Fruit & Sugar

I am a pretty strict vegetarian.
Besides the occasional halved cookie with a coworker
I don't really do many sweets.

I use stevia instead of sugar
I sweeten with honey (after realizing how sugar intense! that is after this morning, I'll be stopping that)

But it is blowing my mind how much fruit is putting me over on my sugar intake!!!
I make my own strawberry/vinegar dressing
I usually have a fruit with breakfast
An apple is my go-to midday snack
I crave grapes constantly

I love love love love love love my fruit!
How worried should I be about the high sugar intake from fruit?!
Since it's not processed sugar, but natural complex sugar should I not be as worried when my little counter numbers are in the red saying -14 in regards to my over indulgence?

Or should I skip the fruit with lunch?


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    All of my sugar is from fruit or chocolate milk after a long workout. I don't even look at it or have it set to be visible on my diary.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    All of my sugar is from fruit or chocolate milk after a long workout. I don't even look at it or have it set to be visible on my diary.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Sugar is sugar (search these forums for the MANY different conversations on this topic). However, sugar from natural sources (fruit, etc...) generally comes along with other important and healthy nutrients (fiber, vitamins, etc...). I am not sure that I would be TOO awful worried about it if you are a bit over on your sugar intake but like everything else, too much of anything isn't generally a good thing.
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    sugar is sugar, in other words ur body cannot tell the difference where it comes from. so u have to decide wats more important to u, if ur over on fruit or candy, its all the same to ur body and u are spiking ur insuling levels which causes fat storage.. so its basically up to u decide which is more important.. at the end of the day it doesnt matter where the sugar comes from it all affects ur body/insulin exactly the same! there are im sure 100's of forums on the subject..ive posted this at least 10 times.. search them if u need more information...
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Per sh0ck says "Sugar is sugar" (once it's in your bloodstream).

    Sugar from fruit is complex sugar so it takes a while to be digested and turned into glucose. Sugar sugar ("aw, honey, honey"*), as in glucose, gets into the bloodstream pretty quickly - something like 30 minutes (+/-) and, if you take in scads of it, it can cause blood sugar spikes.

    As with most things, do it in moderation. Sometimes you may want high glucose foods (such as before exercise) while other times fruits and complex carbs are more appropriate.

    Just for G&G, Google "glycemic index". The Wiki ( can be a very, very good source of info.

    *What, you don't remember The Archies
  • PerceptionFitness
    PerceptionFitness Posts: 8 Member
    It is VERY important for you to meet your sugar goals,one of the most important! Fructose is the sugar that comes from fruit and too much of it raises uric acid levels in the body which is one of the eading l causes of diabetes, cancer, stroke and heart attack! Sugar is the culprit for most ailments including weigh gain. It hides in most foods, so be careful and read labels of ALL packed foods. You should not be having more than about 1 1/2 to 2 pieces of fruit daily. That being said, you should load up on green veggies! Grapes have one the highest amounts of sugar. I wouldnt tell you to not eat them, c'mon they are grapes! BUT, no more than a few a day. Fruits with the least amount of sugar: grapefruit, pears, oranges, apples, all dark berries...