Fit mommies inspirational journeys


Falling out of fitness routine is very easy when u r a busy mom, wife, student and have a job. Please share your story with me. I have dallen out of my fitness wagon for 2 years and I feel its time for me to come back.


  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Hi, I'm also a busy Mam of two, aged nearly 3 and 4.5, I work full time too. I've recently decided to get myself into shape, for both me and so that they have a good role model and they understand that we need to eat healthy and exercise. I'm doing T25 (beach body) 3-4 times per week on an evening when they go to bed, and I'm eating more healthily. It's not easy, and I don't really have lots to lose, but I'm seeing results already and that's motivating me.

    Good luck x
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I've got a 3 year old and a 9 month old (I'm a SAHM, but my husband is gone for half the year every year which is always fun and not stressful... lol) - my husband and I both make sure to workout at home in front of the kids, and encourage our 3 year old to join in (with modifications of course). We practice moderation when it comes to food - we don't demonize certain foods or label healthy/unhealthy, but instead teach appropriate portions. If I can't find time to exercise during the day, I do it at night after the kids are in bed. Sometimes that means the house doesn't get cleaned, but I'd rather focus on me for that 30 minutes then some dishes that can wait until later. It's hard, but eventually you realize you can make excuses, or you can make results. Maybe look into a planner where you can track everything you need to do so you can find times to work on your fitness? Good luck!
  • mrsksepulveda
    mrsksepulveda Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm also a busy Mam of two, aged nearly 3 and 4.5, I work full time too. I've recently decided to get myself into shape, for both me and so that they have a good role model and they understand that we need to eat healthy and exercise. I'm doing T25 (beach body) 3-4 times per week on an evening when they go to bed, and I'm eating more healthily. It's not easy, and I don't really have lots to lose, but I'm seeing results already and that's motivating me.

    Good luck x
    How do you like it? I am doing p90x3 and I can already see results. I am going on my 3rd week and looking forward every day. Can i add you ?
    Thank you for replying &
    Good luck to you too!

  • mrsksepulveda
    mrsksepulveda Posts: 15 Member
    I've got a 3 year old and a 9 month old (I'm a SAHM, but my husband is gone for half the year every year which is always fun and not stressful... lol) - my husband and I both make sure to workout at home in front of the kids, and encourage our 3 year old to join in (with modifications of course). We practice moderation when it comes to food - we don't demonize certain foods or label healthy/unhealthy, but instead teach appropriate portions. If I can't find time to exercise during the day, I do it at night after the kids are in bed. Sometimes that means the house doesn't get cleaned, but I'd rather focus on me for that 30 minutes then some dishes that can wait until later. It's hard, but eventually you realize you can make excuses, or you can make results. Maybe look into a planner where you can track everything you need to do so you can find times to work on your fitness? Good luck!

    You are totally right! I just started a few weeks ago and my hubby and I also tell the kids to join and they love it. After my surgery i got unfocused and lazy. I gained weight and felt comfy. Not a. Good thing of course. I live going to the gym and do some classes somehow that motivates me more then doing it at home. This time my hubby joined me doing p90x3 and has gotten me back into my everyday routine. Im starting with 6 days a week (30 mins). I guess is accountability what helps me. Do you guys have a challenge group? Please add me. Your stories are inspiring
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Hi, I'm also a busy Mam of two, aged nearly 3 and 4.5, I work full time too. I've recently decided to get myself into shape, for both me and so that they have a good role model and they understand that we need to eat healthy and exercise. I'm doing T25 (beach body) 3-4 times per week on an evening when they go to bed, and I'm eating more healthily. It's not easy, and I don't really have lots to lose, but I'm seeing results already and that's motivating me.

    Good luck x
    How do you like it? I am doing p90x3 and I can already see results. I am going on my 3rd week and looking forward every day. Can i add you ?
    Thank you for replying &
    Good luck to you too!

    Yes add me, I'm not sure how you do it!!

    I like T25 because it's 25 minutes intensive and it's working. I've done insanity before too. I've looked at p90 before, it looks really good.