Thoroughly pissed with doctor



  • phyllis5
    phyllis5 Posts: 16 Member
    I work at a hospital as a nurse and see some of the most intelligent people make some of the most STUPID remarks. I would have gotten up and asked him "are you for real" and walked out. If I am not asking for help either finanically or physically from you, you don't get a vote! Find a new doctor and set the old one straight (lost patient ,means lost income).
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Does he have someone you can report him to for being an A** Hole!! It is none of his business!!! i would not return to him ever!
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    you need to investigate and report his rude and very invasive comments. Both you and your husband have privacy rights. this man should work in a lab, and not with people. what a jerk!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business

    I think this hit the nail on the head. Maybe you are not on government assistance and what he said was wrong, but I think the above posters are on the track of what he was thinking. I know I get very frustrated when I see someone paying at a store with assistance cards when they have four or five kids.
  • sweet_cece
    as a medical professional myself, that is totally unethical and extremely unprofessional!!!

    a patient's life choices should not be interrogated like that. that is your right.

    i'm not sure what you have decided to do, going forward, but i would look into it. i'm sure you won't be visiting that doctor again any time soon, but to leave a doctor's office judged like that, leaving you in tears... is just not right.

  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I wonder if he had a reason to ask such questions. Sometimes that information might give him information about your health status (stress level, emotional status, spousal abuse, even sexual history etc...). That information may be important for him to properly diagnose your issue and take care of your health. Maybe he wanted to know if you really wanted your children or if you were pressured to have them. I don't know why he said what he said but before you write him off you might give him another try. If it happens again ask him, in a polite way, what information he is acctually looking for (ie what does the question give him and how does it apply to the service he is providing).
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business

    I think this hit the nail on the head. Maybe you are not on government assistance and what he said was wrong, but I think the above posters are on the track of what he was thinking. I know I get very frustrated when I see someone paying at a store with assistance cards when they have four or five kids.

    They could have had the kids before getting into financial difficulty? Plus like you get those intense catholics that think they'll go to hell if they use a condom so they end up having big families. Plus like aren't benefits limited to just a few years in America? Like you're not allowed to live on them forever unless you're disabled or something?
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business

    I think this hit the nail on the head. Maybe you are not on government assistance and what he said was wrong, but I think the above posters are on the track of what he was thinking. I know I get very frustrated when I see someone paying at a store with assistance cards when they have four or five kids.

    They could have had the kids before getting into financial difficulty? Plus like you get those intense catholics that think they'll go to hell if they use a condom so they end up having big families. Plus like aren't benefits limited to just a few years in America? Like you're not allowed to live on them forever unless you're disabled or something?

    This isnt related to my post but whenever I see someone out using government aid with chikdren I'm glad. I mean, of course I wish they were better off, but once the government takes our taxes THEY then own the money... It's no longer"our" tax money but their revenue and I'm glad they are using that money to help people in need instead of fixing some road that doesn't need to be fixed.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    Wooow. If it has nothing to do with your health it's none of his business!! You look great, by the way, awesome display pic!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    You certainly have the right to be upset. I'd report his behavior and if possible, find a new clinic. I know sometimes that's easier said than done. We live in an area with sometimes one doctor for multiple counties' patients in a given specialty area. Try to keep your mood up by focusing on how much weight you've lost. <3 And I'll keep you in my prayers.
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    That's when you leave bad reviews of him on websites.
    What a repugnant jerk.
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    I would have been like, "Thanks DAD, how about we get down to why I'm here and you stop prying?"

    I think you need to register a complaint.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you all for the kind replies. I ferl so down and it's ben hours since my appointment. I already tried to eat away my troubles with cookies which just added to my problems. I feel so down. I haven't done that in MONTHS. =(
  • arlingtonangel
    arlingtonangel Posts: 73 Member
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business

    I think this hit the nail on the head. Maybe you are not on government assistance and what he said was wrong, but I think the above posters are on the track of what he was thinking. I know I get very frustrated when I see someone paying at a store with assistance cards when they have four or five kids.

    Wow well I have 4 kids, and there was a period last year when my huband lost his job and I was only a making minimum wage, that we were on assistance. Thank God for it. I didn't know how we were going to keep the roof over our head, but I did know that my children would eat. I had my children when we were financially stable, and strived to get off assistance with in 6 months. I don't judge when I see someone on assistance. I do agree that people abuse the sysyem, but the bible said it best...judge not lest ye be judged.
  • keepkickingbutt
    keepkickingbutt Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, and that your doctor only saw the negatives - e.g. he didn't look into the waiting room and think/say "Great to see three healthy kids with caring parents who support each other and their children."

    And you can't argue with idiots - they're just never going to get it!

    If you really believe this doctor will be beneficial to your long term health and wellbeing, then maybe it would help, next time you see him, to calmly tell him directly that you felt upset by his comments. Or maybe there is a PA or nurse at the clinic you could talk to about how you feel?

    About how you're sorry to hear that the way your personal situation *appears* to him seems to make him annoyed, but you're there to get diagnosed and get better, and you would appreciate the focus being on that rather than your student status or your children. As another member said, though, this is assuming that your student status and kids have nothing to do with you being unwell - maybe that could be another question to ask him: "Does my or my husband's student status relate directly to the health condition you are diagnosing?"

    If he's slightly not a tool, maybe that will make him take a step back?

    Most of all remember you and your family are awesome, and you have heaps of genuine friends here! :)
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business

    I think this hit the nail on the head. Maybe you are not on government assistance and what he said was wrong, but I think the above posters are on the track of what he was thinking. I know I get very frustrated when I see someone paying at a store with assistance cards when they have four or five kids.

    Wow well I have 4 kids, and there was a period last year when my huband lost his job and I was only a making minimum wage, that we were on assistance. Thank God for it. I didn't know how we were going to keep the roof over our head, but I did know that my children would eat. I had my children when we were financially stable, and strived to get off assistance with in 6 months. I don't judge when I see someone on assistance. I do agree that people abuse the sysyem, but the bible said it best...judge not lest ye be judged.

    I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can imagine it to be a humbling experience and people who need help shouldn't be made to feel embarrassed. Sometimes things dont go as planned and someone may need help... Doesnt mean they LIKE it or that theres anything enjoyable about it.. It's tough. It's lije when you see someone using food stamps and they have on nice clothing.. People assume they are abusing the system, often. However it's usually the case that these clothes were purchased before the need for assistance arose. We should all try to be more compassionate and less judgmental so we can allow people in need to retain their dignity.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Well, he's to question if he's providing for your government care (not saying that you are on it, but if you are and I couldn't care less, just giving you the other side of the coin) through his hard earned money, why you chose to have 3 children and neither one of you are beyond student status.

    Like I said, what you do is your business. I'm just giving you the other side of the coin. This economy SUCKS and I feel horrible for anyone that is unemployed during it :( it's so difficult to find a job.

    I have to agree with you somewhat... even though some ppl mgiht be pissed off about it you do have a point.... he probably should be prying though... its really none of his business

    I think this hit the nail on the head. Maybe you are not on government assistance and what he said was wrong, but I think the above posters are on the track of what he was thinking. I know I get very frustrated when I see someone paying at a store with assistance cards when they have four or five kids.

    You're frustrated? Did you realize you still have to pay taxes regardless of wether you like it or not, right?

    We've always been in a situation where we didn't need them, but me personally? When I see someone using a foodstamp card and has kids I'm just glad they could swallow they're pride and get the help rather than letting their children starve like some parents would. Government programs are really corrupt, but they exist for a reason. Try to see the good in the world instead of being a downer about the program. Aren't you glad kids are eating rather than starving? I don't see foodstamps as any different than a food drive, or food pantry. It still takes money to donate to a food bank. Not to knock you personally but I live in a well off area, and I see condescending types that hate on people using foodstamp cards, but yet go and donate boxes of food to the poor. How is that any different? It all takes money.
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
    I would definitely report him to the proper authority, and find another doctor! Those questions seem much too personal!
    Here's to you and your lovely family!