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Sedentary Office Workers: How Do You Get Your Steps In?

CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
So, kind of a spin off on the other thread about Sedentary Office Workers.

I am one. My job is basically sitting at a computer all day. If I get up and roam around, I'm not doing my job so I can't force steps in without possibly getting in trouble.

I find that my steps are VERY low, even in on weekends.

I get up in the morning, shower, do my hair, and go. I commute for an hour. I sit all day, then commute an hour home. I fix dinner which is just me kind of standing and moving about a small space. If it's an exercise day, I might hit 5,000 steps.

On the weekend, even with exercise, it's a real stretch to hit 10,000 steps. I've only done it after a 3 mile job and a trip to the mall. I am not "sitting" at home but am doing housework and stuff.

So in reading the other thread, I am marveling at office workers who are managing to get in 10-15K steps. What's your day like?


  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    I walk a mile each way to work from the bus stop and about three quarters of a mile at lunch. I have no choice in where the bus stop is, it's a mile away and that's it. Can you adjust your commute to get off or park a bit further away to get a walk in?

    I also cycle and walk a lot on my days off. There's not much I love more than cycling or walking.

    If I want to burn some calories fast, I step up and down on the bottom step of the stairs for 10min.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    I usually go for a 45-60 minutes run or walk before work. I have to carve out exercise time everyday- an appointment with myself.

    Can you take 20-30 minutes of your lunch and walk? Maybe after dinner go for a walk around the block?
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    I go for a half hour walk at lunch.
    I walk to and from the bus stops, or to and from the parking lot.
    I walk somewhere on my coffee breaks, even if it's a lap of the building.

    I usually hit about 6K steps, which is about an hour of walking for me. Start small. Walk to a bus stop on further away, get off one stop earlier, spend a few min of a break walking. It will add a few thousand steps.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    Walk as part of my commute to and from work.
    Walk at lunch.
    Approx. 25 flights of stairs each day.
    Walk with my husband after work to the beach.

    With that, I discovered I manage about 15,000 steps a day.

    And then on weekends I cycle long distances ... or occasionally go on a long hike.

    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    Thanks! So I work in a sort of dangerous area so not able to walk outside the complex or be let off farther away.

    I can, and do, walk after work but since I'm so sedentary all day, I don't get my steps up to a respectable level. But it's good to hear how everyone is doing it. About the most I can do is walk around my floor but even then it's hard because we have secure areas and other offices start questioning me if I'm in an area that is not mine.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    What about going up and down the stairs a few times on your break?
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    oocdc2 wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat, and I've just accepted the fact that I have to get up early (0400) to exercise. I feel much better now that I'm doing it.

    I already get up at 3:50AM (but that's just to go to work)!!!

    I'm going to have to try to do better in the evenings. I'm just trying to figure out a way to get more movement throughout the day. I'm fairly good an carving out time for dedicated exercise; however, even with that, my "movement" for the day is low.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    If you're driving to work, park as far away from your building as safely possible (I even do this when shopping); if you're taking the bus or train, get off a stop early. Take the long way any time you go anywhere in your office, including to the bathroom or water fountain. Take the stairs whenever possible.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    What are you doing on your exercise days? Do you have access to some gym equipment such as an elliptical or treadmill? When I use these I ALWAYS hit my steps
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    kali31337 wrote: »
    What are you doing on your exercise days? Do you have access to some gym equipment such as an elliptical or treadmill? When I use these I ALWAYS hit my steps

    On my exercise days, I have been doing C25K. I don't get more than 3 miles in though. I also have a treadmill in my home for bad weather but I get very bored on that so don't do more than 40 minutes.

    On the days that I C25K, that gets me about 7,000 steps. If I happen to go shopping/mall on that day (weekend), I can hit 10,000-11,000. If I'm just doing normal stuff, I might get to about 9,000. On work days, maybe in the 8,000s. It just depends how much running I can do on the exercise time. But if I do no exercise, I'm in the 3,000 range. Pitiful!
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Nah not pitiful. Totally understandable. But something you can change bit by bit if you can be more conscious of it. I worked in an office too but I was sometimes in conference calls that I could take from my mobile so I would wander the floor while the meeting was on. ;):p just try adding bits where you can and it will add up. If you are OK finding exercise time and like C2K, just do the runs 5 days instead of 3. You will build up resistance faster and it won't hurt you. Good luck to you!
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    I'm like you @CMNVA , on average I have 8K steps a day, but that's because I try to up it in the weekends.
    I do spinning/circuit most evenings though, so I get exercise in, but the Fitbit doesn't log steps for that or barely anyway.
    I add small things, like going to the downstairs toilets rather than the ones on my floor (2 stories), and as mentioned by someone else, I don't park near th front door. But really, that's not adding much to be honest.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I rigged my desk so I can stand most of the day so sometimes I walk in place, side step, dance around lol. I also find an excuse to walk around when I can.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I work from home most days... I take laps around the kitchen island while I am on telecons (might be annoying in an office setting though) and always use the bathroom upstairs.

    I have also been know to take laps around the bathroom at night when I am brushing my teeth if my steps are a little low.

    You have a treadmill at home--can you get some steps in while watching television or surfing the internet?

    Don't get too hung up on the number--any extra activity you can get in during your day is good!
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    I also have a job where I'm chained to my desk but regularly get in 10k a day during the week.

    My commute is an hour, but 25ish minutes of that is walking. I walk to the tube station and walk to the office. I used to get the bus, I always assumed it was faster but you only need one traffic jam to ruin that. When I decided to walk I had to leave 5 minutes sooner but my commure ALWAYS is the same time now (barring tube strikes).

    On my lunch break I walk for a solid 30 minutes, then eat at my desk. I take a different route everyday and learn about the streets near my office. Then on the way home I get another 25 minutes in, and if I'm not in a rush I'll go to a stop further away from the office or get off a stop early and get a few more in that way. Also I don't go to the loo's closest to my office, I try to meet people in person so I have to travel around the building. Standing phone calls also work if you don't mind the funny looks....

    I wasn't aiming to get 10k just kept looking at where I could get a few more in here and there and made it fit.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I jog on the spot while I wait for the kettle to boil when I'm making tea