So it was my birthday last friday:flowerforyou: - all fair we can have a bit of cake now and then..:smile:

Not me.. i seem to go weeks without having anything like sweets, cake and cookies but as soon as i have 1 little bite im hooked!!! :grumble:
so since the weekend i have craved sugary snacks so bad - ill even have fruit (i do normall) but its the unhealthy sugar i need!!:mad:

Anyone else get this? what can i do?:frown:

:heart: Katherine


  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    So it was my birthday last friday:flowerforyou: - all fair we can have a bit of cake now and then..:smile:

    Not me.. i seem to go weeks without having anything like sweets, cake and cookies but as soon as i have 1 little bite im hooked!!! :grumble:
    so since the weekend i have craved sugary snacks so bad - ill even have fruit (i do normall) but its the unhealthy sugar i need!!:mad:

    Anyone else get this? what can i do?:frown:

    :heart: Katherine
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    I have the same problem with sweets and peanuts. I think I can handle a few pieces and the next thing I know I have had a couple of handfulls.

    The thing that works for me is to grab a handfull of baby carrots or chew a piece of gum. Something to keep my mouth busy until the craving passes.

    Hope this helps.
  • Julie837
    Hi, I eat one reese's peanut butter cup, the little gold kind, whenever I'm at 7 11 and the kids are getting donuts, etc..., it seems to to the trick. Also, keep nestle's sugar free chocolate milk mix on hand to mix with skim milk, this was my nutritionist's suggestion. She said even the Hersheks light chocalate mix was OK, as long as the milk is skim. Julie
  • mandersen16
    Good suggestions!

    I have this eating for life book too and one thing they suggested there is fat free chocolate pudding and using skim milk in it (so you get your chocolate) but mix in some protein powder as well so you're getting some nutrition for it. The only problem is you have to make sure you make it ahead of time because when those cravings hit.................
  • Julie837
    Oh. forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Yeah, I can't have just one. And the sugar free candy has some icky side effects for me. :sick: I have found recently that if I eat an ounce of almonds during a Choco/Sugar fit, it helps.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep, I call it white *crack*. One bite and then all I want is MORE sugar!!!!! Hope you enjoyed your bday! If I need chocolate, I go for the dark chocolate. It's better for you! :bigsmile:
  • kendallalissa
    Yep, the sweets cravings have been really hard for me this week. Probably due to TOM! I've actually found that popping in a piece of sugarfree gum works great, but it has to be fruity or bubble gum flavor for me. Thanks for the great ideas for snacks, ya'll. I'm gonna try the chocolate skim milk idea! That sounds yummy!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'm fine if I don't have any, but once I get a little taste I can't stop. Just like last night. My daughter made magic cookie bars, and I was just going to have a corner of a piece, then I ended up eating two pieces. The whole time thinking "I shouldn't be eating this"
  • amberca1
    Candy is a BIG problem for me so I can't buy it. I frequently pick it up in the store and carry it around with me and then put it back before I check out after my will power has kicked in (I know I'm weird). What I do instead is Skinny Cow, Sugar-free jello with Fat-Free Whip or I make a hot chocolate. There is a sugar free hot choc mix by nestle that has only 25 calories then I take a bit of 2% milk (a couple tbl spoons) and use one of those electric whip gadgets that makes the milk super-frothy and it makes it grow to like an 10 times its size and tastes all whipped and creamy like a fake-starbucks.
  • tabbycat2223
    I have the same problem too, but what I think we all need to remember is that it's okay to have something that's not good for us every once and awhile. So, pick one day a week that you can eat dessert with one of your meals and then when your having a sugar fit, remember that it's just not your day to eat dessert, so you just have to wait. (Easier said than done, I know, but it helped me loose 40 lbs in the past) :smile: Good luck!

  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    Eat more prtein it will help. Also takin L-Glutamine will help you with craving sweets. It also aids in muscle recovery.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    :happy: Thanks for the great ideas ladies!! :smooched: Much appreciated!! Come monday i will kick off the no "bad" sugar kick again!! i should be ok!!:laugh:

    Out tonight for a late birthday meal with my boyfriend - he had tonsillitus last week and couldnt go out! :grumble: ........... that should be something nice for us to do!!:flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Katherine
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    :flowerforyou: i luv sugar and if i have 1 taste i am the same as u i binge on for me i must refrain one of the other girls said its like ...white crack hahahhaha.not for me:bigsmile:
  • jessicasager
    i have a lot of craving. anywhere from potato chips to ice cream. my favorites i've kept around are sugar free pudding. i freeze the chocolate kind and it's realllly good. also 100 calorie snacks. they have fudgeshop stripe cookies, cheez-its, now they've got oreo cakesters. the hard part is to NOT refuse your cravings. but to allow yourself to have a small amount, and enjoy it. or in the end, we'll all be back to square one. i keep track, and if i go over, i work my butt off to make up for it. then the next time i'm shoveling cake into my mouth i can think to myself, do i REALLY want to go through that again? lol