Looking to go Vegetarian

Hello! I've been super interested in adding more vegetarian dishes to my diet and (eventually) switching over entirely. I'm looking for recipes and helpful hints of finally kicking that meat habit :)


  • brichards_
    brichards_ Posts: 113 Member
    Hello! I am vegan. I get a lot of my recipes from YouTube and Pinterest. There are also lots of websites and blogs that post recipes. You can look through my food diaries to see what kinds of things I eat even though it would be a bit different than what you are going for
  • 1nprgr3s
    1nprgr3s Posts: 61 Member
    These are some of my favourite recipes, they're usually pretty easy to make too.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I usually don't use recipes, but i find it easy to make food, with fruit being the star of my breakfast and lunch meals, and dinner is usually based around potato or rice, with something green added.

    Breakfast and lunch are usually just fruit, or fruit and oatmeal, or fruit and salad, or fruit and veggie soup, or fruit and veggie sushi.

    Dinner is often times a veggie soup. Baked potatoes with beans and broccoli are amazing. Rice and veggies make a good dinner, and you could have that every day of the year, and never have the same thing twice, if you spice it right.

    Congratulations on your decision to try more vegetarian meals. I haven't had a single morsel of dead decaying rotting animal flesh in 5 years, and i still look at the decision to go veg as the best i have ever made. Your future self will thank you.
  • kimberlyhannah3150
    I'm vegan....Pinterest and IG contacts have been my best source of recipes and motivation.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    I like http://www.thugkitchen.com/ for vegetarian recipes (warning - Very sweary web site)
    As @1nprgr3s mentioned Oh She glows are good for vegan versions of favourites.

    @Rocbola - That broccoli you have you your baked potato with beans is dead decaying & rotting - that process started the moment it was picked - IMO the "dead decaying rotting thing" just ain't helpful to anyone but if it makes you feel better - good for you I guess.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I started out by making basically the same recipes, but replacing meat with frozen vegetarian protein. Is that the healthiest option? Probably not, but it's very accessible for newbies. If you do this, try Gardein or Beyond Meat for "chicken" and "beef." I make vegetarian chicken pot pie, chicken and dumplings, beef stew, curries, etc. with frozen soy protein. If you have a Trader Joe's, I highly recommend the beefless crumbles, the meatless crispy tenders, and the veggie corn dogs.

    However, if you would like to move away from processed food, the best thing you can do is get a crock pot. You can make seitan in a crock pot! You can also make a big pot of some kind of bean on the weekend, and then use the beans in different recipes all week long. From a pot of chickpeas, you can make hummus, falafel, chickpea curry, roasted chickpeas...a pot of black beans will get you black bean burgers, beans and rice, burritos...you get the idea.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    @apullum has probably one of the best ideas for newbies.

    I would say learn how to cook a decent pot of beans -- all different kinds. They can be the protein base of so many dishes and they are so good for you. Black beans for instance, have a good amount of iron, which is easy to miss in a veggie diet. And who doesn't love a good black bean soup, chili, taco, burrito, burger, or cutlet?

    One of my favorite blogs has to be Post Punk Kitchen, now known as IsaChandra.com. She is vegan, but her recipes are the most flavorful and yummy out of anything I've ever tried.

    I've been vegetarian for 17 years, and my dad is a vegetarian, so my diet was mostly plant-based before that as well.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    Oh...and eat a wide variety of food. I've had people come up to me and say...ooh I could never be a vegetarian...I tried once and got so sick of peanut butter & jelly. <--How the hell did you expect to survive off pb&j?!? Eat vegetables -- all of em! Eat fruit -- all of em! Eat legumes -- all of em! PB&J isn't the only veggie food out there. lol.
  • thehiryu
    thehiryu Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the great ideas! One of my main concerns with changing things up would be how easy it can be to miss out on key nutrients, vitamins, and minerals!
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    Go to www.tryveg.com for info. You won't miss any nutrients no a wellplanned vegetarian diet, like any well planned diet.