Body fat reduction

Any tips nutrition or exercise-wise? I eat pretty much all whole foods, not many refined carbs, too much sugar sometimes but usually from fruit, good fats (almost no bad fats as I eat no meat and little dairy and rarely anything fried). I also run, bike, do circuit training classes that are mixes of strength training and cardio segments, kickboxing, zumba here and there..... My body fat percentage is 27%. Tips?



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    strength training, and make sure you get a good bit of protein in each day :) eventually your muscles will get better at doing what they do, and your body fat will shrink away.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member

    You are within a "normal" healthy range for a female your age (based on your profile) given if you want to reduce body fat percentage the best thing you can do it build more muscle, increase your weight levels during your circuit training and circuit classes, and look at upping your reps during your circuit training.
  • azainab
    azainab Posts: 3
    O GOd 63 pounds lost ..... how u have done that ?
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Any tips nutrition or exercise-wise? I eat pretty much all whole foods, not many refined carbs, too much sugar sometimes but usually from fruit, good fats (almost no bad fats as I eat no meat and little dairy and rarely anything fried). I also run, bike, do circuit training classes that are mixes of strength training and cardio segments, kickboxing, zumba here and there..... My body fat percentage is 27%. Tips?


    I don't mean to rain on your parade but none of the activities you mentioned are strength training. Keep in mind even though circuit training involves weights, it is an aerobic activity. The same goes for the other activities.

    I would suggest mixing real strength training with aerobic activity. Keep in mind you will need to do both activities in the same workout otherwise your body will choose one or the other, defeating your intent to training both systems. Generally it is easier to lift weights first followed by aerobic activity.

    A good guide for getting started is "The New Rules for Strength Training for Women."

    Also regarding your nutrient, do you use a digital scale at home? Keep in mind measuring things by volume (cups, etc) is not an accurate way to estimate your calories. By mass with a scale is the only way to get accurate counts.