So confused with extra calories given...

lauriethom Posts: 11 Member
edited March 2017 in Getting Started
Hi, I have worked out my calories based on lightly active and I try to stick to this target. I walk 10,000 + steps per day and have synched mfp and Fitbit. My question is at the end of every night I am gaining calories sometimes up to 200. Where are these coming from and should I eat them? I am so confused because ive picked my activity level , I'm sticking to the calories but each day it says I'm awarded more.


  • JustMissTracyToo
    JustMissTracyToo Posts: 74 Member
    Those are your activity calories for the burn calories all day, even when you're not exercising.....I eat back half my activity calories most days.
  • brettr23
    brettr23 Posts: 115 Member
    Yeah I would get a pro to calculate for you...700 calories is a HUGE reward that is like 1/4 my daily value on maintenance
  • lauriethom
    lauriethom Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry that should have said 200!
    I'm just confused as mfp thinks I'm doing light activity so where do these extra calories come from.
    I'll try edit to show 200 not 700
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    FitBit will add calories into MFP based off that day of activity. Currently I try not to eat back my exercise calories because I have my weight loss goal set to 0.5 lbs a week. I no longer wear my FitBit because I rely on strength training and cardio combo that I do about 5 times a week.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    If you do more than 10k steps a day you're probably burning more than your lightly active profile (which some people say is roughly 7.5k steps) :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    lauriethom wrote: »
    Sorry that should have said 200!
    I'm just confused as mfp thinks I'm doing light activity so where do these extra calories come from.
    I'll try edit to show 200 not 700

    You told MFP light activity - when you walk >10K steps that's more than light activity.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited March 2017
    When you set up your profile as lightly active, MFP estimates you will burn X calories per day. MFP only has certain levels to choose from, like sedentary, lightly active, etc.

    When you use Fitbit - it estimates your calorie burn based on actual activity. If you are earning a Fitbit adjustment it means your actual burn is hgiher than what MFP estimated. Such as you may be a little above 'lightly active' but not enough to be the next activity level.

    If its a small amount of overage, leave it be. But if its a large # or if you feel you need a little extra on some days, feel free to use them.

    Example: I use Fitbit & MFP. MFP expects me, as lightly active, to burn about 1775 per day. According to Fitbit yesterday I burned 1951 and the day before was 1906. I'm more than lightly active. Kind of between activity levels.
    lauriethom wrote: »
    Hi, I have worked out my calories based on lightly active and I try to stick to this target. I walk 10,000 + steps per day and have synched mfp and Fitbit. My question is at the end of every night I am gaining calories sometimes up to 200. Where are these coming from and should I eat them? I am so confused because ive picked my activity level , I'm sticking to the calories but each day it says I'm awarded more.

  • lauriethom
    lauriethom Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone ...I've just read else where that i should put my activity level as 'no activity' and then let fit bit work out how many calories I've burnt doing my walking and then eat back some of them when they are added to my diary as exercise...
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    lauriethom wrote: »
    Thank you everyone ...I've just read else where that i should put my activity level as 'no activity' and then let fit bit work out how many calories I've burnt doing my walking and then eat back some of them when they are added to my diary as exercise...

    It kinda depends on how consistent you are at hitting those 10K steps. If you set yourself to a lower activity level, MFP will give you less calories to start and will then add to it during the day based on what Fitbit shows. If you set to a higher activity level, you start with a higher base calories, but may lose some if you are not that active. If you are consistent in what you do, and MFP usually gives you the same number of calories at the end of the day (midnight) then I would stick with the higher level as more indicative of what you will get.

    If you are not that consistent, then set a lower activity level and see where the numbers end for the day.

    Either way, it should net out to close to the same once the day is done, just whether you start with less and have more added or start higher with less added (or some taken away). This will be your preference.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    MFP isn't trying to sabotage you or trick you. It's giving you extra calories because you've burned more than you need to to be at a deficit. As long as your logging is accurate you would still lose if you ate them.

    If you lower your activity level to sedentary you'll likely just get more exercise calories added at the end of the day.