Getting back on track

Sometimes I eat too many calories in one day and then I feel bad about it, which makes me more likely to eat more on the next day too...does anyone have trouble with this or have tips on how to get back on track after a mess-up like this?

Thank you!


  • __JayyKayy
    __JayyKayy Posts: 1 Member
    I've been the same lately. But this week when I went shopping I made sure to get healthier options, so when I snack I won't regret it. Like apples and peanut butter, yogurt and granola, and lots of fruit.
  • Scarlet9904
    Scarlet9904 Posts: 32 Member
    i got rid of any junk but honestly id say forgiving yourself for going over is going to help more then feeling guilty
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    The best thing to do is log it, forgive yourself, and move on.

    One day over your calorie goal doesn't have to be two.
    Honestly logging the one day over your calorie goal can give you useful information.

    Is it a particular time of month (menstruation, ovulation) that it happens? You can plan your calories so you have a few extra for those days.

    Is it an occasion? Date night, girls night, dinner with the family. Again you can plan for it.

    Is it boredom? Plan tasty lower cal snacks.

    You could look at eating to a weekly goal. That way you can have some days that are higher calories than others but still reach your deficit for the week.

    Remember you would have to eat 3500 cals over your maintenance calories to put on a pound so one day going over your deficit but staying within your maintenance calories will make little difference to your weekly fat loss.

    Cheers, h.
  • Erswim10
    Erswim10 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you very much for the advice! A weekly goal sounds like the best option for me, as I have some days where I will go out with friends for a meal and some where I am more likely to stick to the program!

    Thank you all!