Fitness classes

Anyone know any fun fitness classes to burn the calories, or build the muscle? What are the best classes out there xx


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I take a Boot Camp class - love it.
    I also go to OrangeTheory which is rowing, running and weights/TRX bands - my favorite class but you have to go to a special gym for it.
    Zumba was pretty fun when I went.
  • ko4q
    ko4q Posts: 46 Member
    My gym offers Athletic conditioning classes and I love them. Combination of agility, plyometrics, strength and cardio--I really enjoy the variety. Instructors are usually pretty good about offering different "levels" of each exercise, i.e. showing lower impact versions. I'd say try a few and stick with what ever doesn't leave you looking at the clock. Good luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    "best" would be highly subjective. The only group class that I do is spin because I like cycling...but I only do it occasionally as I prefer to be on the road and if I'm indoors I'm usually on my trainer in the living room.
  • CarolPre
    CarolPre Posts: 1,857 Member
    When I went to the local YMCA, I liked their water aerobics class.
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    I love Boot Camp as well. Joined Burn a couple weeks ago and love how it is so different every day, lots of different times offered, challenging but they show modifications and I'm always the good sore afterward and sweaty! But biggest thing is finding something you like and will stick to! Good luck!
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    I've always liked boot camp, kickboxing, and Zumba classes
  • FatPorkyChop
    FatPorkyChop Posts: 83 Member
    Favorites is Boxing, goes very fast and it's fun
  • driedgern
    driedgern Posts: 7 Member tough, quick, and effective
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    Cardio kickboxing, bootcamp, HIIT (high intensity interval training)
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    I love spin, too.
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    My gym has not stop classes from 6.45am to 8.30pm I love Spin, it's a killer but works. I love the lee mills classes and regularly do Bodypump and body attack. I love Sh'bam as well really fun dance exercise to rave/dance music, reminds me of my late teens and early twenties. I went to all the classes at least once and soon found which ones I enjoyed matched with a motivated and friendly instructor. Even this week I've decided that out of the 22 spin classes my favourite are on a Mon and Thurs at 9.30.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I've always liked boot camp, kickboxing, and Zumba classes

    Oh yes - I forgot to put kickboxing in my post. Great workout if you can do a class with the heavy bags (I don't enjoy the classes where you just punch air). Excellent stress reliever too.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm a fan of bootcamp, strenghth and conditioning, circuit type classes. Can't really put a name on them cause I don't take them at big box gyms. I like boxing and cycle too. As far as a chain gym that I like their format is F45 but I think they are a little pricey.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I enjoy a variety of mostly high intensity classes. Depending on the instructor zumba can torch a good number of calories and is fun too. Insanity is a killer, but in definitely getting stronger, to start with I had to modify almost every move but in down to just a couple of mods now. Boxercise and circuits are also high energy, and while legs bums and tums burns far fewer Calories it's worked wonders for my core (I had a hernia repair and 3 months ago couldn't even do a crunch let alone a sit up or plank, got through my first class without modifying on Friday).

    The thing is though that the same instructor runs all those classes and she's brilliant, super motivating and gives modifications for those that need it while still making you want to attempt the full move. Plus there's a group of us that take all the classes we can and we all seem to push one another.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    TRX or kettlebell or a combo
  • MissCFitness
    MissCFitness Posts: 7 Member
    Group fitness classes are great!! I am a little bias as I am a Fitness Instructor haha. But I love teaching. I teach Spin, TRX, crossfit inspired class, strength classes in the studio. I'm sure your gym offers lots to go to for free with your membership
  • RA60172
    RA60172 Posts: 137 Member
    I am in a C25K program through my park district. It meets Saturday mornings, and I do my "homework" on my own Tuesdays and Thursdays after work. I love it! When I'm done with this class, I'm going to join a HIIT class, also through the park district. Way cheaper than many of the local gyms.
  • Kollane
    Kollane Posts: 45 Member
    I love LesMills classes. I do Bodypump for strenght, Bodycombat for cardio. Tried Bodyattack on Wednesday, but much prefer combat. Bodybalance once a week for streching. It makes it so much easier when you know exactly what to do, since the routine is same for 3 months. Less time spent on staring the instructor and figuring out the moves, more time to actually do the moves.
    I also go to gym's circuit training classes to swich it up from LesMills, they have both regular circuit training and TRX circuit training. We also have really fun classes available that I try out every now and then. The cardio thing with drum sticks, for example. Specialised abs training class. Spinning.
    But mostly Les Mills for me.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    My vote is for spin. Loved my class when it was local (I moved) and cheap (8 sessions for $56). Now I'm on week 3 of C25K and have a running group starting this week through my local running store. Just don't want to shell out for classes, which in my area can be more than a gym membership (which I do not have).
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I also vote for spin class -- I used to do Bikram yoga and loved that but it requires a big investment of time to do it correctly.