Challenge: Lose 20lbs in 10 Weeks. START: Feb 25th & END May 6.

dayle312 Posts: 6 Member
edited February 2017 in Challenges

I am gearing up for the summer during which I am going to be backpacking the Pacific Crest Trail. I have gained about 20 lbs over the past few years and I would really like to lose it before I go on this hike. It will be much easier on my knees and body if I lose the weight before I go. I am flying out May 8th so my goal is to lose 20lbs in the next 10 weeks. That is two pounds a week-- pretty rigorous! Do you want to put in ten goods weeks of exercise, healthy eating, and caring for your body! Please join me. In order to do this, we will all need a community to stand together.

Today, I am excited to begin. I weigh in today at 173 lbs. My goal weight is 153lbs.

I have set MFP to lose two lbs a week, which means that I am eating 1440 calories per day and working out 5 days a week. I am setting my diary to open so that I can share with you and I think that this is a good way for all who accept the challenge to remain accountable.

Do you accept the challenge? What are your stats? Can you take start pictures and post today? What is motivating you to lose weight?

I hope that you will join me in this! I know I need support and people to hold me accountable.


Week 0: 2.25.17-- 173 lbs.
Week 1: 3.4.17
Week 2: 3.11.17
Week 3: 3.18.17
Week 4: 3.25.17
Week 5: 4.1.17
Week 6: 4.8.17
Week 7: 4.15.17
Week 8: 4.22.17
Week 9: 4.29.17
Week 10: 5.6.17


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Week 10 <3
    Lots of great hiking in San Diego. Wishing you much success!
  • bernadinegail
    bernadinegail Posts: 20 Member
    I am new to this so I am hoing to give it a try.
  • Waterkell
    Waterkell Posts: 3 Member
    Is this a challenge we can join, or do we just do it? Please add me as I would like to get in on this :)
  • karenaallen31
    karenaallen31 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in on this challenge....I actually started on Tuesday...Feb 21st---April 29th...but will continue to May 6th...My goal was 20 pounds also...
  • mabieknott
    mabieknott Posts: 16 Member
    Please add me. Starting weight Feb.26 - 193
  • bernadinegail
    bernadinegail Posts: 20 Member
    How do you get added to this group?
  • comeonnow142857
    comeonnow142857 Posts: 310 Member
    Sure why not. Starting weight 198lbs
  • dayle312
    dayle312 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! My plan is to check in every Saturday and to post on this thread when i need support and to give encouragement. If any of you know how to begin a challenge other than just a thread, please post! I don't know how. Glad you all want to join! I think we'll do much better together. I'm feeling a little hungry and deprived. I'm gonna go have a cup of hot chocolate that's fits my plan and watch some TV to feel indulged. How are you all?
  • Berniebutt773
    Berniebutt773 Posts: 28 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm in. I won't make my diary open but accept all other. Starting weight 185
  • Berniebutt773
    Berniebutt773 Posts: 28 Member
    How does one actually join this challenge???
  • amywillloseit2015
    amywillloseit2015 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I am going to try this challenge! I gained my weight back that I had lost so I am starting over. I would love to even lose 10lbs by then but 20 would be great! I need to lose about 40. This is a great way to jump start myself.
  • dayle312
    dayle312 Posts: 6 Member
    Great! Glad you all are in. One day at a time! I have a sweet tooth. Do you have any go to snacks when you're craving sugar or some other food?
  • Just_Kisha
    Just_Kisha Posts: 189 Member
    edited March 2017
    Aloha Anna, I only have a little over 10 lbs left but I would love to join the challenge.

    My current weight is 145.2 and I would like to get down to 135. I am 5'5 1/2.
  • Freykm16
    Freykm16 Posts: 3 Member
    I am in! Is there something else I need to join, or just this post?
  • ldmays41
    ldmays41 Posts: 2 Member
    Let's Go!
    Starting Weight Feb 25Th : 132
    Current: 133
    Goal: 110
    Height: 5' 3
  • bercyn1291
    bercyn1291 Posts: 18 Member
    I am joining this challenge today.
    Current weight: 160
    Ultimate goal: 122
    Current Goal: 5lbs down by March 31.
  • dayle312
    dayle312 Posts: 6 Member
    Hope you all are having a great morning! It's almost Friday. Thinking of you ladies. We got this!
  • dayle312
    dayle312 Posts: 6 Member
    Week 1-- 173.0
    Week 2-- 165.4
    Week 3--
    Week 4--
    Week 5--
    Week 6--
    Week 7--
    Week 8--
    Week 9--
    Week 10--

    Big drop this week. Obviously a lot of water. Feeling good!
  • bernadinegail
    bernadinegail Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2017
    Week 1- weighed 2-25th 183 lbs
    week 2- 3-4 weighed 182 lbs.
    Lost 1 lb.
    Had problems staying motivated
    Ate healther until bedtime though.
    Starting to increase my exercises to more per day.