Couch to 5K! Really?!?! Really!!!!!!!

Hi, I have been running the C25K for about 5 weeks. I am behind schedule, but what are schedules for. Please join us! I know that you will get great encouragement and great advice ( I can give encouragement, but I am short on the great advice).

My goal is to get down to 200 lbs from 243 lbs. What's yours? Good Luck! Hope you join us! It is really a lot of fun and helpful!!!


  • janisbrede
    janisbrede Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on week one but did the full program last summer and did complete a 5k last September! Looking forward to doing it again this summer with the help of MFPs!
  • LuvMyBoys2
    LuvMyBoys2 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to lose 50 pounds in a year. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    c25k for the win!
  • jpowell3976
    jpowell3976 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm on my second attempt of week 5! I've lost 47 lbs and have 41 to goal. Started at 236 and am now 189. Week 5 is kicking my ask!
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    I did W4D2 last night. It's my second attempt at W4, because I was on holiday last week and only got 2 runs in, so I thought I'd start again.

    I live in the Highlands of Scotland, surrounded by really steep hills, so it's quite hard going here. Last night, though, I managed all four running stages, and even managed to pick up the pace for the final minute. Usually by that point I'm stumbling along, wishing I was dead.

    It really amazes me to think that just a month or so ago I was almost throwing up at the 60 second runs. Now I'm doing five minute runs with a little bit left in the tank. Roll on next week!

    I'm aiming to get down to 215lbs, so just under 30lbs to lose now. I'm six feet four inches and broad built, so 215 is about a healthy weight for me, I figure.
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    You posted right before I did. Great, I've got one more run and then I've got week 5 to look forward to. Joy!
  • I'm doing C25K with the Get Running app on my iphone, I used to be a long distance runner but longterm illness caused my fitness to decrease dramatically. I started with week 3 though, week 1 wouldn't have challenged me. I'm now on week 4, doing the second run tomorrow. I have a few running orientated goals for the next year
    - Complete C25K
    - Run a 6 minute mile (maybe not every mile I ever run, just a few times to prove to myself that I can!)
    - Run a marathon whilst raising money for charity

    These may not seem like big goals to anyone else, but I was bedridden for a year, so to be able to run a marathon (a childhood dream of mine) is a pretty big deal to me. I'll most likely cry tears of joy at the end of it!
  • susanb_16
    susanb_16 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm on W6D2 today. I was a long distance swimmer, but to voluntarily run. That was not a part of my fitness routine. It has been an interesting 6 weeks but I'm glad I made the decision to give it a try.
  • I started this week.
    Ive done 3 sessions and can definitely see and improvement in my stamina already!
    Ive lost 5kgs since starting my journey 27 days ago and want to loose another 50kgs

    on november 6 there is a walk for prems event in sydney 5km walk or run and ive decided to enter! Even if I just walk it! But my aim is to enter the run and do my best! Its an event near to my heart as my little girl was premature.

    Would love to have some c25k friends to add me for motivation!
  • Congratulations to all of you that have decided to trot the LBS away. C25K is a really good way of learning to run. I was never a runner in my wildest dreams, but using that app changed my life. I did my first half marathon in April this year (slowly) and managed to get to the end on my own two feet !
    I got injured just after that and could not run at all for 6 weeks and in that time I put on 21lbs (ouch), I was eating like I was still running the miles !
    So as soon as I could I started using C25K again as I was huffing and puffing and getting nowhere. I am now back on track and am doing a 5K in 10 days and then my next HM in Sept.
    It really works, so keep at it, I am.
    Happy running, stay hydrated, loose lots of LBS !
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    This is great!!! As we can see, there are a lot of us. Let's work together to make it through the C25K and possibly on to bigger and better things. This is a short note, but after doing a little research, I have found a couple of websites that will help with the running. I will post them later.

    Good running and fitness!
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    I am finding that breathing is one of the most critical parts of my running. I have listened to everyone on how to breathe, and it wasn't working. I was told to breathe through my nose only, inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth, etc. This site, , has good information on breathing. Most of the articles say to breathe through your mouth. Some articles say breathe through your mouth if you can, otherwise breathe through your mouth. Breathing through your mouth dries you out, so you will have to drink more, but it really helped me.

    Proper running technique is another important part of advancing in our efforts to make it to a 5K. This site,,7120,s6-238-267-268-8210-0,00.html , has good information on techniques.

    runner' seems to be a good overall site. It has a lot of good general information.

    I hope these ideas help. Good running!!!
  • I did Week 4 Run 2 today and bumped the treadmill up 0.5 miles faster for the running than I've been doing recently. It was such a good feeling to know I pushed myself a little further and managed to stick with it. So excited for the next run!
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    week 3 part 3 tomorrow and wow! i forgot how hard running can be! sounds like a great group...really scared of the full run session in 2 weeks!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    I am 2 doing c2 5 k .. I would love to join this group how do I do that?
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    mindiejean, this is all you have to do to join. Hope it is helpful to you.

    annied, I know how you feel. I finished W3D3 for the second time this morning. You and I are together about the full run. It has me pretty nervous, too. Actually, I am kinda nervous about W4.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm on my second attempt of week 5! I've lost 47 lbs and have 41 to goal. Started at 236 and am now 189. Week 5 is kicking my ask!

    Ditto, didn't help that it was in the 90s the week I did it and felt like 100+
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I want to do it! 3 weeks ago i did day one of week one also went out and sent 180 on shoes and proper socks. :| never started it up again. my son is off at school and it is hard to find the time to get away from him. I was thinking of picking him up some good running shoes and have hi join me.
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    I understand about the time. The best time for me to run is around 5:30 a.m. each morning. I have to drive an hour to my work, so I lose two hours each day during the week. The problem is that I am not really a morning person, so every morning is a struggle. You can do it!!! I truly believe that where there is a will, there is a way.

    Good running to you!
  • Gaia85
    Gaia85 Posts: 190 Member
    I love the idea of this group! I will be completing W3R2 today. I was amazed that I was able to run the 3 minutes on Wednesday. I'm worried about the coming weeks though. I have never been able to run.

    Sometimes when I'm running, I end up pleading with myself/body to cooperate with me because I'm terrified that I'll come to the longer runs and fail miserably. This group is the kind of motivation I need.

    I'm 187.5lbs (started at 197lb) and looking to lose a total of 60lb. I'm also doing the 30 day shred, which at first scared me because I didn't want it to jeopardize my running but I ran on Wednesday after doing the shred for 3 days, so I'm hoping it will be all right.

    How about some questions to get to know each other as runners!

    1. Where do you run?
    2. What time of day do you run?
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?

    1. I run around this large reservoir in Central Park (NYC)

    2. Usually the evenings, after it gets cooler. I'm a teacher on summer vacation, so I have the time. I'm worried about when school starts because I often stay at work well into the evening.

    3. Either I walk, bike or swim and I'm doing the 30 day shred.

    4. Two reasons: To feel accomplished in a physical activity and to lose weight

    5. I think I'm starting to feel a "runner's high" but I don't know if I'm just imagining it/building it up in my mind. Any thoughts?