How do you log you strength excersices in the diary?

Hey so I've been working out 3x a week on strength with weights etc but I find it very hard to log it in the diary because it varies a LOT by day and I honeslty don't know how to find all the things I do.. how do u guys do it?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Search 'strength training' under cardio
  • jkerocks1
    jkerocks1 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree Shirley, this app does not appear to consider calorie burn, just weight and reps? I am searching for better weight training app to monitor my fitness and progress, and would appreciate any suggestions too. I am trying JEFIT now.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    To get a (mostly likely high) estimate of calories burned and log minutes, go under cardio and search strength training.

    I don't like the strength training "log" itself on here. I keep my log in a 5x7 notebook, with weights, reps, sets.
  • shiri171
    shiri171 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree it's very hard to find the proper excersice in the strength option. I guess I'll just use another app or as suggested a notebook.. shame though would've loved to have it all in one place. Thank for the help <3
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Only the CV section of your diary adds calories.
    Simply log the duration of your workout under CV section as "strength training" - you get a rough estimate based on METS and your weight.
  • shiri171
    shiri171 Posts: 16 Member

    @sijomial that's brilliant, thank you! :)
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I log it under strength to track progression, but don't log any calories burned
  • abs1970
    abs1970 Posts: 235 Member
    @sijomial thank you so much - this is really helpful. I've been adding my own strength training under 'strength' but so frustrated that it doesn't track calories etc.
  • bkleemd
    bkleemd Posts: 3 Member
    I wear a heart rate monitor and the app keeps track of calories burned during a workout. It doesn't really get in the way when lifting, maybe just the bench press a little.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    bkleemd wrote: »
    I wear a heart rate monitor and the app keeps track of calories burned during a workout. It doesn't really get in the way when lifting, maybe just the bench press a little.

    Heart rate monitors are fairly inaccurate for lifting
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    shiri171 wrote: »
    Hey so I've been working out 3x a week on strength with weights etc but I find it very hard to log it in the diary because it varies a LOT by day and I honeslty don't know how to find all the things I do.. how do u guys do it?

    If it is strictly a lifting program for that day: Diary; Exercise; Add Exercise; Cardio; Strength Training; time in minutes will give me a calorie burn.

    If it is more of a high paced/rapid calisthenics type program: Calisthenics replaces Strength Training.

    What you do with those calories is up to you. Some ignore them, some eat half back, some eat all back. Take your pick, check your results and, if happy, continue. If not satisfied, change. There will be an element of trial and error here. Have fun with it and see how it goes.