Breaking Through the Plateau

Hey guys! So about a year and a half ago, I was the most fit/healthy that I have been since freshman year of high school. I was dedicated to MFP and was going to Crossfit 3-4 times a week. In the midst of this, I started going back to school to finish my degree. Slowly but surely, my workouts took the back-burner and my stress-eating overcame me. Before I knew it, I had gained 35 lbs which isn't healthy and doesn't carry well on a 5'2 22 year old. I was struggling with trying to lose the weight again and stay committed to an exercise routine, because I feel like I've hit a plateau. But I decided to go back to what I know works well for me--Crossfit and MFP. I'm trying to stay motivated and committed, but I know that would be a lot easier with a support system--who better than a group of people in a similar boat to mine? Feel free to add me, and we can encourage each other! Also, any tips on breaking the weightloss and fitness plateau would be greatly appreciated!!


  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    How long has it been? Anything under 3 weeks you should disregard.
  • cmsalvato
    cmsalvato Posts: 4 Member
    hey! I'm kind of going through the same! A couple years ago I was a gym rat, ate completely paleo and at 5 foot 2 (also :) ) i was 160lb but a size 4! solid muscle. I've since gained an insane amount of weight/fat, and between working full time, being a single mama, and going to school online, i have no time or money to get into a gym. I've been logging every single thing i've eaten for a week and a half, losing 8lb the first week. I'm trying to figure out a workout routine for home b/c i know just diet isn't going to get me as far as I want.
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! The plateau can be tough, psychologically (I've been in mine since the fall). I'm also a stress-eater, so I'm trying to be more mindful about logging, seeing if that can get me over the hump. With the right commitment, you'll get there. Stick with it and take it one day at a time. :)
  • embeers
    embeers Posts: 41 Member
    You can add me! I am short too! I am much older, 46, but still have the same weight struggles. I love MFP, Ive lost 21 lbs since joining!!! I need friends too!!