February 2017 Biking Cycling Bicycling Challenge!



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    Review ...
    (Distances include cycling + walking)
    March: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    June: 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min
    July: 709 km (440.5 miles) = 60 hours 41 minutes
    Aug: 775.9 km (482.1 miles) = 54 hours 52 minutes
    Sep: 371.3 km (230.7 miles) = 32 hours 20 min
    Oct: 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min
    Nov: 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Dec: 511.05 km (317.55 miles) = 52 hours 2 min
    Jan: 741.9 km (461.0 miles) = 70 hours 3 min

    So ... the goal is more than February last year!

    Feb 1 - 8.6 km (105 min) walking + 16 flights of stairs (13 min)
    Feb 2 - 6 km (75 min) walking + 16 flights of stairs (13 min)
    Feb 3 - 9.4 km (115 min) walking + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Feb 4 - 4.5 km (55 min) walking + 48 km (150 min) cycling with 728 metres of climbing
    Feb 5 - 73.4 km (328 min) cycling with 1636 metres of climbing. Up Mt Wellington!
    Feb 6 - 3 km (35 min) walking. Rest day.
    Feb 7 - 6.6 km (80 min) walking + 24 flights of stairs (19 min)
    Feb 8 - 6.7 km (80 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (20 min)
    Feb 9 - 5.4 km (65 min) walking + 30 flights of stairs (24 min)
    Feb 10 - 1.2 km (15 min) walking + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Feb 11 - 161.3 km (509 min) cycling ... my 100th century! :) 100 rides of 100 miles. I've cycled a century of centuries now. :)
    Feb 12 - 3.2 km (40 min) hiking up the Stanley Nut. The town is Stanley, and the Nut is a great round land feature with great views from the top.
    Feb 13 - 2.7 km (30 min) walking
    Feb 14 - 7.6 km (95 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (20 min)
    Feb 15 - 5.6 km (70 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (20 min)
    Feb 16 - 5.6 km (70 min) walking + 39 flights of stairs (30 min)
    Feb 17 - 6.7 km (80 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (20 min)
    Feb 18 - 36.5 km (115 min) cycling
    Feb 19 - 26.3 km (80 min) cycling
    Feb 20 - 3.2 km (40 min) walking
    Feb 21 - 7.7 km (95 min) walking + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)

    Feb 22 - 7.5 km walking (90 min) + 24 flights of stairs (19 min)
    Feb 23 - 8 km walking (100 min) + 24 flights of stairs (19 min)
    Feb 24 - 3 km walking (35 min) + 25 flights of stairs (20 min)

    Feb 25 - 61.5 km cycling (195 min) ... another climbing ride!

    Feb 26 - 30.5 km cycling (95 min) ... a sort of recovery ride ... with some climbing.

    Feb 27 - 5.9 km walking (70 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)

    Feb 28 - 3.5 km walking (40 min) + 25 flights of stairs (20 min) + 17.2 km cycling

    February Totals
    Walking Distance (km): 121.6
    Walking Time (min): 1520.0
    Cycling Distance (km): 478.9
    Cycling Time (min): 1608.5
    Stairs Climbed Number: 403.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 322.4

    Total Distance (km): 600.5
    Total Distance (miles): 373.1
    Total Time (min): 3450.9
    Total Time (hr): 57:30:56
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Don't know if I'll be able to get one more ride in today to help my month total or not. The weather forecast for this afternoon is not good. Thunderstorms with the possibility of some being severe, heavy rain, hail, and tornados.

    There are three types of lightning.

    Cloud -> Cloud
    Cloud -> Ground
    Cloud -> Head

    It is the third type that I wish to avoid. :)

    02/06 05.65 mi
    02/07 10.98
    02/08 10.89
    02/10 14.54
    02/11 04.66
    02/13 12.17
    02/15 15.04
    02/16 14.79
    02/22 11.22
    02/23 15.15
    02/27 11.24

    Month total: 136.13
    Year total: 198.01
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Heya, long time no see. Totally wiffed it on the winter biking this year. I procrastinated getting my studded tires on my winter bike, and then we got slammed with crazy ice coating everything and I didn't really feel like bike commuting on an ice rink. February has brought some crazy weather for Minnesota - highs in the 60s have melted all of the snow and ice, so I'm back out on the road. And oh boy did I miss it. I am bleepin miserable when I don't bike. Winter weight gain isn't as bad as last year, when I hit 140. I'm still at 138 though, so gotta buckle down on the food and exercise. I'm planning to sign up for an indoor triathlon at my gym in March and April, and I've already got a 5k scheduled on March 18th and a 10k on April 29th. Still playing with the idea of an Olympic length triathlon in July, but we'll see how the 10k goes before dumping money on that.

    2/11 - 10 miles
    2/13 - 15 miles
    2/17 - 17 miles
    2/18 - 7.5 miles
    2/19 - 15 miles
    2/22 - 17 miles
    2/27 - 17 miles

    Month - 81.5 miles
  • pedermj2002
    pedermj2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I rather blew my goals for Feb. 294 miles, and I was aiming for 325. Between SAD and the shorter month, I just couldn't get myself on the bike with the regularity I needed. 3 more rides, at most, and I'd have made it. Ah well, just going to have to make up for it next month!
  • ending_start
    ending_start Posts: 20 Member
    Feb 2-5 - 42.1
    Feb 6-12 - 148
    Feb 13-19 - 48.1
    Feb 20-26 - 57.4
    Feb 27-28 - 82.9

    February total: 378.5
    goal 550km

    So came about 171.5km short of my goal. Its been a crazy month and I just
    haven't felt like getting on the bike to ride. Next month, I'll set the same goal.
  • twenaj
    twenaj Posts: 37 Member
    January - Achieved 181.79 Miles - No target set.

    1st Feb – 0 Miles
    2nd Feb – 21.17 Miles on Rollers
    3rd Feb - 11.08 Miles on Rollers
    4th Feb - 26.10 Miles on Rollers
    5th Feb - 35.12 Miles on the Road - Eastwood Town to Matlock Bath return.
    6th Feb - 0 Miles
    7th Feb - 14.03 Miles on Rollers
    8th Feb - 0 Miles
    9th Feb - 0 Miles
    10th Feb - 31.04 Miles on Rollers
    11th Feb - 0 Miles
    12th Feb - 40.68 Miles on Rollers
    13th Feb - 13.58 Miles on Rollers
    14th Feb - 0 Miles
    15th Feb - 0 Miles
    16th Feb - 0 Miles
    17th Feb - 0 Miles
    18th Feb - 6.49 Miles on Rollers
    19th Feb - 20 52 Miles on Rollers
    20th Feb - 0 Miles
    21st Feb - 26.03 Miles on Rollers
    22nd Feb - 20.43 Miles on Rollers
    23rd Feb - 24.30 Miles on Rollers
    24th Feb - 0 Miles
    25th Feb - 23.73 Miles on Rollers
    26th Feb - 20.14 Miles on Rollers
    27th Feb - 0 Miles
    28th Feb - 19.18 Miles on Rollers

    Total so far 353.62 Miles
    Target 300 Miles
    53.62 Miles over my target.

    Very pleased with that, first time I've set a target and achieved it.
    Seems like my Christmas present my wife bought me (the rollers) has proved to be a success......for the moment.
    Great job everyone for February, looking forward to doing it all again in March.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Tue 28 - 38.49 miles: MTD 490.99 / 250, YTD 652.61 / 4000

    Happy with February!
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    March thread is now open here
  • sijaeabc
    sijaeabc Posts: 43 Member
    Very pleased to have completed my modest goal for the month :)

    02/18/17 10.07 miles, 46 minutes
    02/21/17 12.73 miles, 65 minutes
    02/23/17 10.10 miles 45 minutes
    02/26/17 10.07 miles 42 minutes
    02/28/17 10.03 miles 46 minutes

    Total 53.00 miles
    Goal: 50.00 miles
  • askewrj
    askewrj Posts: 13 Member
    Managed 617KM for February, which is a little short of my 700 km target. Just not enough time to get the last few km's in. Target for March 700km, but away around 12 days with work so will be a challenge: Good luck for everyone in March.

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @twenaj You've only got the rollers for Christmas and you are already riding such long distances on them? That's impressive! I bought mine a few weeks ago, but I still find riding on them really hard. No chance to coast for a few seconds to take a breath, and as soon as my concentration wavers for a moment, I ride off the sides. I can't even imagine 40 miles on them!

    @Elise4270 Awesome that the new pedals work for you! I guess I'll read you a lot in the March tread then :smile:

    @tristramtrent 40 miles would be a long ride for me too! There's a cycling event on the 21st May that I'm thinking about, where the shortest ride is 60km. I've never done a ride that long, and I'm not sure I have the time to train for it since there's a running race two weeks earlier that's more important to me. My longest single ride this year was a little over 20km. But if you already rode 38km this month, I'm sure you will be ready for the 40mi ride!

    It was quite stormy yesterday, but since I was missing one final commute to reach my goal, I braved the weather. There was even a bit of lightning - fortunately only type 1 from @tcaley4 's list :smile:
    So for a change, I actually made my goal in this challenge!

    1.2.17 - 10.1km commute
    2.2.17 - 5.3km (14min) indoor/rollers
    3.2.17 - 12.7km commute
    5.2.17 - 2.5km (8min) indoor/rollers
    6.2.17 - 7.2km (20min) indoor/rollers
    7.2.17 - 7.4km (20min) indoor/rollers
    11.2.17 - 12.8km (38min) indoor/rollers "Half is Easy"
    14.2.17 - 8.0km (23min) indoor/rollers "Igniter"
    15.2.17 - 11.2km commute
    18.2.17 - 13.5km (42min) indoor/rollers "do as you're told"
    20.2.17 - 8.0km commute & 7.2km (20min) indoor/rollers "Extra Shot"
    22.2.17 - 12.4km commute
    23.2.17 - 28.2km commute (with extended ride home)
    28.2.17 - 10.1km commute
    156.6km (of 150km goal)

  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in.... Goal 200 again. Fell a little short last month.. Never know what the winter weather will be like.

    I'm only counting my outdoor miles because that is all I can count on a LBS challenge.

    2/1 - 20.58 miles 37*F
    2/2 - 12.65 miles 25*F winds NNW @ 10 feels like 9 accordingly to weather bug lol.
    2/6 - 18.18 miles 45*F
    2/7 - 5.49 miles 52*F so windy 20 mph gust to 30+
    2/9 - 8.38 miles 13*F winds 11 mph feels like 6*
    2/10 - 14.95 miles
    2/11 - 30.67 miles
    2/14 - 10.53 miles
    2/16 - 12.32 miles
    2/17 - 6.27 miles
    2/20 - 15.67 miles
    2/21 - 25.63 miles
    2/26 - 6.30 miles
    2/27 - 10.12 miles
    2/28 - 5.59 miles

    Woohoo I made it!! Had to go out and ride with Thunderstorms in the forecast, Tornado watches in the county next to us, rain drops coming down and 16 mph winds but I was going to get it. At least no lightning.

    MTD - 203.66

    YTD - 375.81

    Jan - 172.15
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited March 2017
    February 1st 8.53 Miles -- Duration 0:50:31 (MTB)
    February 3rd 18.1 Miles -- Duration 1:00:01
    February 5th 40.6 Miles -- Duration 3:05:57 (MTB)
    February 6th 18.4 Miles -- Duration 1:13:18
    February 9th 26.0 Miles -- Duration 1:30:00
    February 11th 37.3 Miles -- Duration 2:33:09 (MTB)
    February 13th 48.8 Miles -- Duration 4:00:04
    February 14th 5.94 Miles -- Duration 0:31:35
    February 15th 12.4 Miles -- Duration 1:05:36 (MTB)
    February 16th 11.0 Miles -- Duration 0:59:37
    February 17th 6.0 Miles -- Duration 0:32:22
    February 18th 30.9 Miles -- Duration 2:14:17
    February 19th 36.1 Miles -- Duration 2:25:46 (MTB)
    February 21st 28.4 Miles -- Duration 1:48:43
    February 25th 27.5 Miles -- Duration 2:04:00
    February 26th 42.3 Miles -- Duration 3:02:06 (MTB)
    February 28th 28.7 Miles -- Duration 1:50:01

    February Total Miles: 426.87
    February Total Duration: 30:48:02
  • twenaj
    twenaj Posts: 37 Member
    @nikkiwolf, sorry I have mislead haven't I? My friend called them rollers and it's sort of stuck with me, until now after your comments.
    I have just googled rollers, yes they are slightly different aren't they? I couldn't imagine doing a mile on it let alone 40 without falling off and breaking my neck, so hats off to you if your able to ride on that. I apologise for misleading, what I have is a turbo trainer, I think that's the correct term for it. Cheers Jon.