Any over 50s out there ?



  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Hi Kate, I also am English (originally from Derbyshire) and living in France. I am aiming to lose about 20 kilos - lost about 5 kilos in Jan/early Feb but then stalled due to visitors, new puppy & assorted other excuses (!) so am getting back on track for March. I am 61 btw. I will try and send a friend request, but I am on the app so not sure if it will work.

  • lynney9877
    lynney9877 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kate I've been using MFP on an off for a few weeks..I fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago but I'm starting again today more determined, I have about 28 pounds to lose, I have joined a gym but I'm told it's 80pc what you eat and 20pc gym so I'm trying to change my eating habits ..I'm also 50+