How long till you started investing in new clothes?

fostersu Posts: 327 Member
When I lost 70lbs I had no choice but to get new clothes as the old ones literally fell off. Now I'm looking at losing some pounds but nothing that will change my body THAT drastically again. In the past trying to loose 10-20lbs, I've put off buying anything new till I KNEW I was going to fit in a smaller size - and you know what? I never got to that smaller size. Curious when folks took the plunge to investing in smaller sizes - did you wait till you kept the weight off for a while? Did you purchase along the way?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When I needed to.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I guess I'm a bit ... Fortunate? Because I have my own clothes from before i gained so much weight. So I kept some favorite things that I lose into (gave away my really small size stuff though so I will eventually have to make this decision ).

    I wouldn't personally buy a whole new wardrobe at any weight. Im a bit cheap that way though. I think if I was still far from my goal, I would just shop second hand and good sales. And maybe the occasional thing in my current size (you still gotta feel like yourself in all this ). Once I got closer to my goal weight, I'd start investing in nicer things that wouldn't be useless if I lost a bit (maybe things that can be tailored ).

    Right now I'm living out of country in an Asian countries try where everyone is like a size zero so finding g clothes here is hard for me. I recently lost I to my size 14 clothes but my family is coming to visit and I'm having them bring me a pair of paints in size 12. Im not there yet but I will be soon!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have learned the hard way to stop buying so much. The problem is that I love to shop. Now I try to stay at Ross or somewhere I can stay as close to $10 as possible. As someone else mentioned, when certain things literally started falling off then I knew it was time to shop.
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    I started buying new clothes once I lost 50 - 60 lbs. The mistake I made was I spent all this money on new clothes, then lost another 40 lbs, so I had to do it all over again. I really didn't think I could lose that much more weight. I should have bought cheap clothes @ Walmart to hold me over. Worst mistake was a new leather jacket & a new winter jacket which didn't fit within 3 months.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I go shopping when I realize my current clothes are looking sloppy, usually every 3 or 4 months. I almost always shop at thrift stores though so it's a lot cheaper than buying a department store wardrobe every few months.
  • KatyBell164
    KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
    I've been buying things from the thrift stores as needed, I don't mind spending $4 on jeans and them not fitting in 2 months but I can't afford I spend $40 and them not fit
  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    I just go shopping right in my own closet

    Going thru past clothes and finding 8 pairs a pants that now fit again was like a little trip to the store.
    I can now fit into a lot of my shirts that I kind of outgrew over the last few years.

    Don't want to buy much more until I have settled in at goal for a while and that's a few months off.
    Still, there is a lot of pleasure in getting something new.... and that helps to be a reward....which also inspires to stay on track.

    I find the best deals on eBay for shirts and pants, look for new items, new old stock or new without tags (NWOT) some good
    deals if you make smart choices.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I buy a new pair of machine washable black pants as soon as the current one start feeling loose - so I don't look sloppy at work. I keep size smaller pair of Old Navy jeans to have some "goal" pants. I'll wait until I hit my final goal weight to completely start over.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    Consider finding a good tailor, too, so that your more-expensive things can last you longer. A person I found is very good and, at least I think, quite reasonable price-wise. It has saved me so much money.

    I had my jackets and coats altered. Some uncomplicated things just needed the sleeves shortened (like a fleece jacket, for example). The cost was about $10 for me, which is obviously a lot less than if I purchased another new one from LL Bean. More complicated things (like a pea coat or a lined overcoat) were in the $30-50 range -- again, much cheaper than if I purchased them brand new.

    I've lost about 30 more lbs since I had them altered, and I notice that they are not fitting right again. My plan when we are fully into spring is to have them altered again -- taken in at the waist, etc. If it costs around $30-40 to do this, the $60-70 total I will have spent tailoring a coat is still so much less than purchasing a new one for around $200-300.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I buy a small new casual wardrobe every season from Walmart. All stretchy knits so they last me a little longer. I don't have to dress up for anything so that saves me money. I buy new athletic gear as it gets too big or the weather changes, lots of stuff from Walmart or 50% off sales at Old Navy. I've been buying my bras and outerwear off Ebay, because I don't like to cheap out on those.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    edited March 2017
    I love charity shop (thrift shop) shopping so I've just been buying bits along the way. The good thing is because there is usually only one size for each item I just pick up things that I like that look like they could fit me and ignore the label until I've tried it on. It can end up as a nice surprise when I start getting more and more of the smaller sizes. So its been quite a gradual process of acquiring smaller clothes rather than a whole new wardrobe.

    The same with old clothing. I've been throwing things out/donating bit by bit as I put something on and its inconveniently loose or just doesn't look right. There are a few pieces that I am desperately hanging on to though. One of my favourite skirts that I used to wear on my waist now fits my hips so I'm keeping it!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    I'm purchasing along the way. I didn't buy myself new clothes for a long time (I guess a way of punishing myself for being overweight and not losing?), so I'm buying clothes as I go now.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    edited March 2017
    I dislike shopping so only as needed. My jeans are a little baggy but don't yet look clownish, so that can wait. I have just one t-shirt that doesn't look like a tent, so I'll pick up a couple of them this week.

    Edit: Not to be pedantic, but clothes aren't an "investment." They're just a cost.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm finding my golf shirts still look "okay" so I'm wearing them. Put a dress shirt on and my wife laughed at me. I'm down to one pair of jeans, no dress pants, new underwear and t-shirts in various sizes but I'm avoiding buying anything I don't have to for another 30 lbs or so.
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    I buy work pants as I need them because I have to look decent at work. This spring/summer I will have to buy new warm weather clothing I have none left that fits from last summer (I've slowly started to accumulate some of it on sale). I buy new workout clothes when the old ones are too big.

    I usually only keep 1 pair of jeans that fits perfect, 1 that's too big, and 1 that's too small. (I like Old Navy because you can get some cheap jeans)

    I just bought like 4 new tank tops for under my blouses for work because all the ones I had were 3 sizes too big. But didn't buy more than that because I'm not sure what size I'll end up.

    Last fall I bought new underwear in 2 different sizes. so I should be okay for a while yet. and I just bought new bras because my other ones were much too large in the band. but I don't cheap out on bras so I only bought 2...
  • arrghmatey1
    arrghmatey1 Posts: 91 Member
    Along the way most definitely.
    Especially jeans or slacks.

    There is an old saying: "You fill out what you wear."

    It maybe an old wives tale but you know I think there be some truth behind it.
    I am going to be losing a lot of weight,

    117 lb goal with 39 lost.

    On several occasions in the last nine weeks I have witnessed my fat moving around or redistributing before it finally comes off.

    I believe a good pair of snug fitting jeans reminds your body that the waist band is a poor choice for storage. :p

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I believe a good pair of snug fitting jeans reminds your body that the waist band is a poor choice for storage. :p

    Not sure if anyone else (guys) notices this, and I'm not sure if it is just the cut of my current jeans, but after wearing size 52W, now wearing 44W, the "boys" are sure missing the extra room I had. Sitting is a bit uncomfortable now. Not sure what they will think of 40W or below.
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