That time of the month ladies.. lil help?



  • Eloveg
    Eloveg Posts: 25
    I am soooo there with you! In pain...PMSing and bloated! I eat what I crave but try not the eat the whole thing....just some. Drink lots of water....walk a little bit and bask in the glory!!!! (sarcastic :wink: )

    Don't sweat it!
  • marilou32
    marilou32 Posts: 19
    I know exactly how you feel because I get the same exact way. I'm actually like a monster and I want to eat EVERYTHING! It's actually a huge challenge for me. The week prior to my monthly encounter I get all my symptoms...cramps, bloat, and cravings. I usually run to keep active and around this time, it's totally out of the question!!! What has worked for me is drinking lots of water, drinking hot tea. I have a variety of favorite green tea flavors and just drinking a hot beverage really sooths my irritability and relaxes my body. Instead of going for a run, I'll do yoga right in my living room while following an on-demand yoga session. It's great and you feel so great afterwards..try it! Good luck and take it easy :)
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I always feel better after doing exercise when it's TOM so it's worth the little pain to get started when you feel much better afterwards...advise a paracetamol to ease the pain if it's agony.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I just ease up on my work out a bit during AF (anut flow) example I normaly do 60min work out or more per day on the days AF is here I do only 30-40min and less intense (walking or stationarie bike at the gym). I Also LOVE and could not work threw AF without my Diva cup that thing is a life saver if you have never heard of one google it they are fantastic I will NEVER EVER go back to pads or tampons EVER again
  • I know exactly how you feel because I get the same exact way. I'm actually like a monster and I want to eat EVERYTHING! It's actually a huge challenge for me. The week prior to my monthly encounter I get all my symptoms...cramps, bloat, and cravings. I usually run to keep active and around this time, it's totally out of the question!!! What has worked for me is drinking lots of water, drinking hot tea. I have a variety of favorite green tea flavors and just drinking a hot beverage really sooths my irritability and relaxes my body. Instead of going for a run, I'll do yoga right in my living room while following an on-demand yoga session. It's great and you feel so great afterwards..try it! Good luck and take it easy :)

    Many have said drink lots of water.... I am totally going to do this. :)
  • Working out is actually the best thing you can do. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins. Endorphins act as a natural pain killer and as the endorphin levels elevate, your pain level will lower. Aerobic exercises such as walking, biking, swimming and running can help to raise your endorphin level and reduce your pain. The endorphin benefits may build up with more activity, so instead of exercising only during painful periods, aim to exercise throughout the month.
  • mycatas
    mycatas Posts: 20
    I'm a runner and it definitely DOES NOT help me to exercise when I have cramps. I've thrown up a few times trying to push through the pain, because I've always read it was supposed to help. I think it really varies from person to person.

    I recommend keeping moving but do something low key like walking or doing yard work. And take a handful of midol with gallon of water!
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    I just ease up on my work out a bit during AF (anut flow) example I normaly do 60min work out or more per day on the days AF is here I do only 30-40min and less intense (walking or stationarie bike at the gym). I Also LOVE and could not work threw AF without my Diva cup that thing is a life saver if you have never heard of one google it they are fantastic I will NEVER EVER go back to pads or tampons EVER again

    Hey Stephi - I 'graduated' to the mooncup last year and also would never go back to pads and tampons. It's a bit icky during the really heavy 48 hours but no worse than changing a super plus tampon every hour! And SO-o-o-o much cheaper! Plus I haven't had thrush at all since using the cup. Feels safer when exercising too.

    B x
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    You should eat the same amount of food you do on a regular day. Don't eat less. Your body is losing blood and is trying to regenerate from the loss - that's why you feel so hungry- I feel the same way. It's kinda like after you donate blood. You are starving bc of blood loss.

    And I would recommend to exercise on those days. It will help your body to get rid of the "red stuff" and might even make it shorter. And it does work. I use to have 7-8 days periods. I know terribly long. And know it's down to 6. Which I am really fine with it. And take a notice that I am on the pill. Can you imagine how bad would it be without it?

    I know it's hard to make yourself work out on those days. But do something light. Or regular exercises but on lower pace. An I would of course Skip the crunches :) and make sure to drink to s of water.

    Hope it helps :)
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Just walk at a moderate pace. It will help releive the pain from the cramps and you will burn some calories in the process.
    I use those thermocare heat pads for menstral cramps, they stick on your panties and really do help to relieve the pain from the cramps. Keeps me moving with no problems.
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    For me I try to keep moving. I do alot of stretches for my back to relieve cramps and try to go for walks. Just drink extra water and do what you can.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    my cramps were VERY bad, to the point where my doctor prescribed controlled pain meds. working out NEVER helped, especially because half the time i was in too much pain to walk. i feel your pain!

    i started having protein drinks to fill me up during that time, and it REALLY helped! i used chocolate protein powder, which was great the chocolate cravings, too.

    i'm on birth control now, and it's AMAZING! the cramps are "normal" now, to the point where i'm one of those girls who can say "working out helps", usually taking a walk makes them feel better, as long as i'm moving, and the cravings are much more controllable now.

    if birth control isn't an option, try getting lots of protein, and don't worry about taking a few days off a month! you need some rest anyway! and i hear that your body need a couple hundred extra calories during TOM, or right before anyway, so have an extra snack to get over the cravings and don't worry about it!! good luck!!
  • cds193
    cds193 Posts: 12 Member
    Anyone have problems with their Birth Control when they lost weight? Mine no longer keeps me regular. I end up having my TOM every two weeks. However I don't have major cramps but I am bloated and retain water like crazy.
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    usually i try to go for a long, slow walk on the days i'm too sore to go to the gym. i would eat however many calories mfp has designated you to eat!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My advice is drink plenty of water. And doesn't MFP build back in your exercise calories? So if you don't exercise, just eat at your goal calories. And if the scale numbers discourage you, stay away from the scale during that time. It'll go back to normal in a week.
  • xxamzxxx
    xxamzxxx Posts: 23
    first day of diet and its my star week to (typical) im following a 1200 cal diet and im not going to lower it coz its totm as at this time i get mega cravings anyway, so trying to lower it even more will end in disaster and you will end up over eating. well i think i would lol gd luck to everyone x
  • So I did my 15 minute moderate dog walk and I got through it no problem. :) I'll do one or two more before the day is out. So that really helped and on a 95 degree day like today I am drinking lots and lots of water like everyone suggested. I hope this helps for next day or two keeping with my calories too. :)

    Thanks for all the information and support.

    <3 Jackie
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    lmfaooooo... did you see the other one? I love this one too.....;NR=1

    Boy, do I wanna PUNCH her. :} I wonder if it's my TOM...
    *sarcastic snicker*
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    My doctor recommended taking magnesioum daily and eating magnesium rich foods, also exercise does really help. ever since I started taking magnesium for a full month, no cramps