Have you ever ___________?



  • lqqkingatu
    lqqkingatu Posts: 3,080 Member

    HYE seen a psychologist or psychiatrist?
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member

    HYE made a prank phone call?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    No...What's your number, Jim?...lol

    HYE pulled a prank on someone that went terribly wrong?
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    No, thankfully

    HYE gone swimming in the ocean naked?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    At least once a month

    HYE been to a nude beach or resort?
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    Hye looked at Someone and said to yourself.... Yep.... Goodbye.
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member

    HYE had a one-night stand, then woke up and wondered what the hell you were thinking?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    *head bowed in shame....* Yes

    HYE had sex with someone on a dare?
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    "head bowed in shame".... yes :D

    HYE hit on a girl only to find out she was a he? (Most of us who spent time in SE Asia back in the day will have to say yes whether we want to or not!)
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    yes... and to his credit, he told me as I sat down...I said thanks, bought him a drink and said goodbye
    I have friends who didn't find out until they were back at the hotel room....lol

    HYE been to SE Asia?
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    officially...No :)

    HYE walked on the great wall (not Trump's, the real one in china :) )
  • ValleyHooper
    ValleyHooper Posts: 1,993 Member

    HYE been to Tokyo?
  • Rhody_Hoosier
    Rhody_Hoosier Posts: 688 Member

    HYE been to Rhode Island?
  • yondaime8
    yondaime8 Posts: 103 Member
    Nope, been only once to the US, it was washington DC.

    HYE ran a 10K ?
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    I have run a few of them

    HYE ran a marathon
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    Yes 3 of them

    HYE done a Tough Mudder?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member

    HYE run a half marathon?
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member

    hye gone mountain biking
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member

    HYE gone mountain climbing?
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    HYE had a fear of heights?