Sugar Free/Keto/Atkins help please- so frustrated and upset!

So I have been trying to diet since the start of this year, but I keep failing due to my sugar addiction, thinking nothing of polishing off a sharing bag of Dairy Milk or an entire Terry's Chocolate Orange in one sitting.

This is clearly unhealthy, and I knew I needed to kick my sugar habit. I also am due to be a bridesmaid in July and I was hoping to shift some weight before then.

As a result, I decided to give up sugar for lent. Not just processed, all sugar, and anything carby as it has the same effect and I really wanted to try and get it out of my system. I have cut out everything I could think of including fruit, bread, pasta, nuts, cereal, beans, pre-made sauces- anything. I am pretty much living on meat, fish, dairy and vegetables, which as I understand it is pretty close to the Keto/Atkins diet.

I would have thought cutting out sugar would have made a massive difference given the amount I was consuming before, however I lost 2.5 pounds in the first few days, and this morning put one of those back on. I am really gutted as I feel like I have given up every nice food there is, only to put weight ON?!

I have also been doing 10k+ steps a day and some days going for a run or doing weights at the gym. What on earth am I doing wrong?

Any advice much appreciated as I am feeling very despondent at this point.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. It fluctuates up and down. You need to plot it over time and it should trend down wards.

    Weight loss also takes time, a few days isn't even really getting started.

    How much do you need to lose?
    The closer you are to goal weight the less you should lose a week.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    I feel like I am caught in a nightmare! I really thought cutting carbs and sugar would help but over the last two weeks I lost more weight when I was eating sugar than when I quit.

    I have 5 stone to lose, so according to everything I have read I should be losing fast. It's also been 8 days so not just a few. Feel like curling into a ball and giving up at this point.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    Just because I am just as likely to eat a bag of haribo or crisps. Basically a junk food addiction and since sugar is the thing that I know causes cravings I decided that was what needed to go. The plan is to re-introduce healthy carbs and fruit once I have stopped craving junk.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    If you want to follow one of these approaches, you need to research how to do it properly and take advice from people who know what they are talking about. What you are doing - randomly cutting out lots of foods without researching it first - it's very unlikely to work and it's not healthy, physically or mentally. Even Keto people don't avoid carbs completely. .

    I have been following the 'I quit sugar for life' book, since I want to try and clear it out of my system, so will re-introduce carbs once the cravings are gone. I have been having carrots and parsnips to add some carbs to my day, but not potatoes or stuff that raises my blood sugar too much.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks Susanne. I have always had an overeating problem but have never been able to pinpoint why - I once got therapy to try and figure it out and was told it was pretty much just impulse control issues, so I really just have to work harder at my willpower. I do boredom eat for sure, and I have bad habits.

    I actually feel pretty great having cut stuff out- after the first few days I didn't miss it, and my mood and energy improved. Just so frustrated it isn't showing on the scales. I'll just keep going I guess.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member

    Cutting Carbs and sugar won't make you lose weight.

    Only cutting calories. Your body doesn't care which macro you cut (For weight loss) it just needs energy. If you take in less energy than you burn then it has to take it from your stores.

    I lost weight before by cutting calories by my hair started falling out and I got so low energy I couldnt get out of bed. I probably overdid it, but as a result it has made me scared to try again. I will though, since I am defo eating over my calories with the extra dairy I have added. I'll give that a go, thanks.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    If you're serious about cutting sugar and carbs, you may want to head over to the Low Carbers Daily Forum. It's a great group all doing much the same as yourself. Good luck!
  • rckc1
    rckc1 Posts: 28 Member
    I helps me to have a clear cut plan. I follow OKL macros. It's an adequate protein, adequate fat, low carb way of eating. I have a set amount of each I meet each day. I was/am an overeater if given the chance so I need the discipline tracking provides, even after 2 years. I like low carb, not because it is a miracle way of eating but it cuts out a lot of the food I tend to overeat, pasta/bread/sugary foods....
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    I have a few thoughts reading this thread / your responses -- hopefully, these help you somewhat:

    1. I get it regarding carbs / sugar / junk food, so if those are triggers for you, then, of course, do what you have to do in this area.
    2. You seem to think that cutting the above out will equal weight loss automatically. It won't necessarily. You need a calorie deficit over time. Over time is the key part.
    3. You also seem to think that you will or should lose each week, week after week. This just isn't true. I weigh myself everyday but record my weight on Wednesdays (today). My calories for the week average to 1437, and the scale is up 4.2 lbs. UP 4.2 TODAY! Why? Probably because I had breakfast out at a restaurant yesterday and who knows how much salt, etc I had. Or I have to go to the bathroom. There are a host of reasons. It happens. So, my suggestion -- assuming you are OK with this mentally -- is to record diligently (weighing food) and weigh yourself daily so you can see trends and how your body works. Then, just keep at it.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    If you're serious about cutting sugar and carbs, you may want to head over to the Low Carbers Daily Forum. It's a great group all doing much the same as yourself. Good luck!

    This. And, you still have to log everything and create a calorie deficit.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited March 2017
    Cloudfish wrote: »
    I feel like I am caught in a nightmare! I really thought cutting carbs and sugar would help but over the last two weeks I lost more weight when I was eating sugar than when I quit.

    I have 5 stone to lose, so according to everything I have read I should be losing fast. It's also been 8 days so not just a few. Feel like curling into a ball and giving up at this point.

    You don't seem to understand how weight loss actually works, because I don't see anything in your posts about your calorie intake.

    In order to lose weight you must be at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals. It doesn't matter what foods you're eating (or not) eating though, or what your macros ratios are. Weight loss happens when the correct calorie deficit is achieved.

    What are your current stats?
    How many calories are you consuming a day?
    Are you weighing out your food on a scale?
    Are you accurately tracking your food, making sure to chose correct database entries?
    Are you exercising? If so, how are you calculating your burns?
    What is your weekly loss goal set to?

    It sounds like you're making this whole thing way more complicated than it actually is.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    I feel like you are overdoing it again tbh. You need to find the middle way. The fact the scale isn't moving is a small problem - the fact you keep doing things to extremes is the bigger issue. I wrote you a lovely long post with advice but my phone ate it. I'll try and remember what I said and post it again when I have time.

    I definitely overdid it before as I got to the point of 5-600 cals a day, I just got hooked on the fast results. This time I am eating much more sensibly, but I still need to get to the point where I have a sensible relationship with food. I will try not to be too extreme!
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    I have a few thoughts reading this thread / your responses -- hopefully, these help you somewhat:

    1. I get it regarding carbs / sugar / junk food, so if those are triggers for you, then, of course, do what you have to do in this area.
    2. You seem to think that cutting the above out will equal weight loss automatically. It won't necessarily. You need a calorie deficit over time. Over time is the key part.
    3. You also seem to think that you will or should lose each week, week after week. This just isn't true. I weigh myself everyday but record my weight on Wednesdays (today). My calories for the week average to 1437, and the scale is up 4.2 lbs. UP 4.2 TODAY! Why? Probably because I had breakfast out at a restaurant yesterday and who knows how much salt, etc I had. Or I have to go to the bathroom. There are a host of reasons. It happens. So, my suggestion -- assuming you are OK with this mentally -- is to record diligently (weighing food) and weigh yourself daily so you can see trends and how your body works. Then, just keep at it.

    You are right, I am too focused on the scales. I need to stay off them but I just run at them every morning without fail, I guess at the moment I am more focused on losing and less on trying to get healthy which isnt the right way to do it.

    From looking at everyone's responses it's clear I've been going way overboard on my calories. I basically took 'eat what you like as long as it's not sugar' too seriously and I have been eating very fat heavy meals. I've just set out a plan to keep to the cals MFP is telling me to do- I will try that for a solid two weeks before I get myself in a tizzy again, hopefully that will match what you say about over time?

    I think basically still overeating and impatience are my issues! I'll cut cals and stay off the scales until the 27th! Thanks!
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited March 2017
    Cloudfish wrote: »
    I feel like you are overdoing it again tbh. You need to find the middle way. The fact the scale isn't moving is a small problem - the fact you keep doing things to extremes is the bigger issue. I wrote you a lovely long post with advice but my phone ate it. I'll try and remember what I said and post it again when I have time.

    I definitely overdid it before as I got to the point of 5-600 cals a day, I just got hooked on the fast results. This time I am eating much more sensibly, but I still need to get to the point where I have a sensible relationship with food. I will try not to be too extreme!

    Op, Have you ever talked to a professional about your issues with food? This really sounds like ED territory here. Maybe you should start there, instead of focusing on losing weight at this point.

    edit: grammar