
I am still slightly new to this * 2nd week and get weighed tomorrow * and I was wondering can you check your`e BMI here?
Thankyou :)
Sarah x


  • SarahC75
    SarahC75 Posts: 45
    Hiya and Welcome!

    Click "Tools" at the top (beside community) then its the bottom link on the left :)
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    why would you ever want to check your BMI??? its a joke. Doesn't take in to count anyone short that might have an ounce of muscle on their bodies...
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Thanks Sarah :)
    Ive lost 56lb so far and my bmi used to be 34.8 its now around 22 * i think * but i just wondered if you can look and keep track here so I don`t go below.
    Thankyou x
  • WarEagle007
    WarEagle007 Posts: 5 Member
    Before you put any faith in BMI, read this:
  • jenc79
    jenc79 Posts: 16 Member
    BMI isn't the be all and end all that it gets touted as, true, but it can be a handy tool for getting a "ball park" of your proportions, and doesn't need to be used in isolation - I find using it in conjunction with body fat% and dress size works pretty well in monitoring ^trends^
  • mroger801
    mroger801 Posts: 91
    It is amazing how some people are completely on the BMI bandwagon and many are not. Unfortunately, it doesn't take in to account that some of us are not built on tiny frames. My goal weight is significantly higher than what BMI says I should be at.
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    my BMI wants me to be like 145, I weighed 145 when I was in 8th grade. I would hate to think that I was fully developed in 8th grade...
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    BMI is worthless.
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Well im not a fitness freak etc and I'm epileptic so don't really understand so had to ask. I've lost 8 inches from back , inches from hips legs etc so I go on inches and weight loss too. Thanks for your responses. Sarah