I'm Starving!

Hello everyone, my name is Casey. Here I go again with another diet. I'm already failing! I feel like I am starving all the time. I can never reach that "I'm full" status. I'm always hungry. Maybe it's because I'm bored or maybe it's because I'm fat and feel like I need to eat until I feel like I can't move. Lol! So that's me in a nutshell. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey!


  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    If you're starving you are likely eating the wrong things or have cut yourself too low on calories. Try setting yourself at 1lb per week loss, then adjust what you eat. Go for less calorie dense foods, more bulk will help you to feel fuller. I had to learn to home cook/steam vegetables along with leaner meats, use less oil and butter, and less sugar when cooking. Took some time but it helped me feel fuller longer.
  • CaseyWitham80
    CaseyWitham80 Posts: 3 Member
    You are very right, I am my own worst enemy. I set a 10 pound weight loss goal so that I may actually reach it. Baby steps, right? However, I need to lose 45 pounds to be at a healthy weight for my height. Maybe if I do that I won't have to take these cholesterol pills anymore! Thank you for your comment. I needed that!
  • Boland_D
    Boland_D Posts: 85 Member
    Are you eating calories dense foods allowing only a small quantity? Have you cut your calories too low?

    Try to eat more veggies with your meals and snack on fruit.
  • CaseyWitham80
    CaseyWitham80 Posts: 3 Member
    I definitely need to learn how to cook healthier. I kind of went hard into a very low carb diet. Probably should have started off a litter slower with that.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2017
    sounds like you are choosing the wrong types of foods... go for protein/fibre to keep you fuller for longer.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Don't view this as a diet. It is a lifestyle change. Eating at a deficit is a means to an end (weight loss) but eventually you'll reach maintenance and will need to handle that. If you go right back to the habits you had when you were overweight, you'll end up there again (ask me how I know :smile:) That said, I was much hungrier when I first began eating at a deficit, but that has gotten much better as my body adjusted to the new normal. I also played around with macros and figured out I like eating higher fats and lower carb (not low carb, just lowER) to stay full longer.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Casey. Here I go again with another diet. I'm already failing! I feel like I am starving all the time. I can never reach that "I'm full" status. I'm always hungry. Maybe it's because I'm bored or maybe it's because I'm fat and feel like I need to eat until I feel like I can't move. Lol! So that's me in a nutshell. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey!

    I've been feeling the same way the last few days. I just started back on Sunday full force. I'm not eating any fast food, fried foods or the bad things that I will over-indulge in. I do good for the most part but in the late morning early afternoons is when I stay the hungriest. It's like no matter what I eat for lunch I'm still hungry. I am hoping my body adjusts soon. I've always heard it takes about 2-3 weeks to get in to a new routine like this. I'm tired of yo-yo'ing with my weight loss so I'm hoping this time I stick to it.
  • RiderCG
    RiderCG Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! If you need moral support - feel free to add me :) I'm sort of in the same boat. I feel ya.

    I'm trying to remember it's not a diet. It's changing my lifestyle and relationship with food. Which is hard because I LOVE food and just want to stuff my face all the time. Nothing more fun then going out to a new restaurant. I"m trying to come up with new reciepes at home that are fun and healthy. And you know - it isn't so bad.

    I also was of the camp of setting my goal really small.. but then I never really felt the big enough 'I need to get this done" push.
  • I had this problem for years. No amount of protein, fat or hydration could quiet my hunger. Only after I took inventory of my carb intake was I able to solve this problem, I'm not talking about some drastic cut in the way of carbs here. Just take a look at your carb intake and see if it's high. If it is try lowering it by 50-75 grams and see how it helps. For me, a high carb intake at any meal makes me very hungry. So I keep it under 40 each time I eat. This may or may not be the case for you. Trial and error will be the way to find out.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Okay, your second sentence is what got my attention. Diet? In order for this to work you'll need to make a total lifestyle commitment and change. Diets just don't work, they are temporary. With that said, you need to learn how to eat A LOT of food with very little calories. Fruits, veggies and beans are great for that and can keep you full all morning. Remember to drink lots and I mean LOTS of water starting from the moment you get up. Make yourself a glass of water while you get ready for the day. Try to drink two glasses before you walk out the door. A lot of times we are thirsty and mistake it for hunger. The first few weeks of lifestyle change are the hardest, especially if you are working out and trying to fuel those muscles. Finding the right balance is difficult, but you can do it.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Try to meet the standard set by the NHS in Great Britain, try hitting their standard of 800 g (10 servings) of veggies and fruits a day. I am three days in and really don't feel like eating anything now, and feel like I spend my days stuffing myself with really virtuous food items. So if you like to constantly be putting food in your mouth...this is perfect.


  • Faye369
    Faye369 Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2017
    You are very right, I am my own worst enemy. I set a 10 pound weight loss goal so that I may actually reach it. Baby steps, right? However, I need to lose 45 pounds to be at a healthy weight for my height. Maybe if I do that I won't have to take these cholesterol pills anymore! Thank you for your comment. I needed that!

    Diet !!! UGH !!! I HATE that word!! I'm also kind of getting to dislike "lifestyle change" too :( BUT ... Just by making the decision you are a step ahead of those that have not and are still on the sofa... good for you !!! I know it is hard, but try not to focus on the numbers... it is a conscious decision to do something for yourself and you deserve the best life you can get !!!

    When I started this journey about 3 years ago, my motivation was mobility .. to regain the balance and ability to use my upper body as much as possible with a type of muscular dystrophy that I have (FSH). I knew I could stand to lose some poundage going strictly by the numbers and 50 lbs sounded like a number to shoot for - although it seemed unattainable and a lilfetime away. My focus was on improving my core strength and stamina. When I started I could do about a minute on the treadmill ... sounds laughable right! But I kept at it... now .. where once I could not raise my arms high enough to get something from top shelf in the cupboard, I can reach the wine glass and occasionally celebrate with a glass of it; where once I had to sit down to take my sock off; I can stand on one foot and do some leg raises and other balance moves; And where once my core was so weak and interfered with jogging because weak ankles and drop foot caused me to trip, I completed a 5K and one of my favorite exercises is walk/run! Today I have went past the number that seemed so far away ... I am down 51 lbs ... a new low for me. 3 years sounds like a long *kitten* time to lose 50 lbs but again ... it wasn't my main goal initially .. it became an equal goal after 35 tho lol and for the past year I have been doing the 5:2 intermittent fasting that has helped me get to where I am now.

    I don't know you well enough to tell you an "alternative fact" .. and you've heard it before but seriously if I can.. you can !!! Start slow .. remember the turtle ??? Get some casein protein .. it's slow release and makes you feel full .. mixed with a little cold water, it seriously tastes like pudding ... mix it with greek yogurt and it legit tastes like cheesecake!!

    Sorry y post is so long .. but this morning I am feeling a little pumped smiley: .... good luck .. you are worth it and deserve it !!!
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Eat more fat, protein and fiber-rich veggies and less carbs. Carbs are the least filling and also send your blood glucose on a roller coaster constantly sending insulin signals to keep it in check. This relationship is what makes you feel hungry and have energy crashes in conjunction with the actual amount of bulk in your stomach.

    I was more hungry dieting before when I was snacking on low fat or fat free yogurt and "100 calorie" packs of snacks versus what I snack on now (nuts especially macadamia nuts, seeds my favorite are pumpkin seeds, cheese, pepperoni and other deli meats, etc). Also higher fat meat helped me stay fuller longer. For example, salmon versus tilapia, pork versus turkey, chicken thighs versus chicken breasts.

    Disclaimer: I eat a very low carb, high fat diet known as keto. I, and many others, experience little to no hunger. It is not for everyone but I truly believe, lowering your empty fiber-less carbs will help you.
  • Westeros_Dovah
    Westeros_Dovah Posts: 7 Member
    you are starved of real food and nutrients, yes.
  • GoCleanGoLean
    GoCleanGoLean Posts: 71 Member
    bowlerae wrote: »
    Eat more fat, protein and fiber-rich veggies and less carbs. Carbs are the least filling and also send your blood glucose on a roller coaster constantly sending insulin signals to keep it in check. This relationship is what makes you feel hungry and have energy crashes in conjunction with the actual amount of bulk in your stomach.

    I was more hungry dieting before when I was snacking on low fat or fat free yogurt and "100 calorie" packs of snacks versus what I snack on now (nuts especially macadamia nuts, seeds my favorite are pumpkin seeds, cheese, pepperoni and other deli meats, etc). Also higher fat meat helped me stay fuller longer. For example, salmon versus tilapia, pork versus turkey, chicken thighs versus chicken breasts.

    Disclaimer: I eat a very low carb, high fat diet known as keto. I, and many others, experience little to no hunger. It is not for everyone but I truly believe, lowering your empty fiber-less carbs will help you.

    A word of friendly advice: this is not true for everyone. For me, carbs are the most fulfilling -- a high carb meal makes me feel satiated for hours on end with no "energy crash" at the end. A high protein, low carb meal makes me feel satiated for about an hour ... then I'm hungry again. A high fat, low carb meal gives me the same results. Everybody is different. Find what works for you -- some people feel more full on a high protein diet, others on high carb, and others on high fat. Experiment with different combinations until you find one that is most filling.

  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I definitely need to learn how to cook healthier. I kind of went hard into a very low carb diet. Probably should have started off a litter slower with that.

    Low carb does not = weight loss. Low carb = less energy and more hunger for most people. Carbs are not your enemy, calories are. Set yourself at a caloric deficit, log accurately, do some exercise, and eat what you want as long as it fits your macros and makes you feel full.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited March 2017
    Don't over complicate this. Eat what you like, no, really, eat what you like and stay within you calorie goal. What you will find yourself doing OVER TIME is making better choices, but in the beginning, just cut back on the amount and keep eating what you love. I believe this is the single biggest mistake made, drastically altering what you eat. Just don't do it. Stop trying to diet, just eat less. If you can get a little exercise, more the better but not required.

    ETA: I find that prelogging my whole day makes it much easier to stay on track.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    It's also about gaining the mindset of eating for fuel as well as enjoyment. I will never stop eating for enjoyment but that doesn't mean I have to eat until I'm "full" at every meal. I try to go for "satisfied" over "stuffed". In fact, I've really come to dislike that overstuffed feeling. It makes me feel pretty awful.

    I do still eat fairly large meals but packed with veggies. Salad greens take up a lot of room in your stomach for very few calories. Add a little grain (like rice or quinoa) and a few ounces of protein and it's a pretty satisfying meal. I also eat small snacks between meals like boiled eggs, half an apple with peanut butter, celery and laughing cow cheese.

    Once you do that for a couple days you get into a rhythm of food intake that will keep you more satisfied.
  • sweet2def
    sweet2def Posts: 52 Member
    your macro's could be off. I have done THREE macro calculations for days when I am killing it in the gym, days I do a little in the gym and days when I sit on my butt. I eat according to those macro's and I am NEVER hungry. I used to be one of those people who either ate everything in sight (''normal'' day) or lived on low cal foods (''diets'' that were restrictive and left me tired due to malnutrition.) I feel awesome now and have lost 14lbs on 35 days,, best of all, I am NEVER hungry or thinking about food.