Little to no carbs



  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Kris03451 wrote: »
    Bad= Beans, pasta, milk, corn, bread, any unnatural peanut butter, just about any fruit except avocado, any form of sugar including honey. Also check labels of any condiments. Salad dressing , ketchup and bbq sauce are loaded with suger.

    You forgot potatos, rice, grain of any kind really, most packaged foods - read labels. Some fruits are ok, cucumber, blueberries, tomatos. As with everything put it in your diary and see if it fits within your macro targets. Some salad dressings are fine. Whole egg mayo is fine. Problem is you can buy 15 different brands of mayo and get 15 different carb/sugar counts. Again, read labels. There are also lots of sugar free options, I use a nice sugar free bbq sauce - still 1-2g carbs per serving but I can make it fit. Sausages can also have a fair few carbs, due to the filler they put in them. Some brands don't. Some smoked/cured meats have a fair bit of sugar in them. Cheese and nuts are good choices - just remember a serve of nuts is 30g (a tiny amount) not half a bag. Olives and pickles are great.

    This is a great starting point, and an excellent website full of recipes:

    Food list

    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    The carbs I eat are low carb veggies, avocado etc ... I do not eat sugar/carbs such as rice & pasta etc. No deprivation here and no cravings either,
    My favourites are High Fat; olive oil, Kerry gold butter & HWC.
    The very low carb lifestyle is how we are meant to eat.

    Love my bacon
    OP you're right to cut pasta, rice etc really isn't food at all.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Base your meal around your protein and not your carb. Double your veg.
  • SageParsons1991
    SageParsons1991 Posts: 7 Member
    Simple carbs vs complex carbs- your body needs and uses complex carbs. Simple carbs just become sugar in your body. It is ok to have healthy complex carbs in your diet. Whole wheat pastas and breads, veggies, and fruits are primarily made up of complex carbs. That being said, I am low carb as well and here are a few of my favorite recipes:

    An easy lunch: grill 3oz chicken breast, dice it and throw it in a bowl with 1/2 cup black beans (I use the canned Kroger no salt added can). Stir in two tablespoons of salsa- bam :smile:

    My go to dinner: 3oz grilled chicken with a large baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

    Another quick dinner or lunch: Fat free refried beans spread on a whole wheat tortilla with salsa for dipping.

    Hope some of those sound good and can help :smile:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Simple carbs vs complex carbs- your body needs and uses complex carbs. Simple carbs just become sugar in your body. It is ok to have healthy complex carbs in your diet. Whole wheat pastas and breads, veggies, and fruits are primarily made up of complex carbs. That being said, I am low carb as well and here are a few of my favorite recipes:

    An easy lunch: grill 3oz chicken breast, dice it and throw it in a bowl with 1/2 cup black beans (I use the canned Kroger no salt added can). Stir in two tablespoons of salsa- bam :smile:

    My go to dinner: 3oz grilled chicken with a large baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

    Another quick dinner or lunch: Fat free refried beans spread on a whole wheat tortilla with salsa for dipping.

    Hope some of those sound good and can help :smile:

    Just a bit of semantics... all carbs become sugar. All carbs and sugar are broken down to glucose and stored as glycogen, oxidized or store as fat.
    It makes me laugh every time someone says they want to eat low carb, all the carb lovers jump on them "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOW CARB, CARBS ARE GOOD FOR YOU". After 4 years of low carb, I'd have to disagree. The only thing eating carbs is good for is making you want to eat more carbs.

    Anyway ... try this. Even my non-low carb hubby loves it.

    It may be that way for you, but it's the opposite for me. Carbs, especially starches satiate me like no other and my low carb days are the most rough on me. Fats, just don't fill me up.

    OP, it will largely be meats, fish and things like hard cheese (I love me some KerryGold) and full fat dairy.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    LINIA wrote: »
    OP you're right to cut pasta, rice etc really isn't food at all.

    What do you mean?

    Rice, pasta and noodles feed me fine and a large % of the worlds population.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    kkriisii wrote: »
    I'm really wanting to eat better and I have a problem when it comes to carbs. My bf and I like pastas and whatnot but need to change that. Anyone have any good recipes that don't include many/any carbs? We dont want to eat salad all the time like we did in thr past. Please help. :)

    OP are you thinking of giving up ALL carbs, which are in things like pasta, grains, etc as well as many foods you might not be thinking of like dairy, fruits, and vegetables?

    To go completely no carb, you'd have to stop eating veggies or fruit, and your diet would consist of all meat and oil, making sure to eat some of the meat rare or raw and including organ meat to get adequate nutrition....

    OR... you could figure out what it is about certain foods that you really struggle with - is it a physical ailment? Do they not satiate you? Do you have difficulty moderating them? Once you figure out the root of the problem then perhaps consider restricting or eliminating certain foods and play around with how your body responds to that.

    Carbs of all types (including pasta, bread, sweets, etc) in and of themselves are not bad, and with no medical reason to restrict them, they can be part of an overall healthful diet. Many people have to tweak the foods they eat day to day to strike a balance between nutrition, satiety, and enjoyment. For me, giving up altogether or going extremely low carb, would be a fail on all three of those fronts. I would miss out on micronutrients, I would be hungry (as I don't find fat satiating), and I wouldn't enjoy my foods as much. That said there are many times I forgo bread at dinner because we are having pasta or rice, a change I made once I started tracking calories here at MFP.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Kris03451 wrote: »
    Bad= Beans, pasta, milk, corn, bread, any unnatural peanut butter, just about any fruit except avocado, any form of sugar including honey. Also check labels of any condiments. Salad dressing , ketchup and bbq sauce are loaded with suger.

    Why are these foods bad?
  • kerbear135
    kerbear135 Posts: 7 Member
    I've discovered cauliflower rice is a great substitute in a recipe that usually calls for rice (my husband's gumbo, for example). Also, fathead pizza crust is great- it's almond flour and cheese and once you bake it up, you can't even tell it isn't normal pizza crust. We make our own low carb bbq or tomato sauce to top it with.
  • kerbear135
    kerbear135 Posts: 7 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Kris03451 wrote: »
    Bad= Beans, pasta, milk, corn, bread, any unnatural peanut butter, just about any fruit except avocado, any form of sugar including honey. Also check labels of any condiments. Salad dressing , ketchup and bbq sauce are loaded with suger.

    Why are these foods bad?

    they are all extremely high in carbs, so if OP is trying to cut down carbs, they wouldn't want to consume any of those things
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    kerbear135 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Kris03451 wrote: »
    Bad= Beans, pasta, milk, corn, bread, any unnatural peanut butter, just about any fruit except avocado, any form of sugar including honey. Also check labels of any condiments. Salad dressing , ketchup and bbq sauce are loaded with suger.

    Why are these foods bad?

    they are all extremely high in carbs, so if OP is trying to cut down carbs, they wouldn't want to consume any of those things

    Ok. I prefer not to label foods good or bad so I probably would have just provided the info that these are some foods higher in carb makeup and reducing them may have an impact on total carb consumption...
  • SageParsons1991
    SageParsons1991 Posts: 7 Member
    You're right to an extent, but having grown up with a type one diabetic, our nutritionist pounded into our heads the difference between simple and complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates are considered "good" because of the longer series of sugars that make them up and take the body more time to break down. They generally have a lower glycemic load, which means that you will get lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate to keep you going throughout the day (they are used as energy). Simple carbohydrates are composed basic sugars with little real value for your body (stores as fat). The higher in sugar and lower in fiber, the worse the carbohydrate is for you.
    I do have to correct myself though- veggies and fruits are actually simple carbs, but are so high in fiber they act more like a complex carb in your body. You are completely correct that if you OVERLOAD on carbs, even if they are complex, that the excess will act like a simple carb in your body and will be stored as fat which is why I keep my diet high protein.
  • Andrea4456
    Andrea4456 Posts: 39 Member
    Go to the Keto reddit page... lots of starting off info and such. Good luck!
  • redseeker
    redseeker Posts: 9 Member
    Bulk out your meals with vegetables where you would have had pasta etc previously (roasted, steamed, raw, etc). If you make salads, try to vary the ingredients you put in so you don't have to eat the same boring thing all the time. If you do want to have a carby thing, have a small portion to go with your veggies and protein, rather than a whole plateful, and choose more complex carbs like brown rice or wholewheat pasta instead of the white versions, or sweet potato instead of regular potatoes. If you need to have bread, choose the darkest you can find, like a wholewheat rye, and limit yourself to say one slice. Fruit-wise, low GI fruits like berries, pears, and citrus fruits are going to be better than more sugary ones like apples and bananas, but once in a while isn't going to mess you up. Use honey instead of sugar if you need to sweeten things, too. And, of course, increase your protein (lean meats, eggs, fish, etc).

    I wouldn't advise to cut out carbs altogether unless your doctor has specifically told you to. My partner is diabetic and even her dietitian hasn't advised that. I would think it's very difficult to get sufficient fibre without eating some carby foods, and if you start cutting out vegetables and fruits you'll miss out on vitamins too.

    Stopping the refined carbs and sugars will be difficult at first, expect cravings, but the longer you go without them the easier it gets.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You're right to an extent, but having grown up with a type one diabetic, our nutritionist pounded into our heads the difference between simple and complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates are considered "good" because of the longer series of sugars that make them up and take the body more time to break down. They generally have a lower glycemic load, which means that you will get lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate to keep you going throughout the day (they are used as energy). Simple carbohydrates are composed basic sugars with little real value for your body (stores as fat). The higher in sugar and lower in fiber, the worse the carbohydrate is for you.
    I do have to correct myself though- veggies and fruits are actually simple carbs, but are so high in fiber they act more like a complex carb in your body. You are completely correct that if you OVERLOAD on carbs, even if they are complex, that the excess will act like a simple carb in your body and will be stored as fat which is why I keep my diet high protein.

    Oh, I am definitely right (regardless if it's a Monosaccharide, Disaccharide, Polysaccharide or Oligosaccharides). But what you are referring to is absorption rate and insulin response.

    Also, carbs don't really convert to fat very often (you can refer to de novo lipogenesis overfed studies). The body has a storage capacity of 300-500g of glycogen and will readily oxidize carbs as energy. But high carbs will decrease fat oxidation which leads to increase storage of fats.
  • SageParsons1991
    SageParsons1991 Posts: 7 Member
    "High carbs will decrease fat oxidation which leads to increased storage of fat". That is an interesting fact that I did not know. Our doctor just always presented it like the excess sugar from bad carbs were stored as fat, but keep in mind I was a child when she started working with us and she was probably just trying to keep it simple. Thanks for the info.

    I am referring to the absorption rate and insulin response because when you have diabetes in the family that is something you have to pay close attention to. In that respect there is a great difference in complex carbs vs simple carbs. Taking your information and combining it with what I know I am trying to formulate a plan that would keep my diet high protein but have enough of the right carbs to help me avoid hypoglycemia. I think the plan I've been on is working but I'm always open to improvements. Any suggestions?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    You're right to an extent, but having grown up with a type one diabetic, our nutritionist pounded into our heads the difference between simple and complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates are considered "good" because of the longer series of sugars that make them up and take the body more time to break down. They generally have a lower glycemic load, which means that you will get lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate to keep you going throughout the day (they are used as energy). Simple carbohydrates are composed basic sugars with little real value for your body (stores as fat). The higher in sugar and lower in fiber, the worse the carbohydrate is for you.
    I do have to correct myself though- veggies and fruits are actually simple carbs, but are so high in fiber they act more like a complex carb in your body. You are completely correct that if you OVERLOAD on carbs, even if they are complex, that the excess will act like a simple carb in your body and will be stored as fat which is why I keep my diet high protein.

    First, you should be aware that us type 1 diabetics are going to count and dose insulin based on "Net Carbs" and not total carbs. Fiber is excluded from net carbs. This is the type of mistake that leads to hypoglycemia in the short term and incorrect I:C ratios in the long-term.

    Second, the nutritionist who pounded the idea of simple vs. complex carbs into your head has done you a huge disservice. While I'm not going to argue that there is zero difference whatsoever, there is a very minimal difference in glucose affect to complex carbs vs. simple carbs. There is a much bigger difference between protein and any net carb. And then there is an even bigger difference between glucose affect of fat vs. any net carb. The nutritionist isn't wrong, but it sounds like s/he focused primarily on something with minimal value while skipping over explanations of the important stuff (such as the difference between total carbs and net carbs).

    Third, Keep in mind that type 1's do not make insulin or amylin. Many know we don't make insulin, but forget that we can't make amylin. Unless artificial amylin is taken (many type 1's do not), absorption of carbs as glucose is going to be faster for a type 1 than for a person with a fully functioning pancreas. Even when studies are conducted with otherwise healthy subjects, the absorption of carbs will happen more slowly than it would if the study had been conducted on type 1's who are not taking artificial amylin.

    Finally, I invite you to try comparing oats (a complex carb that should take a long time to become glucose, right?!). Test BG before consumption and regularly after consumption of oats (every 15 min.). Use a group of type 1's taking insulin at time of consumption and a group of healthy people. You will notice that both groups have rises in BG, starting within 5-10 min. and peaking at about 1 hr. The type 1 group will peak higher and will take longer to return to a normal BG. That is the effect of artificial insulin being sub-standard to pancreas created insulin... both the insulin and the delivery method. Complex carbs starting to raise BG within min. **GASP** Actually, this shouldn't be a huge surprise if you understand how carbs enter the blood stream and convert to glucose. Regardless of the type of carb, it isn't going to take long. Some may be a little bit longer, but it is so minimal that it isn't even worth mentioning. A nutritionist who spends almost the entire time talking about simple vs. complex carbs for a newly diagnosed type 1 has failed their duty.

    *Note: A study was published awhile back doing this exact experiment. I'd have to find the study later, but IIRC, it was conducted through a University in Atlanta.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Have you tried Shiritaki noodles? They are wonderful and low cal/carb. Make sure you get the ones without soy if you want really low cal/carb. The ones I buy are about 10 calories a cup. Some people love them and some hate them so it depends on your point of view. They tend to be a bit rubbery which I like and you must rinse them thoroughly otherwise the liquid they are packaged in makes them taste foul. The second thing you need to know about them is that they need to be dried out a bit in a no stick pan over high heat or they will make your sauces runny. I usually rinse thoroughly (no need to cook them) and then just drop them in my no stick pan without any fat and saute them until they are a bit drier. They hold a great deal of water.

    My second thing is spiralized veggies. Zuchinni with a red meat sauce is to die for in fact I now prefer it over spaghetti. I use spiralized carrots with a white sauce and they are wonderful. If you are interested in spiralized veggies I would recommend She has amazing ideas and recipes.

    I hardly miss pasta anymore.
  • SageParsons1991
    SageParsons1991 Posts: 7 Member
    By saying that our doctor/nutritionist pounded simple vs complex carbs into our heads I don't mean that that is all she covered. Everything you discussed she covered with us but what I am learning from you and @psuLemon is that the way it was presented to us was all very simplified, most likely because I was 6. And I have taken the explanations created for a six year old and lived by them which I am seeing now is an over simplification. However, despite that, I will say that because I understand what you and psuLemon have pointed out, I eat a high protein diet. I posted on this thread to share high protein recipes with the original poster because I agree that high protein is the way to go. My diet does include a balanced proportion of complex carbs, partially because of the over simplified explanations I received from our family doctor when my brother was diagnosed type 1, but also because every doctor I have had EVER had had suggested that and by following their advise I am at a healthy weight, healthy body fat percentage, just healthy all the way around. However, like I told psuLemon I am always open to improvements and would love to take some advise for my personal diet plan. What I was explaining to him is that I find that if I keep my protein too high and have no complex carbs giving me that slow sustaining sugar throughout the day, I crash and end up slightly hypo. And when I'm hypo I'm cranky and not very productive. What would you suggest?