Any body advise me please low carb kind of

Hi. I don't know if you can look at my profile meal wise and exercise but I can't upload pictures?
I've started low carb diet staying under 50g per day. No bread potatos rice etc.
I do 3 mile walking 3 days per week plus 2 big walks a week between 6-8 mile with hills/inclines. Head phones on music playing and away I go. Average speed is 3.4 mostly and upto 5mph. I have pressure tight feeling in lower calves near ankles, don't know what it is but effects my walking but I wal through the pain. I have a 10kg kettlebell and do 5 sets of 20 rep swings 3 times per week (I love these) . I'm currently unable go to gym doctors orders as my HR is high when using equipment but doesn't make me feel out of breath etc so no suggestions of a gym please.
Basically I'm wanting to know if I keep up the walking and vary it in terrain and length along with a low carb high fat diet will I see any changes in weight.
I'm currently on average protein 40-50% fat 40-60% and carbs 20-40 varies but usually around them.
I'm 5ft 5 and 95kg. I do have heart problems Eg arrhythmia, fast heart rate and slow, these don't effect me much (that I know of) I do retain water sometimes.

Just bit of advice please I want make sure I going right way


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Just keep following your doctor's suggestions. You don't have to exercise to lose weight, but you do have to keep your calories at a level that will be a little less than you use a day. The number of carbs isn't important unless your doctor says it is. It's all about the calories. Did your doctor give you a calorie goal?
  • mldhall
    mldhall Posts: 5 Member
    With your legs is it almost a cramping/shooting pain? At the lower part of your legs? It could be shin splints? I get it when I'm waking on the treadmill on an incline or uphill fast. It's hard to go through it but you can stretch this area (Google stretches for shin/calf). Do it before and after and it should ease it.

    Diet can help massively to lose weight, exercise helps to tone and help your health as well.
  • claytonmoorman
    claytonmoorman Posts: 1 Member
    If you want the most legitimate answer to your diet questions, I suggest you try meeting with a dietician in your area
  • jennjensp25
    jennjensp25 Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi guys forgot to say my calorie intake is by MFP set at 1200 but my daily cals a day very rarely get to that. For Eg
    Breakfast :2 boiled eggs and 25g cheese
    Lunch: tin tuna with mayo and mixed leaf lettuce or crispy lettuce.

    Dinner : meat usually chicken or beef with brocolli and colliflour with 30ml gravy
    Even with snacks and coffees I rarely get upto that amount.

    As for the pain in my lower legs yes I do have shin splints too, I used to walk in warehouse upto 60 miles per week working even then lost no weight lol
    The pain is like upper foot and ankle and lower calf like just as calves start it's like a tight swelling feeling but I walk through it.

    My average intake of food is between 800-1000 call a day then MFP knocks off my walking calories which is on a long walk over 500 I've burnt and says I can't log food as not eaten enough? I'm at a loss and don't know how I'm gonna do this!
    Doctor told me and dietician to eat 1650 call a day??? WTF I get nowhere near!!!

    I've seen a dietician before who says I don't eat enough but how do you eat if your full?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Well, for one thing, eat some fats. If your doctor has told you to eat 1650 then find a way to do that. Nuts, avocado, butter, olive oil, peanut butter, cheese, full fat dairy like milk, sour cream, plain yogurt. Under eating is going to backfire on you - eat larger portions or eat snacks. If you are exercising, you need even more. If you're not able to get your calories up, go back to the doctor.

    Why did you choose to lower your carbs?
  • cbaughman07
    cbaughman07 Posts: 29 Member
    Like others I would say see a dietitian. I had similar experience, was gaining weight or maintaining it while walking about 20 miles a week at work. I cut my calories to lose weight to about 700 to 900 per day. This was done by eating healthy not intentionally eating that many, and I wasn't losing weight. Turns out my body was in starvation mode from not eating enough. My doctor told me to start eating at least 1200 calories and I started losing weight. I ate something every 2 hours to keep my matabalism up. It wasn't a meal but maybe some string cheese, nuts, piece of fruit, or some veggies with yogurt dill dip. Made a big difference. Good luck!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Like others I would say see a dietitian. I had similar experience, was gaining weight or maintaining it while walking about 20 miles a week at work. I cut my calories to lose weight to about 700 to 900 per day. This was done by eating healthy not intentionally eating that many, and I wasn't losing weight. Turns out my body was in starvation mode from not eating enough. My doctor told me to start eating at least 1200 calories and I started losing weight. I ate something every 2 hours to keep my matabalism up. It wasn't a meal but maybe some string cheese, nuts, piece of fruit, or some veggies with yogurt dill dip. Made a big difference. Good luck!

    starvation mode in that effect is not real. and meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. it can help with people who have insulin issues,but eating every 2 hrs doesnt boost metabolism. you dont stop losing weight because you are starving,if that were true people in 3rd world countries,concentration camps and those with eating disorders(anorexia) would not be skin and bones.

    starvation is one thing. if you are truly starving your body will use fat and muscle to fuel it,your metabolism will slow down and eventually your organs start failing if its done long term. what happens when you eat lower calories is your body adapts and burns less calories to make up for the smaller amount of calories you are taking in.
  • jennjensp25
    jennjensp25 Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi guys thanks for replies.
    I started on low carb diet as doctor said there is too many carbs in my diet. Eg carbs 60-70% of my diet. He suggested low carb diet along with dietician. I explained I can't physically eat that much food in a day. I was in 2001 aneroxic and they recokn that has effected my body with the way it stores fat?? I don't know but that's what they say.

    I chose low carb as I think yes my diet consisted of a lot of cabs so reducING them can't be a bad idea, I've tried slimming world etc and never lose anymore than 7lb in 3 months.

    I have for snacks baby bell cheese, few slices of chicken meat or any meat, walnuts or sugar free jelly, my breakfast I never use to have years ago but I force it within an hour of getting up otherwise I won't eat till dinner time. Lunch I'm not hungry so I always have at least something small, couple boiled eggs/ tuna n mayo or few pieces of bacon.
    My dinner meal is always meat veg or something like that but a proper meal as my partner gets home from work.
    So say breakfast 8.30am
    Snack 10am
    Lunch 1pm
    Snack 3pm
    Dinner 6pm
    Snack 9pm

    I'm not working at mo so sedentry lifestyle apart from my walks so MFP put me on 1200 cals a day. The doctor and dietician said 1200 is lowest I can go.
    I had my bloods done couple years ago to check thyroid problems but all clear.
    Like I've said before I was aneroxic in 2001 I was below size zero. I used to eat if I was lucky 1pkt quavers crisps a day, I used to walk miles. I've seen how the body uses your fat when it has no incoming food to use as energy and your Badcall eating yourself, now I don't wanna be that size again. I'm a 16 and be happy be a 12/14 and go from 15 st to 11.5 -12st as that suits my body frame as I'm quite big boned as they say.
    If you can suggest foods to eat in smaller portions but higher in calories but obviously not bad foods that would be great