Anyone else feel when they eat 1 high calorie treal meal they will gain weight?



  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Nope doesn't come into it I enjoy high calorie foods guilt free. I had two triple belgian chocolate cookies at 357cal each yesterday, enjoyed them and went over my calorie goal yesterday, the scale shows a lb down this morning and I was expecting more like half a lb this week.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I always feel guilty after. I know it takes 3500 to gain 1 but i still always feel guilty. Terrified of gaining any weight back.

    I'm skipping the intervening comments. Take a longer view of your journey. If you have created a calorie deficit of 3,000 calories in the past 6 days by eating 500 calories below your NEAT each day, you will still lose fat for the week if you have a 1200 calorie meal. While certainly you'll have a weight gain of several pounds tomorrow, that's water and sodium, and will quickly drain away. You could even go 1200 over your NEAT on both days of the weekend and still have a weekly deficit. Weight loss would be slow, but it would be real. Be of good cheer, and get back into your deficit.
  • NameItNClaimIt
    NameItNClaimIt Posts: 79 Member
    Some foods do cause you to retain water. Salt causes the kidneys to retain water, while excess sugar causes the body to produce insulin, which in turn hinders the body’s ability to get rid of salt. It could have been the cookie.

    Funny how a question is treated like a cry for help. Everyone tries to fix the problem.
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    Some foods do cause you to retain water. Salt causes the kidneys to retain water, while excess sugar causes the body to produce insulin, which in turn hinders the body’s ability to get rid of salt. It could have been the cookie.

    Funny how a question is treated like a cry for help. Everyone tries to fix the problem.

    One average size cookie everyday for a week wouldn't have any noticeable effect. Weigh fluctuations of 2 to 5lbs depending on size of person is normal. Weigh your self every 2 weeks in the morning and better yet take measurements forcaccurate fat loss. When someone posts that they feel guilty for eating a cookie it could mean nothing but it could be the sign of a problem
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    No...'cuz that's not how it works.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I'll find out! I had a 1000 kcals to eat, so I did. Steak, yum.

    I am following up the next morning after a 1000kcal steak and Mac n' cheese dinner with a bit of hazelnut chocolate for dessert. This was within my calorie plan because I swam for 55 minutes and ate within plan earlier in the day. I also had plenty of fluids for the day (including chai rooibos tea, yum).

    The result? I'm down .5 lbs. In fact, I'm at my goal weight today. Why? Probably because protein is a diuretic or something like that.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Are you watching my threads?

    No, I have a good memory.

    I have a good memory as well. You need to start working on coming to terms with this now, otherwise maintenance is going to be difficult.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    I always feel guilty after. I know it takes 3500 to gain 1 but i still always feel guilty. Terrified of gaining any weight back.

    Stay with it and concentrate on trusting the math.

    I do get surprised sometimes at how bloated a single meal can make me feel, but rarely if ever feel guilty over it. My weightloss has stalled at times too, but that's easy to get over and never lasted long.

    Hang in there and double down on the calorie tracking. You look strong and healthy in your avatar, so focus on that and you'll get there. :)
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    I do have this irrational fear, but i know it's in my head and i know the math behind weight loss, so i just ignore it.I don't eat take out food much,or at restaurants, but i do it once in a while so i can overcome this fear.Like on Friday i ordered a pizza after a year and a half, and ate the whole thing. I had planned for it, and i only went over my daily goal by 400 calories, so yesterday i cut 300 out of my day and the other 100 came from the rest of the week.Looking at the weekly numbers, i am under my weekly goal by 5 calories, so i know there was no "damage" done and i won't gain.I weighed myself today out of curiosity and...still the same.There have been times where i have actually lost weight after a meal out.
  • elaineloveslost
    elaineloveslost Posts: 2 Member
    Remind yourself: Just as it took time for you to gain all your weight, it will take time to lose it again - and just as it takes time to lose it again, it will take time to gain it all back. It's a process, and one day over a calorie goal won't make you put on all of the pounds you worked to lose. :)
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    I don't feel guilty about anything I eat or drink. I still have a social life and am not going to fret if I spend one evening drinking with friends or if I have something, when I'm out for a meal, that is more calorie-laden than what I'd typically have at home on other days. If I've had a heavy meal (or expect to have one), I'll increase my time in the gym a little bit to give me more calories. Although I'm roughly eating my Goal amount of calories a day, I regularly check my Average Net for the week as my primary aim is for that to be around Goal. Some weeks it's a little more, but I also know what my TDEE is so if my Average Net is below that, I'm still very happy.
  • rmtanner
    rmtanner Posts: 23 Member
    I think a big carb loaded meal can encourage a little water retention on occasion, so it can look like you have added a pound or so but it will soon drop off again. Agree with most people above unlikely a meal can add any real weight unless it's some kind of man vs food type meal
  • claudiaines5
    claudiaines5 Posts: 1 Member
    No I don't. I believe in the math. As long as I eat less than I burn I will lose weight, regardless of treats.

    Don't eat less food, eat less calories, eating less food it will take nowhere
  • VVVeeVee
    VVVeeVee Posts: 22 Member
    yea I did. then I totally binged (and i mean...totally) on gummy bears one day and haven't gained anything from it.

    Now I'm cool. As long as you don't make it habit.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I've found that pre-logging helps with that. It's as though once it's written down, it's a done deal and I own it. (I don't have cheat meals; I have treats and indulgences and make them fit my totals). I haven't 'cheated' or 'blown my diet' or 'been bad'; I've chosen to splurge a bit and I'll either eat a bit less over the next day or so to make up for it or exercise a bit more. It's not a cheat. It's a choice.

    What's 'bad' is the impulsive emotional/unmindful eating I've done in the past, where I suddenly realize I just finished a whole big bag of chips mindlessly reaching into the bag until was all gone. The shaving off of a 1/4" strip of brownies from an 8x8 tin and repeating it 6-8 times. The grabbing a strudel on the go at the subway kiosk and deliberately not looking at the nutritional info because I don't want to remind myself it's 450 calories; I just want a snack.

    If I go in recognizing and accepting that I'm going to indulge and I decide in advance what the indulgence will be and how many calories it's going to take up, I find I stay in control, I'm aware, I don't feel guilty, and I lose all the negative self-talk about 'blowing my diet'. And I enjoy the treat.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I stay terrified but I've only been back for a little over a week. I lost 25 lbs last year and that's my plan this go round as well since I have gained all of that weight back. :( I fear that sodium, working out too much, having a drink sometimes, eating too late in the evening, all of that will keep me from losing. I realize that's unrealistic but at the same time I want to lose weight so badly that I let my mind play tricks on me.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    If it helps, I usually go wayyyyyyyyyyy over my sodium. The weight is still coming off.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    No I don't. I believe in the math. As long as I eat less than I burn I will lose weight, regardless of treats.

    Don't eat less food, eat less calories, eating less food it will take nowhere

    I didn't say I eat less food. I actually eat a lot of food. :/

    To be more specific, as long as I eat less calories than I burn I will lose weight.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I stay terrified but I've only been back for a little over a week. I lost 25 lbs last year and that's my plan this go round as well since I have gained all of that weight back. :( I fear that sodium, working out too much, having a drink sometimes, eating too late in the evening, all of that will keep me from losing. I realize that's unrealistic but at the same time I want to lose weight so badly that I let my mind play tricks on me.

    Sodium = temporary water weight - nothing to be concerned about
    Working Out Too Much = temporary water weight and/or fatigue and/or injury - so possibly something to be concerned about.
    Having A Drink Sometimes = no impact on the scale or progress as long as calories from the drink do not put you over goal and lowered inhibitions from drinking do not result in eating foods above your goal
    Eating Too Late In The Evening = no impact on scale if done within your overall calorie goal, can lead to heartburn or sleep issues if you are prone to those things.

    You already know these things are not going to ultimately derail your ability to be successful. I'm guessing the reason you gained back the 25 lbs is because like many, you either lost it in a way that you didn't find sustainable for the long term, or because you simply became complacent in following through on the habits you built.