Week 2 Weight in...,.,

I've struggled as long as I can remember to keep weight on. Eating has always been a chore for me. Looking for tips in my busy life to pack on some mass. 4 pounds 1 week, second week weigh in is tomorrow. Hoping for at least a 1lb


  • merrysailor88
    merrysailor88 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Try to pack as many calories as you can into the meals you do eat. go full fat on everything.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Don't eat too much and get fat. Eat slightly over your TDEE and aim for 0.5-0.75lbs a week.
  • ZanderCasy
    ZanderCasy Posts: 23 Member
  • ZanderCasy
    ZanderCasy Posts: 23 Member
    This was me last week. I'm not gonna get fat. It's impossible if you saw anyone in my family. Just try to get some mass over time. Thanks for the tips. Hardest thing for me is to eat. Just making it a priority
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    jctwinssg wrote: »
    This was me last week. I'm not gonna get fat. It's impossible if you saw anyone in my family. Just try to get some mass over time. Thanks for the tips. Hardest thing for me is to eat. Just making it a priority

    Oh, it's very possible. I've seen some serious "hardgainers" go from skinny as hell, to severe manboobs and lovehandles within a couple of months. Overdoing anything can be done. ;)
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    From a guy who weighed 150lbs a couple of years ago to around 170.

    You need to eat a lot. Carbs, Protein and Fats.

    What helped me once I got my eating right was progressive weight training. Squat, squat and do some more squats. Deadlift and clean pulls, cleans (power and full). Press, Push Press, snatch, overhead squat.

    Get a program and stick to it. Meal Prep your food in advance. If your hungry eat again - screw the every three hour mess.

    Eat and train hard. If your not pushing your body it won't grow, lift heavy! Respect the deload week and rest on your your rest days.
  • ZanderCasy
    ZanderCasy Posts: 23 Member
    4 more pounds this week!
  • tomsids
    tomsids Posts: 7 Member
    I struggle to get the calories I need through eating too, so I supplement with liquid calories...I use a serving of myprotein's instant oats, a scoop of protein powder and 2 cups low-fat milk. It's an easy way to add around 700 calories to your diet.
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    Karbolyn is a good carb sup too 1 scoop is 50 grams
  • ZanderCasy
    ZanderCasy Posts: 23 Member
    Thx guys
  • pbryd
    pbryd Posts: 364 Member
    What are your goals, are you lifting weights or just interested in seeing the numbers on the bathroom scale go up?

    This isn't going to end will if you don't plan it properly.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    jctwinssg wrote: »
    This was me last week. I'm not gonna get fat. It's impossible if you saw anyone in my family. Just try to get some mass over time. Thanks for the tips. Hardest thing for me is to eat. Just making it a priority

    how much of your 4 pounds last week do you think was muscle?
  • ZanderCasy
    ZanderCasy Posts: 23 Member
    None of it was muscle. I'm just trying to not look like a skeleton anymore. I'm bustin my butt in the gym and eating a lot of lean meats and veggies. We will have to see what happens. Best wishes jake
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    jctwinssg wrote: »
    None of it was muscle. I'm just trying to not look like a skeleton anymore. I'm bustin my butt in the gym and eating a lot of lean meats and veggies. We will have to see what happens. Best wishes jake

    @jctwinssg I'm sure some of it was muscle.

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    jctwinssg wrote: »
    None of it was muscle. I'm just trying to not look like a skeleton anymore. I'm bustin my butt in the gym and eating a lot of lean meats and veggies. We will have to see what happens. Best wishes jake

    1) Some of it was probably muscle. If you are eating in a surplus and lifting there will be some gain of lean mass.

    2)There is no point gaining fat as it's void of value to your body/health/appearance (unless you are too lean)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    jctwinssg wrote: »
    None of it was muscle. I'm just trying to not look like a skeleton anymore. I'm bustin my butt in the gym and eating a lot of lean meats and veggies. We will have to see what happens. Best wishes jake

    you don't look at all skeletal in your picture.
  • ZanderCasy
    ZanderCasy Posts: 23 Member
    Had a bit of a roadblock this week…… Have a sinus infection that spread it by ear. Hardest thing right now is just having an appetite. Hope everyone has a blessed day
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    How's that sinus recovery going?