Goal to reach 175lbs current 193lbs height 183 any suggestions

Looking for suggestions and comments


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    edited March 2017
    Set your goal to lose half a pound a week. Eat the calories it says plus a portion of your exercise calories. Log everything on here as accurately as possible.
  • 6pack87
    6pack87 Posts: 11 Member
    Calculate your maintenance calories and cut 500 from that. Be in a constant calorie deficit and log each and every thing into MFP. Aim to burn around 300-400 through cardio twice or thrice a week along with 2-3 times a week weight training. Within no time you'll be dropping weight! I did this for 2-3 months and lost 30 pounds. Good luck