Maintaining. Good or bad?

I've reached my goal of 163 3 weeks ago. Since then I've maintained.

But mentally seeing a loss was my reward knowing what I'm doing is working. I know it's crazy but I get upset not seeing any more loss even though I'm maintaining. Im also lifting so I assume I may even see gains?

I'm just trying to get over the mental hurdle of not seeing pounds come off every week.

Any advice. And if it's I'm being nuts. I'll take it.


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Even while losing, your excellent conduct was not always rewarded with losses on the scale. Weight loss is not linear, neither is maintenance. Give yourself a realistic range and permission to exist in that range. For instance, as things like water and waste make havoc of your weight anyway, allow a few pounds fluctuation around 163. Get back into the calorie deficit if you rise above your target range, and have an additional cookie if you fall below it.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    I am just entering maintenance and I feel the same way.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Yep, had this happen to me as well. The transition period between weight loss and maintenance (both physical and mental), can take a while-it took me around 6 months to get everything sorted out and running smoothly.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    That's why I think maintenance is harder than losing. You're trying to maintain at a weight, you don't get the thrill of seeing numbers change!

    Perhaps learn to love seeing the same number for as long as possible?
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    It is typical for us to be a little let down once we reach our goal. We aren't intended to rest on our laurels. We live for the challenge. Once we've overcome a challenge, we need to go find a new challenge. Turning to fitness challenges is a good transition for people who have reached their goal weight, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that.

    ^^This is what is working for me. I've upped my strength training and am now working towards getting physically and mentally prepared to climb the Grand Teton this summer with my son. After that I hope to continue with mountaineering as that has always been what I love to do, I have just been too heavy for 35 years to do it. Better late than never.
  • HvymetalMG
    HvymetalMG Posts: 93 Member
    If I focus now on getting stronger. Moving up in weights. Should I expect to see my weight go up with increased muscle? I just want to be sure I'm going on right direction with muscle gains and not fat. I really think so much if this is all mental. At least a lot
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Losing weight was only one of my many goals...personally, I enjoy ticking them off the list. When I went to maintenance four years ago, I just ticked it off and moved onto another. Most of my goals revolve around fitness.
    HvymetalMG wrote: »
    If I focus now on getting stronger. Moving up in weights. Should I expect to see my weight go up with increased muscle? I just want to be sure I'm going on right direction with muscle gains and not fat. I really think so much if this is all mental. At least a lot

    Pay attention to your BF%, how you look in the clothes are fitting, etc. The scale is only one measure.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    HvymetalMG wrote: »
    If I focus now on getting stronger. Moving up in weights. Should I expect to see my weight go up with increased muscle? I just want to be sure I'm going on right direction with muscle gains and not fat. I really think so much if this is all mental. At least a lot
    If you aren't in a calorie surplus your weight won't go up!
    You might decide you want to get bigger/heavier but get used to maintenance first would be my advice.

    You can add muscle without gaining weight assuming you aren't super lean - also known as recomp.

    Gaining strength also happens without gaining any muscle mass, just getting more efficient at using the muscles you already have.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Congrats on reaching maintenance! You have different goals now.. If you're driving to the beach, once you get there, you have to change Directions slightly. Rather than a goal of getting "to" the beach, now you are driving along it, enjoying the rewards of your journey.

    Set a 5 lb maintenance range. If you stay within that range, "what you're doing is working". If you get above the top end of the range, resume eating at a 250 cal deficit until you're back to mid range. If you get to the bottom of the range, add about 200 cals per day til you get back to mid range. Keeping that number in the range is your reward, rather than seeing a lower number.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    ^^This is true! I lost 90 lbs so I was used to getting comments along the way from other people... in real life but also on the app from mfp friends. Once you hit maintenance, some of that external motivation stops. People who know me now basically just know me at this weight. Every once in a while I see somebody that I haven't seen since before the weight loss but that's rare. So the motivation to maintain definitely has to be more internal. It's a shift.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Agree with the other posters as far as resetting your goal. I always tell people you have to be selfish about this you can't do this for your kids or significant others for it to work it has to be about you period by that goal being about you all your other goals that involve your friends and family will take care of themselves

    The reason this worked is you had a very selfish goal that took priority in your life. By by having that goal it was a target for you to hit and it drove you and for your own personal reasons you decided I'm going to hit it. now that you hit the goal have to reset and find another goal. It's like anything else you want to strive to make yourself better.

    As far as myself my goal now is to maintain and I have some physical athletic goals that I want to reach that's what drives me.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Join the monthly maintainers check-in thread (March is: A lot of us miss the encouragement of loss, and this thread helps provide accountability, support, and cheers for maintenance.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,162 Member
    nikkit321 wrote: »
    Join the monthly maintainers check-in thread (March is: A lot of us miss the encouragement of loss, and this thread helps provide accountability, support, and cheers for maintenance.

    Thanks for posting this. Not a 100% sure I'm ready to post my maintenance info yet, as I am still trying to figure out my final calorie goal for maintenance (so I'm still losing a bit more), but I've bookmarked the thread and plan to lurk this and future threads until I'm ready to post there. Great idea for motivation in the maintenance phase!!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    Late to this thread but FWIW what I did when I started maintenance was just reset my goal to maintaining my weight at 160 w/in 5# (+/- 2.5#) which I've been able to do for the past 4 months and consider a personal accomplishment.