Maintainers weekly Check-in March 2017

Hey there maintenance friends old and new!!! This thread is a continuation from the previous month. The aim of this thread is to have a weekly weigh-in check for some accountability or support.

Total Weight lost:
Time it took to lose:
How long in maintenance:
Maintenance weight range:
Average weight recorded from February:

Week of...
6th March:
13th March:
20th March:
27th March:

Success/struggles of the week:


  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread @fidangul. I also think it would be good to carry forth the average from January.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    That's a good idea. Just add before the February average.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    Total Weight lost: 48kg
    Time it took to lose: 1 year
    How long in maintenance: 10 months
    Maintenance weight range: 73.3kg and below

    Average weight recorded from January: 72.8kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 72.3kg

    Week of...
    6th March:
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week:
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Name: Nikki
    Total weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2 years (maintenance was hard for me)
    How long in maintenance: 6 months
    Maintenance range: 140 - 145

    Average weight recorded from January: 144.6
    Average weight recorded from February: 142.4

    Week of...
    February 27: 141.6
    March 6:
    March 13:
    March 20:
    March 27:

    Success/struggles of the week
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread for this month Fidan.

    Name: Mandy
    Total Weight lost: 4 stone (56lbs)
    Time it took to lose: 16 months
    How long in maintenance: 8.5 months (it's getting longer! :smile:)
    Maintenance weight range: 137 - 142lbs (aiming to lower this a little over time so that 140 is my max)

    Average weight recorded for January: 141.9lbs
    Average weight recorded for February: 141.2lbs

    Week of...
    24th February (for ref): 140.4lbs
    3rd March:
    10th March:
    17th March:
    24th March:
    31st March:

    Success/struggles of the week:
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    So I've been 140 range for the past year and want to go back down to 135 range...

    Feb. 27th - 143.0 (had Pizza Hut Sunday night... hoping it goes back down since I've averaged 1400 calories for the week and my TDEE is supposed to be 1750).
  • bradkyleeheller
    bradkyleeheller Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks again Findan for carrying this thread to a new month.

    Name: Kylee
    Total Weight lost: 9kg
    Time it took to lose: 3 months
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 57- 59 kg

    Average weight recorded from January: 58.2 kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 57.4kg

    Week of...
    6th March:
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week:
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm still here-just busy with new house :) Going to just enter this week's info here in the March thread, to simplify things on my end!

    Name: Sara
    Total Weight lost: 50ish pounds
    Time it took to lose: 6 months + a few months of slower loss as I transitioned into maintenance
    How long in maintenance: 3+ years
    Maintenance weight range: I've gone back into a short weight loss phase to get this down to 122lbs-125lbs (from 130lbs-135lbs)

    Average weight recorded from February: fluctuated between 128lbs-129lbs most of the month

    Week of...
    February 27: 127.6
    March 6:
    March 13:
    March 20:
    March 27:

    Success/struggles of the week-doing the 800g veggies and fruit challenge this week and saw an unexpected 1lb drop on the scale this morning. Someone said it could be water weight being flushed out by my higher potassium intake? Whatever happened, it was a nice little surprise :)
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    edited March 2017
    mk here

    114 average for last two months.

    Guess what? yep, 114 this week, too.

    I did get back to running this past week, weather permitting. My leg/hip feel good and am beyond happy to be able to run again!

    P.S. Thanks @fidangul for continuing this thread!
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    Name: Mandy
    Total Weight lost: 4 stone (56lbs)
    Time it took to lose: 16 months
    How long in maintenance: 8.5 months (it's getting longer! :smile:)
    Maintenance weight range: 137 - 142lbs (aiming to lower this a little over time so that 140 is my max)

    Average weight recorded for January: 141.9lbs
    Average weight recorded for February: 141.2lbs

    Week of...
    24th February (for ref): 140.4lbs
    3rd March: 140.4lbs
    10th March:
    17th March:
    24th March:
    31st March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Started this week really badly (very hungry for some reason and ate loads) but managed to rein it in by Wednesday and I'm happy with how the week ended. My PT session at the gym was cancelled last Friday but has been rearranged for tonight instead. Looking forward to that! Have a good week all!
  • powered85
    powered85 Posts: 297 Member
    Total Weight lost: 85lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 2.5yrs
    Maintenance weight range: 165-170lbs (6' M)

    Week of...
    End January: 168.0lbs
    End February: 171.5lbs
    3rd March: 171.2lbs
    10th March:
    17th March:
    24th March:
    31st March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Tightening up the logging after a very bumpy February of vacations and travel. Seeing progress already.

    Also finally bought a treadmill for home. This will kick start my motivation as still have another month or two of cold weather off and on.

    Finally I'm committing to more whole foods and less crackers/candy for quick snacks along with adding more protein. Time will tell but really want to get down to mid 160's for race season.
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    How long in maintenance - 6 months
    Maintenance weigh range 210-214

    average weight January 212
    average weight February 211

    Week of march 5 - 210

    Success/Struggles- trying to get enough calories without drinking them. I hate protein shakes and getting a shamrock shake everyday is getting tireding
  • bradkyleeheller
    bradkyleeheller Posts: 18 Member

    Name: Kylee
    Total Weight lost: 9kg
    Time it took to lose: 3 months
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 57- 59 kg

    Average weight recorded from January: 58.2 kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 57.4kg

    Week of...
    6th March: 56.8kg
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: I realalized only because of these threads I am still on a downward trend with my weight so I have upped my calorie intake. Even with eating over my calories every day and a couple of days of really going over my calories (baskin robins vertical Sundays twice this week) is not making much difference. I haven't been doing anything else other than steps averaged 16,500 per day and a little bit of weight training on my upper body.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    Name: Phoebe
    Total Weight lost: 40-45ish
    Time it took to lose: 15 months
    How long in maintenance: 16 months, but I had some regain about 6 months ago, and am just now getting back to where I was then. I'd like to lose another 5-10 pounds over the next year, to get my BMI out of the overweight range. So not 100% maintaining yet, but there's not a huge difference between maintaining and very slow loss.
    Maintenance weight range: 140-155
    Average weight recorded from January: 155.9
    Average weight recorded from February: 153.5

    Week of...
    5th March: 150.8 by scale, 152.1 by trend
    12th March:
    19th March:
    26th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Stupid brain freaking out and throwing my eating all off. My Excel schedule says I'm eating within 100 calories a day of what should be my sedentary maintenance for this weight, but I'm losing 0.6 pounds a week. Trying to decide if the swimming I'm doing is actually burning a significant number of calories and I should eat some back, or if this is just random fluctuation and next month I'm going to eat the same amount and gain as things balance out. When I've experimented with logging exercise before, my NEAT and the slop in my logging changed enough that they pretty much exactly cancelled out all the exercise calories. Still too early to know if that will be the case this time, too. But my brain is apparently super unhappy about the intake vs weight change discrepancy, and wants some disordered eating to soothe itself. Worthless brain!
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Name: Tina
    Total weight lost: 60ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: ~8 months
    How long in maintenance: > 1 year
    Maintenance weight range: 108-114 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 109 lbs
    Average weight recorded from February: 109 lbs

    Week of...
    6th March: 111.4 lbs
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: I've been stressed all week. Midterms tend to do that. Friday was especially stressful; I don't think I panicked as much as I did then when my laptop, which holds ALL of my schoolwork, wouldn't turn on. Perhaps I should invest in Cloud storage. This weekend, I was very tired, and I didn't feel rested even after 7.5 hours of sleep. *sigh* Idk. It's a new week now, and I hope things get better.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Total Weight lost: ~70 lbs (I dropped about 10 lbs below original goal)
    Time it took to lose: 10 months (to original goal)
    How long in maintenance: since July 2016
    Maintenance weight range: 126 - 130 lbs
    Average weight recorded from January: 127.1
    Average weight recorded from February: 126.5

    Week of...
    6th March: 126.2
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: I didn't really have any major struggles or successes this week. I guess that is part of maintenance. Just keeping the eating and the activity levels pretty equal.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    Total Weight lost: 48kg
    Time it took to lose: 1 year
    How long in maintenance: 10 months
    Maintenance weight range: 73.3kg and below
    Average weight recorded from March: 72.8kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 72.3kg

    Week of...
    6th March: 72.1kg
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: the past week I have been indulging on high calorie snacks for not reason but sheer frustration. I have not been keeping and eye on my food intake. A pattern is beginning to emerge. Nevertheless, I think that due to sticking MFP for so long my 'CICO' habits have changed naturally and for the better.