Gym Lookers



  • JasonlRoeder
    JasonlRoeder Posts: 729 Member
    I'm totally oblivious if someone is checking me out. I'm usually focused on my treadmill session or lifting.
  • mickritchie
    mickritchie Posts: 3 Member
    I just don't see how one can train with a ring getting in a way unless ofcourse it's a cardio session.

    This is true if you are lifting a decent amount of weight. I had to take mine off after a couple weeks of starting to lift weight for serious.
  • Altess
    Altess Posts: 77 Member
    Yawn, if they yawn they were staring.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    I glance around the room between sets. Whomever is in the area gets a look. Not on purpose or with intent it's just what my eyes do. Sometimes a woman will glance at the same time I'm glancing, it happens. I did catch myself staring once, I was measmerized by her shoulder definition while she was doing a lift. It was unintential and I didn't even realize I was doing it, but if she saw me in the mirror probably would have thought I was creeping.
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    Stare back. It's the only way. Like a creepy stare.
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yesterday there was this super hot girl at the gym... Like super hot... So fit, thick bum, thick thighs... and these huge fake boobs and damn did she look good (I might have been drooling and I'm straight)

    She was wearing a super tight tank top and no sports bra. The tank top did little to hide her boobs and after a few muscle ups she was slipping us the nipple...
    I couldn't help but stare.. damn that girl should be famous she was that hot.. and now i wan't big tits like hers..

    But this is the first time I've stared at a girl.
  • Nitroalley2
    Nitroalley2 Posts: 3,419 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    Yesterday there was this super hot girl at the gym... Like super hot... So fit, thick bum, thick thighs... and these huge fake boobs and damn did she look good (I might have been drooling and I'm straight)

    She was wearing a super tight tank top and no sports bra. The tank top did little to hide her boobs and after a few muscle ups she was slipping us the nipple...
    I couldn't help but stare.. damn that girl should be famous she was that hot.. and now i wan't big tits like hers..

    But this is the first time I've stared at a girl.

    Damn - have you thought about a writing career? :D
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    Yesterday there was this super hot girl at the gym... Like super hot... So fit, thick bum, thick thighs... and these huge fake boobs and damn did she look good (I might have been drooling and I'm straight)

    She was wearing a super tight tank top and no sports bra. The tank top did little to hide her boobs and after a few muscle ups she was slipping us the nipple...
    I couldn't help but stare.. damn that girl should be famous she was that hot.. and now i wan't big tits like hers..

    But this is the first time I've stared at a girl.

    Damn - have you thought about a writing career? :D

    Haha well you'll never know ;)
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    There's a girl... I would characterize her as fit... cute... the way she moves through space... pure grace... watching her on the she cranks it to like 12...and ends up running up the steps... and the way she runs on a treadmill... I can't help but watch the way her gait...her legs move in such a way I can only describe as fluid just the right amount of extension and heel kick ( I used to be a middle distance runner in school)... I would have never thought that I could be attracted to just how a person moves... I can't help but stare... meh... I see people looking my way all the time... I always make eye contact and smile at people... sometimes a woman will look back and smile... sometimes that split second flirt occurs for both of us... sometimes I get the "what are you looking at creep? look. I find that sooo freaking hilarious. We're all just strangers to one another... even here... saw a coupel of women a couple weeks ago... one was a regular... and can only be described as smokin' hot, long thick brunette hair...impeccable tan... long neck... she knows her *kitten* in the gym... anyway... how do you NOT creep on that? ... anyway... her and a frined were wearing matching Tank tops... that said 'F off I am training... That was sooo hilarious... because like who wears THAT much make up to the gym? to a wedding okay... NO.. I get it.. some women don't leave the house without at least eye liner...

    So... the moral of the story... what does it hurt if someone looks? they aren't stealing your soul... it would be like caring what strangers think about you...and the truth of the matter is they/we actually don't. and even if they did... that doesn't change the world you see.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
  • demoman805
    demoman805 Posts: 169 Member
    I am a people watcher at the gym. I don't get caught staring much. Just a glance is all I need.
  • Kerriecandothis
    Kerriecandothis Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2017
    I don't mind if they glance, but not staring, maybe they are interested in learning. I had one guy approach me to ask where I learnt some of the exercises I was doing because he had never done them before. There is a staff member who actually brings a seat over and sits watching what I'm doing and I told him last week he gives me the creeps so unless I'm doing things wrong and need advice, can he stop lol. So yesterday he walked past with his eyes covered trying to be hilarious
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    tjiddy wrote: »
    I stare at the pizza eaters
    I'm guilty of that.
  • Kintsugi_Haikyo
    Kintsugi_Haikyo Posts: 361 Member
    Sometimes at the gym, like when I’m doing dumbbell curls facing the mirror, there is really nothing to look at during or between sets.

    Two days ago was back & bicep day. There was a girl working out parallel to me. I could not help but glance over a few times at her. She wasn’t what one would call “stunning,” but there was just something charismatic, charming, and graceful, about her. She wasn’t dressed to the 9’s, but she had beautiful dark eyebrows and dark hair, she had some slight acne scars, but that only made her more alluring/intriguing. Her body was blessed with curves, but her gym outfit did not try to exploit any such feature (though she was wearing tights, which is how I noticed the curves). I could not help but to glance at her a couple of time through the mirror (no stares though).

    I guess it’s just because I’m a guy.

    I hope this doesn’t sound too creepy.
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    I stare at people everywhere idgaf.
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    I stare at people everywhere idgaf.

    Atleast you're being honest lol
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I know people look at me at my gym bc I'm one of very few women who lift, so I stand out among the slew of guys curling and grunting when I head for the squat rack. They don't stare, but they notice me enough to compliment me on how much I've increased in strength and cheer me on. I saw a newer guy one day last week who clearly didn't expect me to be able to lift as much as I did, but I could see his face in the mirror and saw it shift from skeptical to surprised to definite respect. That works for me! By and large though, everyone's busy doing their own thing and the only people who get stares are the ones who are taking tons of gym selies without actually working out or the ones farting around while people are waiting for the equipment they're lounging on. Fortunately there aren't many of those.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    I stare at people when they have insanely poor form, when I'm trying to figure out what they heck they are doing, and that girl with the tight *kitten* and legs doing squat in tiny little shorts (she smiles when she catches me).
  • demoman805
    demoman805 Posts: 169 Member
    I stare at people everywhere idgaf.

    *kitten* it, lol
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    I think it's mainly because I'm super self-conscious at the gym and that's maybe the reason I think people are looking at me? Idk.

    You're beautiful. They're checking u out. :)