Going vegan :/



  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    edited February 2017
    Aaaargh, Freelee. *shudders*

    Please do not do her diet! I was brought up in a meat-free household and she eats more bananas in a week than I have done in 30 FREAKING YEARS.

    There are gelatine-free multi-vits around by the way.
  • lightbluebear
    lightbluebear Posts: 21 Member
    @physiquelore I know she is wrong on so many things. I like her mostly just to keep me motivated on being vegan/vegetarian. I saw the animals that suffer and I didn't want to eat them no longer. Not because I thought it benefit my health but because the animal suffer a death and all it's life. I watch other vegan YouTube channels too. I watch them just to keep doing it. I love reading the comments on the videos hearing stories of people as well. After watching the egg industry and the dairy industry videos it made me feel bad I kept eating it. I felt my vegetarianism wasn't enough to help for these animals. Also I got a car with no leather seats. It was kind of hard because this car is from 2008 and about 80% that were selling had leather. I don't wear make up but if I buy any I will make sure it is not tested on animals and don't use animal products in it. Lots of looking up on Google but it will make me feel a lot better inside that I am doing my best to avoid these products that use animals. I care about the animals. I have a dog. I see these animals as him sometimes. I wouldn't want him to suffer what these animals have to suffer through too.

    @estherdragonbat This story is really touching. Really didn't know someone could be allergic to chicken. I will figure out ways to cook for myself once my family goes grocery shopping and I have a list.
  • lightbluebear
    lightbluebear Posts: 21 Member
    Aaaargh, Freelee. *shudders*

    Please do not do her diet! I was brought up in a meat-free household and she eats more bananas in a week than I have done in 30 FREAKING YEARS.

    Don't worry I won't :D She is entertaining in her crazy weird ways. I promise I won't buy her book or drink her smoothies with 10 bananas in it! Lol
  • UltraVegRunnerBabe
    UltraVegRunnerBabe Posts: 163 Member
    My parents thought me being vegetarian was such a huge problem. Now I told them today I don't want eat dairy or eggs. I want to lose weight. My family loves comfort food... I told my mom I gained 20 pounds in 2 years. She told me well one time you ate two frozen meals. Blaming me for gaining weight like always... My family is all overweight except my older brother. They don't even try to improve our diet of pizzas, pastas, and eating out... They think taking a walk will help us lose weight. If we don't eat healthy how will we ever lose weight? I am going vegan to avoid the pizza, desserts, and cheesy grossness. If anyone can relate going vegan, vegetarian or same family situation send a friend request. I love to talk about it more.

    I went vegan for the same reasons, because I wanted to avoid icecream and pizza, but my dad bought be vegan icecream everyday and I was so excited to try it that I gained 10 lbs in a month. Then I decided to educate myself more and go whole-foods RT4 and I currently don't eat anything with salt or oil, I'm 20+ lbs lighter and happier...
  • rakeshuky
    rakeshuky Posts: 3 Member
    I started to read this book Thrive: The vegan nutrition guide its really very informative and its helping me with so many options and also information about Stress and stuff.