No Weight Loss After A Month



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    Your net total should be 1200 (your net total in your post is 800) so you should still be trying to eat a little more, this is the way MFP is set up, if you're using MFP Calorie burns you should be aiming for eating about 50% back. You will still maintain your deficit doing this and will get the minimum recommended nutrition for a woman, which is important for your long term health.

    So if you log exercise via the database and it gives you 300 calorie burn, MFP will change your goal to 1500 for thar day.

    Because the database can be a little inaccurate most people suggest eating only 50% of calorie burns logged via the database (150 calories in this example) so you would want to end the day around 1350 calories eaten.

    If you're using a heart rate tracker device you can probably look at 50-75% (150-225 cals in this example) or so because it will be slightly more accurate. You would want to end the day eating around 1350-1425.

    This could be easily achieved by having a post workout snack/protein shake or incorporating something more calorie dense into your regular meals.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    flukequeen wrote: »
    Can't thank you all enough for all the helpul feedback! Already started logging in the weight of my food vs. Portion size. In doing this I found that I am meeting my recommended goal of 1200 calories but with my excersize am below that, totaling still at abt 800 calories a day. Should I be eating more to finish my day at the 1200 or is this ok??

    With regards to exercise, how are you arriving at the calorie burns for that? Those calculations are often off, especially if you're going by gym machines or using some data base entries. It's best to err on the safe side and only assume that you're burning 50-75% of any given number you get from most sources.
  • flukequeen
    flukequeen Posts: 7 Member
    I do 30 min on treadmill keeping my heart rate at burn level which is btwn 157-165 for what was calculated.. I do go by the machines which tells me I burn abt 200 on the tread. I then do strength training arms one day legs next then day off then borh upper and lower and next day 60 min cardio only. I dont go to the gym on the weekend instead taking walks and such. Im eating less and way healthier & excersizing more. Just thought I should at least lost something.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you said you wanted to lose 30lbs - what are your current stats:

    goal weight:
  • flukequeen
    flukequeen Posts: 7 Member
    @deannalfisher - I am 43, 5'1", weigh 153 and need to lose 30 lbs to be at a healthier weight..
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    so here's the thing - I just ran a couple of "ideal" weight calculators and they make my cringe - according them them I should be sub-140lbs (I'm 5'3" and 149 right now)...but my bodyfat is just outside the healthy range and my BMI is just slightly above. You might want to get a body comp assessment done (that looks at BF% - I had an InBody done). And maybe look at something like recomp - and focus on lean muscle building - it takes a while to do and you'll likely eat more - but I have never felt better and look leaner than I did (my gym instructor asked me what I had been doing because she could see it).

    something to think about
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I also prefer TDEE because its a set calorie goal rather than trying to estimate how many you burn through the MFP calculator - which is wildly inaccurate

    I took your stats and ran it through

    for lightly active (1-3days exercise a week) and to be 20% under you TDEE to loose weight, 1539 is the goal calorie recommendation (TDEE of 1939)
  • leannboehle
    leannboehle Posts: 1 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? If it is under active, hypothyroidism, weightloss is a bit more difficult. Once I got on the correct dosage for my thyroid, it helped me begin to lose weight.
  • flukequeen
    flukequeen Posts: 7 Member
    @leannboehle - yes I had my thyroid checked about 2 years ago because I thought I had something going on but my tests came back fine
    @deannalfisher thank you so much for your info. Something to def chwck out!
  • patrickthames
    patrickthames Posts: 6 Member
    Try to cut back on sugars and starches and eat only when hungry
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    Try to cut back on sugars and starches and eat only when hungry

    Why exactly would someone who is struggling to eat enough calories cut out sugars and starches?
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    Please open your diary so we can take a look.