Macros or calories

Maybe I'm missing this somewhere, but should I just be worried about my calories or the macro breakdown? I've eaten really healthy today, 260 calories under but I'm over on my protein intake and haven't eaten enough carbs or fats. Should I be worried I went over on protein and not enough if the others, or focus more on the calories? Thanks!


  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    calories for weight losss macros for health....ideally get both as close as possible but i wouldnt stress to much
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Getting the macros right will help you reduce your calories. But it's all about-a the calories if you want to lose-a dee weight, baby.
  • scjack6312
    scjack6312 Posts: 4 Member
    You should count your macros for man reasons. I'm not sure what your diet consists of but you could be eating too many carbs and not enough proteins which would end up with you losing weight but you will lose muscle.
  • scjack6312
    scjack6312 Posts: 4 Member
    And don't worry if you eat too many proteins as long as your carb and fat intake is where it should be at or lower. Your body needs to learn to burn off your fat calories. The only bad thing about having very low carbs is that you will have low energy
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    PS. I am not in favor of low carb. But I exercise a lot.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Being at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals is what matters for weight loss. Everything else is secondary/background noise.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Being at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals is what matters for weight loss. Everything else is secondary/background noise.

    Not everyone *just* wants to lose weight.
    Both what you eat and how much are relevant to health, fitness and wellbeing.

    Why does every thread degenerate into this? This section is 'diet AND weight loss' help not just 'the only thing that matters is calories'.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    scjack6312 wrote: »
    You should count your macros for man reasons. I'm not sure what your diet consists of but you could be eating too many carbs and not enough proteins which would end up with you losing weight but you will lose muscle.

    No, it doesn't really work that way. Muscle loss has far more to do with 1) Excessively large calorie deficits 2) Lack of any strength training. Higher protein will help a little, but far more important is making sure ones calorie deficit is reasonable and incorporating some sort of strength training.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Weight loss is all about calories. But if you find satiety/hunger management to be an issue, start paying attention to which macros satiate you the most and start incorporating more of those foods into your diet.

    I normally just pay attention to my protein intake and let the rest of the macros fall where they may.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    It depends on your goals. If you want lose weight, focus on total calories, but if you want to better your body, pay attention to your macros once you figure out the right ratio for your goals. Don't worry about getting super-accurate on your macros, so long as it averages out over the week(ish).

    The more you do pay attention to your macros, the easier it will be to meet your calories. Playing the If It Fits Your Macros game is a great way to easily meet your goals, but not get too stressed out about the details.
  • petersonval8933
    petersonval8933 Posts: 4 Member
    Well my goal is to lose weight and tone up. I've done a body building competition, but I had a coach tell me what to eat and my working out. However that is currently pretty much how I am eating now. Im just high on protein and lower on carbs, and fats, which is where I go over on my protein and not enough carbs and fat. I'm currently 4 months postpartum with my 2nd child so right now my focus is really losing the weight to get to pre baby. I am working out doing both cardio and strength training.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    How low is your fat?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Well my goal is to lose weight and tone up. I've done a body building competition, but I had a coach tell me what to eat and my working out. However that is currently pretty much how I am eating now. Im just high on protein and lower on carbs, and fats, which is where I go over on my protein and not enough carbs and fat. I'm currently 4 months postpartum with my 2nd child so right now my focus is really losing the weight to get to pre baby. I am working out doing both cardio and strength training.

    Are you nursing? If you are, I wouldn't be overly restrictive with your cal intake or cut the carbs or fats too low.
    I tend to keep macros (per lb lean body mass):
    Protein: .8 to 1g
    Fats: .35 to .6g
    Carbs: The rest
    Keep in mind, these are minimums and you would adjust based on your personal preference. Also, you don't have to be on the dot everyday.
  • petersonval8933
    petersonval8933 Posts: 4 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Well my goal is to lose weight and tone up. I've done a body building competition, but I had a coach tell me what to eat and my working out. However that is currently pretty much how I am eating now. Im just high on protein and lower on carbs, and fats, which is where I go over on my protein and not enough carbs and fat. I'm currently 4 months postpartum with my 2nd child so right now my focus is really losing the weight to get to pre baby. I am working out doing both cardio and strength training.

    Are you nursing? If you are, I wouldn't be overly restrictive with your cal intake or cut the carbs or fats too low.
    I tend to keep macros (per lb lean body mass):
    Protein: .8 to 1g
    Fats: .35 to .6g
    Carbs: The rest
    Keep in mind, these are minimums and you would adjust based on your personal preference. Also, you don't have to be on the dot everyday.
    Not nursing anymore.
  • petersonval8933
    petersonval8933 Posts: 4 Member
    How low is your fat?

    I'm 93 grams below on carbs and 15 grams below on fats. I'm over by 34 grams on the protein.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited March 2017
    lizery wrote: »
    Being at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals is what matters for weight loss. Everything else is secondary/background noise.

    Not everyone *just* wants to lose weight.
    Both what you eat and how much are relevant to health, fitness and wellbeing.

    Why does every thread degenerate into this? This section is 'diet AND weight loss' help not just 'the only thing that matters is calories'.

    From the op I thought OP was talking about weight loss, but perhaps they were not, sorry.

    ...on a side note I improved all my health markers, my well being plus developed the energy to become more active-just by being at the correct calorie deficit for my weight loss goals. Everything else was secondary/background noise.
