STOP! (night time eating support)



  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Why not snack at night time? Just work it in your calories and pre-plan a snack. When I had ice cream in the house, I'd weigh it out with my food scale and was eating a serving size most nights. I felt happy and still wasn't blow my calories for the day....
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I have started drinking water at night, I use to hate it when people said to do this but for the past week it seems to be helping. Geez, I wish we didn't have this problem but life is not fair. Glad I got a chubby husband who has to do it with me,lol He has started eating banana or apple at night. (No more barbecue fritos like those dirn skinny people) whining a little here...
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    I've started drinking hot tea with lemon and a little honey... it takes away my sweet tooth (which is horrible at night) and helps me feel full. Plus it relaxes me before bed :)
  • simmoner4
    simmoner4 Posts: 132 Member

    You've really got to stop thinking exercise helps you lose weight. Exercise is of course the single best thing you can do for your health, but it is NOT a weight loss tool. You know you can blow that hour and a half run with a single piece of pizza right? Your diet, and diet alone should accomplish a 1 to 2 pound a week loss depending on your goal and level of commitment. Exercise is a bonus, I never "eat back" calories. If you are exercising 5 to 7 days a week, that is great. If you miss a day, and rest, that's not that big of a deal because you still got 5 days in. Just take one night at a super bowl party with the booze and the food and see what that does to the scale.

    It's hard for me because I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm a runner currently in marathon training, so yes I need calories but just the fact that eating at night makes me feel awful the next day but it's a bad habit. After training last year I had some health problems from losing too much weight in training, so when I was trying to gain weight I would often eat right before bed. Now it's a bad habit I can't break that leaves me sick the next day.
  • Candy0928
    Candy0928 Posts: 20 Member
    This is my issue, too. In an effort to curb it, i've simply eliminated everything in my home that can be a tempting, fatty/salty/sweet snack. I keep ice cold water on my nightstand and I keep a window open...too keep the temp of the room slightly chilly. It deters me from getting up and losing the warmth of my blankets.
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    Reaverie and strawberry spice hiws it going?!

    Lol.. its only been two days and these two days dont count. We have all had a viral cold.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I prelog my food and eat a lot at night. That's OK because I plan for that. I tried not snacking, and that didn't work. Now I munch down my list of snacks when I watch TV. But if you don't stuck to your calories, and just munch without weighing your food, you'll have problems.
  • db58johnson
    db58johnson Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I just read every single oust and want to say thank you!!!! I have so many of the same issues as many of you. I have created a very strong habit re craving and then giving into night time eating that I need to break. It happened any night I watch tv. Am I supposed to give up relaxing by watching tv?! Fruit sounds perfect but when s craving hits I WANT the craved food. Or whatever I can find to munch n crunch. But it's been a big bowl of cereal or way too much light popcorn. It's the eating I enjoy. It's the going overboard that I need to figure out how to control. If it's my thoughts of the food that start the craving (the habit) then perhaps I need to use my brain to control them. I don't HAVE to eat, right? I'm giving in. And then regretting it. Hmmmm.... I'm stronger than that, dammit. Right?!
  • db58johnson
    db58johnson Posts: 11 Member
    And guess what? I haven't been tracking my calories. There u go. And do u know why? Bc I have this notion that it's unreasonable to believe I can sustain such a rigid lifestyle. I will not keep with it, I tell myself. So guess what?...I don't! I also get to my calorie limit and think 'I know I will be starving later. I know an extra 100 calories won't REALLY matter and it'll help me not be so starving...and that starving feeling makes me resentful. And u guessed it, I always go way over 100 calories. Such a nasty pattern. I promise u all that I will begin tracking to at least see how it goes. I have done it before, lost about 15lbs, felt strong and eased up and gained it all back plus more. Wtf?! I felt strong?! Anyone else sabotage their success that way?! Ugh!!! Ok so back to tracking. I'm also going to just give myself an extra 200 calories onto my total. Take off some pressure. Wish me luck!!!! I'm glad ur all out there and that I took a chance in posting my issues. Thank u all for ur honesty, too. It helps!!!!!!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Can't help. I eat a pint of low cal ice cream every night. I save up for it. What's the big deal?
  • rosepeppercreek
    rosepeppercreek Posts: 160 Member
    I'm a total night eater too!!! I think the best advice I can give it to eat a little bit more protein through out the day. I find that most of the time the late night bingeing was because I didn't eat enough through out the day.

    Also, I keep binge approved snacks handy. Celery. Carrots. Popcorn (pop in the microwave with no oil in a paper bag). Things like that!
  • dkomadin
    dkomadin Posts: 6 Member
    It''s as if the devil is on my shoulder at night pushing me to eat. I am really good during the day.
  • Sayley1
    Sayley1 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my biggest struggle. I am picture perfect with healthy food selections all day...then night time comes and I can't stop snacking on junk. I am going to try some of the suggestions listed here.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I eat up to 11:30pm every night. Night time is when I get to watch shows I can't watch during the day because of my DD (some content inappropriate for her to see). So I snack and eat at this time. It may be 500 calories or more. Here's the key though..............I still stay under my calorie allotment for the day.
    What I don't have to worry about is breakfast the next day. Yeah, yeah the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" people will come out of the wood work on this (it's really not BTW), but use some common sense here.
    If one started eating at 7am in the morning and finished at 7pm, that's a 12 hour fast correct? So what's the difference if it's 11:30pm and then start eating at 11:30am or a little after?
    The body doesn't realize time when it comes to food consumption.

    As to the OP, if you're eating 100 calories a day over your TDEE daily, that's 10lbs a year in weight gain. Just in case you didn't know that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Thank all for ur mssgs! I have been dealing w my weight all my life. It's really frustrating to not have this one figured out. Ewestberg it sounds like we need to tackle this head on. I will check this post in the evenings starting tonight. Maybe u can do the same. If u r struggling, ready to eat stuff u know u shouldnt, or already did...reach out n I will support u. That's what I need to. I can tell u that at the end of the night I love to relax n snack...but I'm mad after I do it. If I have calories left I always go way past. So, again, grrrrrr! I need to focus on how I will feel in the morning vs how the food gives that instant gratification when I'm snuggled up w my tea n a good show or ready to crochet or chatting w family. Immediately afterwards I wish I hadn't eaten. We can do this! Tell me more about what ur up against at night, too!!!!!

    Could you not buy snack foods? That may help. I was eating too many Kashi bars. So I stopped buying them. I have nothing to snack on in my home.
  • april37
    april37 Posts: 8 Member
    I need help with night time eating. I'm good all day but then I sit and want to eat until it's bed time!!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I read somewhere that the feeling of hunger is like an early warning system. It isn't an slarm that you're going to starve to death soon, but more that you better start getting ready to hunt or gather food and to plan on eating in the next few hours. I remind myself of that when I get over worried about being hungry later.

    I've found that it takes lots of practice to control portion sizes. I'm working on listening to my body. If I'm not hungry, I stop eating, even if there's food on my plate (and even if "I might be hungry later" which hardly ever happens). That has helped me a lot to eat less, even when snacking. And, it does take being pretty rigid day in and day out. I sometimes will just eat an ice cream bar at midnight, even if I'm not hungry, just because I want it. But. I always log it.
  • db58johnson
    db58johnson Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I LOVE your posts...strong ones n 'I need help, too' ones!!! Lots of good stuff. I was out if town for s cpl days. Very busy. Stress. But I'm back home tonight yay.

    One thing I wanted to reply to are suggestions to get junk out of the house. Excellent advice, of course, but I'm not the only person in the house. So, alas, I must deal.

    I have started using an app a friend suggested called 'running'. I'm liking it a LOT. It's basically a timer...warm up by walking 5 mins n then about 30 mins of walking and running but no more than a min and a half of either at d time so far. Anyhow, I mention this bc it feels great. It's winter here so the treadmill it is. Anyone used this app before?!

    Here's to a great week of logging, being kind to ourselves, and getting real about our goals and getting it done!!!!!
  • BobbyLively1961
    BobbyLively1961 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm snacking on air popcorn with ( I can't believe it's not butter) 31 calories per cup , it seems to help
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you to everyone who posted! I am really struggling with hunger at night and your input really helped!! Hope everyone makes the choices they want to make tonight!