Is it really possible to only eat 1200cal per day?



  • monky13grl
    monky13grl Posts: 55 Member
    I have pretty much been doing 1200 calories a day for 6 months. I found that the more water you drink and the more vegetables you stuff into your day, the more full you are. I try to eat between 5-8 servings of vegetables (not fruits) a day.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    It really is. So far iv never been able to go over my 1500 calorie budget, and that's WITHOUT subtracting the calories I burn of from exercise. Trust me it's not that hard. One strategy that I use is instead of eating like 3 big meals a day with a lot of snacks I break it down into about 7-9 small snack/meals. Just make sure there fairly healthy. It keeps me feeling full all day, and it keeps my metabolism on overdrive. And try to drink plenty of water, like around 7-9 glasses a day, it helps keep you feeling less hungry as well. Good luck and stay strong!
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    It is not possible for me. I have tried in the past and gave up way too quickly because I was so crabby and tired. Granted, I am 5'11 and currently 188 pounds, so for me, if I want to lose -1.5 pounds per week, my net is 1600, which has worked well. I usually burn 500-600 calories in exercise per day, and I DO eat my exercise calories back, so I eat about 2100 calories per day. I could never do 1200 without going overboard and also, I know that I would go into starvation mode.

    My advice: try some stuff out and learn to listen to your body. My big accomplishment has been learning how to eat only 1600 on days when I don't exercise, and allowing myself to eat more on days that I exercise a lot. And guess what? I'm losing weight!
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    yes especially if you eat real, clean food. lean meats, vegetables, fruits and I throw in some protein shakes. with this type of food it fills you up and you dont feel as hungry. I also find higher protein keeps me satisfied as well.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    You get used to it. It takes a couple weeks. When I first started tracking about a year ago, I was eating 2300 calories a day. When I tried to restrict myself, I was eating only 1700 calories a day, and that left me so hungry.

    Now, I eat anywhere between 1000 and 1500 calories in a day. 1500 calories actually feels like a splurge and I feel stuffed if I eat that much.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    When I started on MFP I was at 1480 per day. I have lost 43 pounds and now am at 1200 per day and have been for several weeks. I am not finding it hard (as long as I stay away from alcohol) to stay in that range. if you are not staying in that range and are starving I would suggest looking at the following:
    1. What are you spending your calories on? If you are eating a lot of lean meat, vegetables and fruit, you should be getting plenty to eat in that calorie range. You most likely need to give up some items or
    2. You are really thirsty not hungry. When you feel hungry, drink a big glass of cold water and wait 20 minutes to see if you were really hungry or if your body was thirsty.

    Good luck.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It is really hard to only eat 1200 caloires a day, and you really don't need to limit yourself that much in order to lose weight. If you change your weekly weight loss goal to 1 lb. or 1/2 lb. you will get more calories, and probably lose faster anyway.

    The least I ever eat per day is 1530, on a day I don't exercise, and I find that a challenge. I prefer to eat around 1800 calories a day, so I do exercise to make up for at least that much. Depending on how much exercise I do, I may eat up to 2800 calories.

  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    More vegetables. I have a hard time getting to 1200 (I'm supposed to be at 1300). You can also "buy" calories by exercising.

    Me too. I gained weight from undereating.

    So did I. I gained 15 lbs. over the course of year by undereating (without realizing it). I am so active and I had added additional very strenuous workouts without adding food. I only just realized this when I found MFP, and I am pleased to say, once I started eating enough, I have lost 13 of those 15 lbs. in only 2 mos!
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    It was really hard for me at the beginning but I've gotten used to it. Some people eat more and still lose, but I am very short and at a healthy weight... so 1200 calories is what is right for me if I want to lose more weight, and still, I lose very slowly at less than a pound a week.

    But, like someone else here mentioned, if you burn 500 calories in a workout one day, you can eat 1200+500 calories=1700 calories that day. It's a great motivation to workout, isn't it? :)
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    My daily ration is 1440 cals, for a 2 lb per week loss. I'm moderately active - not couch potato but not gym rat. I'm trying to lose 60 lbs total. I don't bargain my calories by exercising more because I'd rather go without food than do more exercise, plus, it's easier to track if I don't mix up the numbers like that. It works and is okay, it's just not for me. I have been able to stay in my cal limit except for one day last week, when I ate 300 cals over, but this is good to keep metabolism active ONLY IF you do it one per week or less and don't double the recommended cal limit. Also, like some others have said, if your body is giving you strong signals that are genuine hunger and not from habit or dehydration, listen to it and eat. Something as little as a handful of walnuts may be all you need to curb the urgency and won't compromise your calories severely. Curbing the feeling will also help prevent overeating at your next meal. Eating small frequent meals helps with the hunger feelings, too.
  • dovenotes
    dovenotes Posts: 46 Member
    There's nothing I love more than eating, and eat pretty much whatever I want, and surprisingly have lost almost 15 pounds so far.
    How I do it is by eating high fiber foods, and protein too. I cut out the simple carbs and only eat whole grain complex carbs. This helps me feel fuller. Stay away from white flour products. They are nothing but trouble. Eat no or low gluten foods. High gluten foods make you hungry. I Always keep measuring cups and spoons at the table when eating. Portion control. It gets to be a game, like wow, I can eat !/4 cup of that instead of a half. This is like saving money!

    Sometimes for breakfast I'll eat a half cantelope with 1/2 cup or less greek yogurt and strawberrries in the center. Feels like I'm eating a house, and yet, reasonable in calories.

    I love that I can exercise and earn more calories to eat. Its also fun when you develope tricks to eat more for less calories. I eat low calorie bread for sandwhiches, and zucchini pizza instead of bread pizza, and so on. Friend request me for more if you like.
  • fit_cici
    fit_cici Posts: 3
    Does cantaloupe really help lose weight? I love cantaloupe and I remember once it was on sale. I bought a lot and ate a whole cantaloupe(:embarassed: ) for dinner every day (that's all for dinner because I was so stuffed and cannot eat anything else anymore). And it last for about a week. And later I found myself lost couple pounds. But I didn't know that was due to cantaloupe.

    So I really should eat more fruit.
    Sometimes for breakfast I'll eat a half cantelope with 1/2 cup or less greek yogurt and strawberrries in the center. Feels like I'm eating a house, and yet, reasonable in calories.
  • fit_cici
    fit_cici Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone. I learned that it was NET cal limit. So I went to gym and burned a little(didn't work out very hard since this is the first day at gym). And after workout and by reading your replies, I found myself not hungry any more. Only had a cup of diet coke. And my net cal is <1200cal now. :happy:
    But I definitely need to learn from your guys on how to eat more healthy food. And your guys are amazing. Reading your words are really encouraging. I really appreciate.
  • dovenotes
    dovenotes Posts: 46 Member
    Do you have a juicer? I feel any healthy food will help with weight loss, though vegetables help more than fruit, because of low sugar content making you less hungry. I have a juicer book that explains how to get rid of sugar and carb cravings which are due to nutritional imbalance. Once you juice up with the right nutrients, you can eliminate some cravings. I did that for a few weeks, and it does work, plus I felt amazing and had lots of energy- though you do have to clean out the juicer!
    Try eating more vegetables. If you are prone to eating allot, cut down a little on the high sugar fruits at first. That being said, I still love cantelope and any melon really.
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    Thanks everyone. I learned that it was NET cal limit. So I went to gym and burned a little(didn't work out very hard since this is the first day at gym). And after workout and by reading your replies, I found myself not hungry any more. Only had a cup of diet coke. And my net cal is <1200cal now. :happy:
    But I definitely need to learn from your guys on how to eat more healthy food. And your guys are amazing. Reading your words are really encouraging. I really appreciate.

    No problem at all! We all had to relearn how to treat ourselves right, and we are still learning! Pretty soon you'll find yourself giving advice and facts you learn from your journey too:smile:
  • BrokenWings
    Absolutely. The issue is you have to eat 3 low calorie, filling meals and 2 snacks a day. The main issue for most people is processed foods or ready meals, both of which are often very high in calories. By eating home-prepared meals, 1200 a day can be easily achieved without feeling hungry. I'll give you some examples of some very filling meals under 400 calories. They're all on the BBC good food website if you want to have a look at the recipie

    Cinnamon porridge with banana and berries (266 calories per serving)
    Classic Pancakes (117)

    Banana and Blueberry Muffins (202 calories per serving)
    Lime and Chilli Pitta Crisps (216)
    Mango and Banana Smoothie (107)

    Carrot and Coriander Soup (115)
    Salsa Soup (74, or double portions for only 148)
    Minestrone in Minutes (162)

    Spanish Rice and Prawn One-Pot (356)
    Chicken and Vegetable Stew with Wholemeal Couscous (347)
    Chilli Chicken Curry (283)
    Hearty Pasta Soup (286)
    Red Thai Salmon Curry (326)

    Fruity Sponge Cake (214)
    Chocolate Biscuit Truffles (114)

    So you could have the cinnamon porridge for breakfast, the muffins as a snack, minestrone for lunch, the salmon curry for dinner with sponge cake for dessert, all for 1170 calories!
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    For a small female, it is. I used to eat 1,400-1,500 but dropped down to 1,200 when I wanted to lose weight. I get hungry at the appropriate times and not any other time. I eat under 200 calories for breakfast, under 400 for lunch (it's usually more like under 300) and under 700 for dinner. I'll splurge occasionally and not worry about it... but I don't find it difficult. Your stomach shrinks after a while.

    You should definitely consult a doctor though if you're feeling bad or lightheaded and not adjusting! My husband is doing MFP as well and he has low blood pressure, so he has to eat snacks throughout the day or he'll pass out while walking home. His body is adjusting, slowly, it was rough the first few weeks though (and he's on 1,700 per day).
  • jake3222
    jake3222 Posts: 3 Member
    Yea Make sure you eat 5-6 meals a day, it will help with the hunger! also add more protein and fiber,that will make you feel fuller. plus with the help of my fitness pal you can break up your meals to 200 - 300 cals. a day! but remember if your working out your burning fuel, so sometimes if the workouts or activities burn a lot your body will tell you to feed you but just make the right choices for that extra snack. I hope that helps!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I can't do 1200 cals. I changed my settings to losing 0.5lb / week which gave me more cals to play with. Plus I would always have about 300+ cals on exercise which I can add as well. So this way I have around 1700 a day, which is much easier and way less pressure because it doesn't feel like I'm dieting.

    And yes, I consistently lose weight. Maybe not reeeeally fast, but it's consistent.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Yes it is possible. It just takes a little work. Add your food before you eat and see if it fits into your day. In the beginning I would put my food in the day before. It helps to know before you eat it so you can make adjustments. Making sure you have a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats and fish, low carb whole grain breads and pasta. And PORTION CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!