don't be afraid to sit down with them and tell them that their compliments could be a huge motivator for you.

    Just keep in mind, the first week or two is the hardest. Seeing that you're two days in I'm assuming that you're sore from using muscles that you haven't in a while. Rest assured, the soreness goes away in the first week or so and after two weeks or so of consistently working out and dieting it just becomes routine. Sure you'll still crave horrible food from time to time but for me, every time I give into one of those cravings, it's so unsatisfying. Good luck and congrats on the decision to better your life!!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    ... Having someone seeing the progress I've made and complimenting me on it is very motivating. ...

    I concur with that one! My fiance and I tell each other daily how trim and healthy each other is looking :)
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have a fat picture of me hanging on my bathroom mirror so I see it every morning and remember that THAT is not who I want to be.

    I weigh-in once a week and push myself to meet the calorie goals so that when I "do" get to weigh in on Monday morning, it's like Christmas.

    I wanna lose about 30 pounds myself! Feel free to add me!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    What has worked for me:

    Log all of your food for the day first thing in the morning. This helps keep me on track so I don't go get fast food for lunch/dinner because I think "no, I logged that I am eating XYZ and that is what I am going to do."

    Cut out processed foods and artificial sweetners. Processed foods make my body feel like I am carrying around "sludge" and artificial sweetners just make me crave sugar even more.

    Figure out what your weakenss is for food. Carbs/pasta? Make healthier choices like what pasta, only having it once a week instead of 3 times, etc.

    Don't consider anything off limits. Don't deprive youself to the point where you feel like you are a rabbit only eatng veggies and fruits. Want pizza? Have a slice, but don't eat the whole pizza.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I have a fat picture of me hanging on my bathroom mirror so I see it every morning and remember that THAT is not who I want to be.

    Lol. I have the opposite. I have a picture of me when I was thin in my study by the computer to show myself what I can look like.