Feeling low

This is my second week of map.
I was 13st 9lbs starting.
Wk 1 13st 4 - happy but guessed it was water weight
Wk 2 13st 7 . So low about it.
Have worked really hard. I weigh everything on digital scales- making healthy choices & never exceeding my 1400 calories & exercise 5 times a week.
I blamed the scales first- a weight watchers digital. It gave 3 different readings yesterday (13-3/7/10). Changed the battery!
I jog 3 times a week (45min) & strength workout twice a week.
Any ideas?


  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    Exercise makes tiny tears in your muscles. Your body will retain fluid to heal the tears. That's part of the process of developing muscle. I would give it a few weeks. Best of luck.
  • 5n00py
    5n00py Posts: 125 Member
    Ummmm 2 pounds over two weeks is still good progress! My scales bounce around all over the place, but the trend is generally downward, so that is fine!

    Figure out if you are just after some sort of "quick fix", or you are serious about getting healthy.

    Weigh loss is 80% to do with what you put in your mouth, and not all kcals are equal. Some are actually good for you and your body uses them as fuel, and others are WTF's that the body doesn't know what to do with and stores them as fat! If your diet is substantially out of packets and boxes and bottles and is loaded with chemicals, then you are not giving your body what it needs for it to be healthy.

    Swap out any junk and empty kcals for real veggies, and real fruit, and you might find your body responds well to getting the nutrients it needs.
  • denziljedwards
    denziljedwards Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2017
    The Journey of health is long term. Small goals will eventually lead to larger one. By experience, their will be ups and down, set back we have no control over. But look at the bright side the next day,week month or year; you will healthier than before.

    If you are applying your self honestly with diet, and excersie. The investigation I would look into is Marco nutritionist, Total Calories. I suggest you reach out to an professional nutritionist which can assist you and help you better understand how different foods effect weight lost and gain. Track all the food you eat.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you are feeling low two weeks in, maybe you're working too hard. My suggestion would be (as always) a plan that is effective, but not hard, and patience.
  • josefita
    josefita Posts: 1 Member
    My experience has been that trying to do it all, (cardio, strength, and diet) from the beginning can get discouraging because while you may be losing weight, you may also be building muscle (both of which are good). So if you are doing all three, also consider how your clothes are fitting rather than just the scale number.

    Scales numbers do fluctuate and that is normal, but I understand your frustration because it's that scale number loss that keeps me motivated. I haven't been able to exercise so I have only been able to focus (logging my calories a must!) on the eating aspect of my new life journey. I have accepted that if I can lose 1 pound a week, that is a major success. That's 52 pounds in 52 two weeks. I'm already at week 6. Time will fly by.

    Yes the first pounds are easy because of the water weight, and logging in calories takes some time in the beginning, but after a few weeks, it gets easier and one learns how to best use (spend) calories. I love to eat so I try to find foods I can eat more of for the same amount of calories, i.e. 1 cup lasagne vs. 2 slices of breast, 6 oz. turkey meat, lettuce, tomato, pickle and a small bag of oven baked chips. One pound a week is more likely to stay off and it is more likely you'll be able to tone up better.

    I am also learning things about me, what works and what doesn't. Every person is different. Every body type is different. Some need more protein, others function better with higher carbohydrates. Some get overwhelmed doing too much much while others already do too much and need to take things slower (quality vs. quantity). It takes time to figure out what works and what doesn't for yourself, so don't give up.
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    For some it isn't a fast process. Bodies react to different things and strength training will add muscle which if replacing fat might not show up on the scale but you should see a change in inches and how your clothes fit.
    I stopped weighing myself daily/weekly because of so many types of fluctuations. I only weight monthly and took a few measurements. I lost 2 pounds but 4 inches off my waist in the same time frame.
    Chuck the scale
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    PennWalker wrote: »
    Exercise makes tiny tears in your muscles. Your body will retain fluid to heal the tears. That's part of the process of developing muscle. I would give it a few weeks. Best of luck.

    This is a plausible cause. Others include if you've consumed more sodium or carbs than usual in recent days, hormones (especially ones associated with the menstrual cycle if you still deal with that), and stress.

    You aren't going to lose every single week. Weight continuously fluctuates. It's the long term trend you need to watch for, not one single weigh-in.
  • fatbetty75
    fatbetty75 Posts: 4 Member
    My legs are sore from knees down - maybe im doing to much & not resting enough?
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Ditto to all previously said. Since you have a WW scale, you are probably not new to weight loss so remember to reward yourself with lost inches by breaking out those smaller sizes. For the times in between when you are waiting for those changes, enjoy the journey. Focus on daily victories. And give yourself a pedicure-Instant new stretch routine (ha ha!)