Let's kick soda/pop to the curb!

matt2673 Posts: 20 Member
Here's a good challenge for you all and I'm currently starting it right now. Replace soda/pop with sparkling water flavored naturally with no sugar/sweetners. Example: Dasani Sparkling Water. I'm betting anyone whom accepts will benefit immensely. This will not be easy because diet soda can be as addictive as crack.


  • rafeldelaghetto
    rafeldelaghetto Posts: 1 Member
    Im new here but i am down for this. I've gone 1 month without recently and went back to it. I have one Vita Ice I'm drinking tonight and then I'll just be on a water kick. I'm hoping it will help with weight loss.
  • gerripaulson
    gerripaulson Posts: 2 Member
    I could really use a challenge like this! I easily drink 6 cans of Mt. Dew a day! I have no self control and it's killing me!