Going through a Divorce.. Need Help!

NaCl_I Posts: 3 Member
I'm sure many other people have gone through it.. anyone know where the best support is?


  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    I'd fall back on my friends and family. ;)
  • NaCl_I
    NaCl_I Posts: 3 Member
    Welp, that's why I've turned to mfp. Friends and family are out
  • NaCl_I
    NaCl_I Posts: 3 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    I usually turn to Tumblr for my deeply personal posts, but a brand new account on MFP would be a fine option as well... good luck with getting the support that you need during this terribly troubling time.

    Lol.. but obviously I'm desperate for help on talking to someone otherwise I would've gone elsewhere
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Are you just looking for divorce help only?
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    What kinda support are we talking about here? Because there's plenty on MFP ready to be that virtual rebound so you've actual come to the right place!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    What kinda support are we talking about here? Because there's plenty on MFP ready to be that virtual rebound so you've actual come to the right place!

    Isn't this a place for dieting and exercising help? I am confused.

    not necessarily.. :#:#
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    What kinda support are we talking about here? Because there's plenty on MFP ready to be that virtual rebound so you've actual come to the right place!

    Isn't this a place for dieting and exercising help? I am confused.

    not necessarily.. :#:#

    I read in the rules that nobody is allowed to sell anything here, which is why I thought it was a good site. No pressure for those gidget gadget diet schemes.

    no to selling anything here in MFP...talking all free stuff.. :#
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    NaCl_I wrote: »
    ...anyone know where the best support is?

    The Internet, of course!
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    What kinda support are we talking about here? Because there's plenty on MFP ready to be that virtual rebound so you've actual come to the right place!

    Isn't this a place for dieting and exercising help? I am confused.

    Bless your heart.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    What kinda support are we talking about here? Because there's plenty on MFP ready to be that virtual rebound so you've actual come to the right place!

    Isn't this a place for dieting and exercising help? I am confused.

    Bless your heart.

    we're here to serve
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Get therapy or couseling if you can afford it, because some suggest that emotional impact of divorce could be similar to death of a loved one. Not sure if I agree with the comparison, but it's still a nerve-wrecking experience. If not, try to spend some time outdoors every day, exercise helps to live through situations like that too, read a book, turn on a soothing music. It will get better but it takes time.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    All I can say is to quote and old friend: "Why are divorces are so hard and so expensive? Because they are worth every bit of the effort and money."
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    NaCl_I wrote: »
    I'm sure many other people have gone through it.. anyone know where the best support is?
    Best support? For me: Church and being around generally happy, positive people. (Philippians 4:4-7) I resolved to not look back as wasted years, but the best years and learn to be content in any circumstance (as seen later in the chapter): I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do* all things through Him who strengthens me

    *I can endure all things

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited March 2017
    That you have no support from anyone in your family deserves some reflection, and maybe fence mending.

    An internet forum can give advice to specific or define problems, but relationships are complex and can't be shared in a couple paragraphs, with complete strangers.
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    Take it day by day. Spend time doing things you enjoy and couldn't do while marriage. Therapy helped me. Church helped as well. Good luck.
  • samhynes7469
    samhynes7469 Posts: 23 Member
    This is possibly the best place for the kind of affirmation you need , weight loss and divorce are similar , in that both can be a painfull process , but in the end , with love and support , you will be happier , stronger and better for it . forgive , forget and move on .