Sedentary Office Workers: How Do You Get Your Steps In?



  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    RiderCG wrote: »
    This thread was great to read. I don't have a fitbit so don't count my steps - but do have an office Job and worst of all - I work from home. So I literally walk 15 steps from my bed to my desk in the morning and that's about it.

    I go to the gym after work but never thought to add things in during the day... I feel so silly! I'm going to try incorporating some of these ideas in my routine. Awesome!

    I occasionally work from home and on those days I get up every hour and walk on my treadmill for five minutes, or if it's a nice day, I go outside and walk to the end of the street and back. I figure if people are allowed to go outside for a smoke break, I'm sure as heck allowed a five minute leg stretch.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    RiderCG wrote: »
    This thread was great to read. I don't have a fitbit so don't count my steps - but do have an office Job and worst of all - I work from home. So I literally walk 15 steps from my bed to my desk in the morning and that's about it.

    I go to the gym after work but never thought to add things in during the day... I feel so silly! I'm going to try incorporating some of these ideas in my routine. Awesome!
    If you carry a phone, you can use it as a pedometer to count your steps and add some calories to MFP. :) I use Google Fit, but there's an iPhone version of something too. Adding in little bits of movement definitely adds up - there are days that I hit 2 hours of "activity" without going to the gym.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I walk for 40-50 minutes during my lunch hour, and eat at my desk. Depending on your work environment, I realize eating 'at the desk' may not be an option. I do get up and walk around a few minutes each hour. Nothing excessive. I also walk/run in the evenings. I am up at 5:30am, leave the house by 6:30am, 1 hour commute which takes a little longer on the way home.
    CMNVA wrote: »
    So, kind of a spin off on the other thread about Sedentary Office Workers.

    I am one. My job is basically sitting at a computer all day. If I get up and roam around, I'm not doing my job so I can't force steps in without possibly getting in trouble.

    I find that my steps are VERY low, even in on weekends.

    I get up in the morning, shower, do my hair, and go. I commute for an hour. I sit all day, then commute an hour home. I fix dinner which is just me kind of standing and moving about a small space. If it's an exercise day, I might hit 5,000 steps.

    On the weekend, even with exercise, it's a real stretch to hit 10,000 steps. I've only done it after a 3 mile job and a trip to the mall. I am not "sitting" at home but am doing housework and stuff.

    So in reading the other thread, I am marveling at office workers who are managing to get in 10-15K steps. What's your day like?

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    This time of the year my steps are about 2000 - 3000 per weekday if I don't do purposeful exercise. I generally do some type of workout on my lunch hour, but some days that doesn't work out. Yesterday there was a crisis at work and I did not take a lunch break. I had < 3000 steps yesterday.

    My steps vary greatly. Anything from 2000 to 15000. But some of the exercises I do don't provide steps. I have a Total Gym, for example. I can workout on that thing until I am soaked with sweat and can barely lift my arms to shower and get only a couple hundred 'steps'.

    In nicer weather I have 2 big gardens and 100+ acres to hike around on so steps are not an issue then.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I work out in the a.m.'s and on my cardio days 10K is no problem but on strength days, I make sure I park in the lot farthest away and usually make a bathroom trip each hour. When I fill my water bottle, I walk up two floors to get in extra steps. I have a stand up desk so that helps and this winter I've even done You Tube walk videos during lunch for 10 min to get in more steps.
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    CMNVA wrote: »
    I am one. My job is basically sitting at a computer all day. If I get up and roam around, I'm not doing my job so I can't force steps in without possibly getting in trouble.

    I'm sitting at my desk all day developing computer software. It's not all typing - there is a lot of thinking.

    So I get up twice a day and take a walk outside around the building complex (20 minutes each). I use that time to not only get steps in, but to think about what I'm coding. So, I'm doing work.

    I also take a 2 hour lunch every day, approved my my bosses, and workout at a gym for 90 minutes and take a 30 minute lunch.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I workout in the morning...usually hit 5-8k steps just from my workout, and then the rest I get just from running around my house/the grocery store etc.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm an office worker. I don't stress about steps, however I do workout - combo strength training with cardio about 5 times a week. I work hard in my workouts and feel great about that and see so much progress with my muscles. The only time I ever got over 10,000 steps when I did wear my FitBit was in the summer when I went home and mowed the lawn (big yard). Heck, even when I would jog on my trail, I didn't get 10,000 steps.
    As others have said maybe walk on breaks. Good luck
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited March 2017
    Just an idea. What if you left early for work and had a walk around the office before starting, or at the end of the day? Sometimes by leaving earlier for work, you can beat the rush and shorten your 1hr commute time.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    CMNVA wrote: »
    So, kind of a spin off on the other thread about Sedentary Office Workers.

    I am one. My job is basically sitting at a computer all day. If I get up and roam around, I'm not doing my job so I can't force steps in without possibly getting in trouble.

    I find that my steps are VERY low, even in on weekends.

    I get up in the morning, shower, do my hair, and go. I commute for an hour. I sit all day, then commute an hour home. I fix dinner which is just me kind of standing and moving about a small space. If it's an exercise day, I might hit 5,000 steps.

    On the weekend, even with exercise, it's a real stretch to hit 10,000 steps. I've only done it after a 3 mile job and a trip to the mall. I am not "sitting" at home but am doing housework and stuff.

    So in reading the other thread, I am marveling at office workers who are managing to get in 10-15K steps. What's your day like?

    I drive 30 min to work, and sit down. :( I have co-workers that go out once or twice a day to walk around the building - and that particular walk is maybe 1000 steps. If I can, I go with them, but usually I am too busy. However, my lunch hour is spent either walking, or I go to the gym for cardio (either elliptical, treadmill, or stepmill). So most days, I have at least 8000 steps in before I leave work, and many days I hit 10k before I leave - just depends on what I chose to do at lunch.
  • redrevolution77
    redrevolution77 Posts: 2 Member
    Get up an hour early before work and run.
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    edited March 2017
    Walk before work (literally go to work 30 mins early to get walk in) after work, while watching tv. Sometimes walk in place at work ! any chance i get i take steps! usually 12-15,000 a day
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    You have to put the opportunities in as often as possible.
    In the morning get up early enough for at least a 15 minute walk. That is at least 1,500 steps right there. If you live in an apartment park your car across the parking lot so that you have to walk that extra 50 or so steps to get to it. At work park far away from the door. That should be worth about 100 steps, 200 if you count walking to your car after work. Any break you get in the day time can be spent getting in another 1,000 steps. When you go any where park far away from the entrance. If you watch television get up during commercials and pace the floor. Any phone conversation can be a reason to pace also.
  • clyn90
    clyn90 Posts: 45 Member
    Every bathroom break (which is often because I drink so much water) I'll do 15 jumping jacks. They aren't "steps" but still something to get me moving. Some times I'll throw a few squats in there too. Also make an effort to wiggle in your chair more or get one of those little bike things for under your desk. Park farther away every where you go, grocery store, doc appts, work ect. Every little bit counts. I also have a very slow printer at work and when I hit print I get up right away and then just walk around until it actually spits out my paper.
  • clyn90
    clyn90 Posts: 45 Member
    Oh and in the evening if I happen to be able to actually sit down and watch a show which is like never (3 kids and a SO who works 65 hours so pretty much a single mom) I will walk up and down the hall on the commercial breaks
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    If you do try walking around the office, make sure to carry your logbook or a file and look like your'e going somewhere. Use the bathroom further away, if possible.

    It is harder if you work in a secure environment that restricts movement. Still, even just getting off one stop early on the way home, or walking around the block before going inside can add up to a little extra.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    edited March 2017
    I get between 10000-14000 per day normally, most of that is walking to and from work. But I do make a point of taking all the packages up to the 3rd floor up the stairs now, which has increased steps. Are you able to get off your train/bus a stop early on the way home or take a longer walk home from the station or go out for a walk in the evening? I am on my feet most of the time that I am home as well, I usually only sit down for 1-2 hours between leaving work and going to bed.
  • RiderCG
    RiderCG Posts: 15 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    I work from home most days... I take laps around the kitchen island while I am on telecons (might be annoying in an office setting though) and always use the bathroom upstairs.

    I have also been know to take laps around the bathroom at night when I am brushing my teeth if my steps are a little low.

    You have a treadmill at home--can you get some steps in while watching television or surfing the internet?

    Don't get too hung up on the number--any extra activity you can get in during your day is good!

    No treadmill. But I do have a heck of a lot of stairs (I live in one of those tall, many floor townhomes). So starting today I'm going to take a break every hour or so and do some runs from top of the house to the bottom. I've done two sets - already dying.

    I'm also going to try and get out during my lunch break for a walk around the neighbourhood instead of watching TV. I'm hoping this will help too cause I feel so restless at night.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm in the same boat, often times chained to a computer for a 14 hour work day. My building is circular, so I can either take the short route to the bathroom (100 steps), or the long route the other direction (800 steps). When time permits, I try to take the long route there and back. On really busy days, I only get around 4,000 steps. If I have the time for the long route to the bathroom I can get 11,000.