100 lb Challenge! Start Feb 1 or join in any time!



  • I'm new today and I'm in....I'll do weigh-ins on Thursdays. How will we keep track of each other?
  • Gmcvey --95
  • I'm new today and I'm in....I'll do weigh-ins on Thursdays. How will we keep track of each other?

    I have 95#s to go!
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    THANK YOU!!!!!

    My goal is 105 lbs.

    I started Less than a week ago

    Weight: 245
    Height: 5'3"

    Currently as of this morning

    Weight: 236

    I would like to weigh 140 by May 12th 2009. (My husbands and my 2 year anniversary). It'll probably be more like 160, but whatever!! :smile:

    96 Pounds to go!!!!!!
  • brand new to this site, and i love it already!

    SO I havent weighed myself in awhile (avoid scales like the plague, I'm sure ya know how that is haha)
    I'm thinking i'm around 360lbs, i'm gonna invest in a scale here soon.

    I'm gonna start with a goal of 100, though :smile:

    Pretty excited!
    I'm hoping this is it, ya know....
  • I'm in too!

    Just started yesterday... :smile: and I'm currently at 276 pounds. I am 5'7'' and my goal is 150 lbs.

    I'm so excited about this website. I really love the support and positive attitude that everyone has. Good luck to everyone! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    Im in! I need all the support that I can get! I am so glad that I have found you guys!

    Just to introduce myself - My name is Shay.
    I started on my own Jan 1 2008

    Start Weight: 330 (Jan1)
    Current Weight: 281(Feb 5) :smile:
    Goal Weight: 165

    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! That's like 50 pounds in a month?????
  • I'm in and really looking forward to doing this with support, i need all the motivation i can get :smile: Start weight: 284 lbs. Goal weight: 184 lbs.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Wow!!! I had forgotten what I weighed on the first I have actually lost 3 pounds!!!
    I am 223. That makes 10 pounds since I started in January. This makes my day.
    Here I was wondering if I was getting up at 4:15 every morning for nothing.:smile:
    I also screwed up my measurements but I think I have lost a bit here and there but it isn't anything impressive like a size or anything.
    Hope everyone else had a good week.
  • Feb 1st---240.2
    Feb 8th---237.6

    :smile: :smile: :smile: I am happy with this:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I found my measurements I lost
    .25" from my bust
    .50" from chest
    3"!!!!!! from my waist
    .75 from my hips
    All this time I thought I was only losing weight in my fingers, wrist and face cause that's the only thing
    that seems loose.
    Anyway more good news today
    Now if it would just get warmer and I could pull out my sporty my day would be compleat
  • Hi all,
    I am new to the group; I hope that it's not too late to join in the challenge. I currently have about 118lbs to loose and have recently loss about 8. I like this added accountability of this tread.:wink:
  • Today was my first check-in. I have lost 8 lbs and have 106 to go. I know that the first week is the easiest and now the real battle starts.
  • I am new to this site, but my weight lose started last month. My goal at the beginning of my journey was 116 lbs. I am now at 84 lbs to go. I have gone down a total of 2 dress sizes, which is very exciting for me!!
  • My initial goal is to first lose 80 pounds, but I may want to lose more after I reach that goal.

    I am standing up in a wedding in August, so my goal weight for that is: 165
    My own wedding is December 27th of this year. My goal weight for that is: 140

    Here are my stats:


    1-18-08 225.4
    2-10-08 213.8


    1-18-08 41"
    2-10-08 39"


    1-18-08 41"
    2-10-08 40"


    1-18-08 48"
    2-10-08 46"

    Body Fat %

    1-18-08 49%
    2-10-08 42%

    wish me luck! :smile:
  • PLEASE TELL ME HOW DID YOU LOSE 15 LBS IN A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!::laugh:
  • hi im kim
    size 16-17
    start date 2-11-08
    wish all get to your goals
    God bless our weigth lose:heart:
  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    I lost 1 1/2lbs.

    2-4-08 218lbs
    2-10-08 216.5lbs

    I think its good for a week. Cant wait to get to my goal of 145. After that i might choose to loose an additional 10-20lbs.
  • Hi everyone! It's so good to see how many people are going for such an amazing goal together!

    I was out of town for a few days and I was afraid to weigh myself when I got home as we had gone out to eat about 4 times in 3 days. But due to the walking I was doing and the fact I didn't have access to munchies, I actually lost 2 pounds!!!

    I haven't measured myself lately, but someone told me yesterday that I "looked great" and she was looking at me funny, like she was trying to figure out what exactly was different about me. Well, I've only lost 9 pounds since Jan. 1 and since I have still 100 to go it's not like it was a noticable weight loss. But I think it must show in the face somewhat. YAY!!!!

    Also, 2 women in 2 days mentioned the old Cindy Crawford exercise video as being really great. Time to go check out Ebay and Amazon and see if I can get one. Anyone here use this, and do you like it?

    OK, keep up the GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!! We can do this!
  • hi there!
    just joined the website today and have 80-100 lbs to lose. not quite sure - will take my weight and measurements in the next day or so. would very much like to be a part of this little group - the support seems awesome!
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