How can I increase calorie burning in less time?

mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
I never excercise before MFP. I still don't do much of it. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (both hips replaced and a shoulder). In any case, I can't go to a gym as there is no money for it so I was doing Wii(boxing,stepping and walk it out) and just plain dancing to music in place, things I knew my body can do as I can't do anything in the floor or high impact. When I started, 25 pounds ago I was burning at least 210+ calories in an hour not a lot but at least something, sometimes I even reached 300+. Now, I barely reach 150. I can't exactly keep adding time since I have to actually work and do other things. Any suggestions? I have a treadmill in the shed I'm planning on setting up but hubby hasn't had time to do it yet but at the same time wouldn't treadmill will be the same as walking in place? I can't run. I was wondering if adding weights on me while doing the Wii will help raising the burn a little. I have those one pound weights you can strap to your ankles or wrist. Or will that not be good for my hips. I'm clueless about all fitness as I never cared for it. Thank you for any suggestions.



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Look into High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT for short). It's a very efficient form of cardio.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    Yes, adding weight will help. Strength training builds muscle, and muscle consumes more calories. HIIT is good, too. Both will not only increase the amount of calories you burn during exercise, but will also increase the burn for at least an hour after exercise.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Adding the arms to any everything will definitely help raise the heart rate. Plus, you are working out both the top and the bottom of your body. The more muscle you can build, the more your metabolism will kick in during the times of rest (IE when you arent working out), which is ultimately the goal.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    With Rheumatoid Arthritis, you do seems have more limited choices, unless your doctor give you an ok. Try swimming, which is less impact and got you pretty good burn, and it's great for shaping your body.

    In addition, add weight training to your routine. Even it may not show big burn number when you are doing it, it sure keep burning for a long time after workout.

    Check with your park district or local schools for access to a pool. They usually are more affordable.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I would say that walking on a treadmill is NOT the same as walking in place. Walking in place you are basically just picking up your legs, where on a treadmill you are actually using muscles to propel yourself forward, the machine is what keeps you in one place, so I would say it would probably equate to a better workout, just thinking about it logically.:happy:
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Goal is to raise your heart rate and try to keep it up the whole time.. Weight training will help, the more muscle you build the more calories you will burn at rest. Walking, swimming (burns more than running) using more muscles at once with resistance and not hard on the joints.
  • jjgirl76
    jjgirl76 Posts: 68 Member
    I would say that walking on a treadmill is NOT the same as walking in place.

    Beside that, you can also move the treadmill into an incline. Definitely more calories burned when you are walking up a hill.
  • RippedNShredded
    Tabata protocol

    4 minutes 8 sessions

    When i do this I do squats

    20 sec do as many as you can, good form.
    10 sec rest

    the first time I did this I could barely do the last 2 sets. word of advice, don't go all out when you do this, start small and progress. you can apply the protocol to any cardio workouts.
  • RippedNShredded
    Tabata protocol

    4 minutes 8 sessions

    When i do this I do squats

    20 sec do as many as you can, good form.
    10 sec rest

    the first time I did this I could barely do the last 2 sets. word of advice, don't go all out when you do this, start small and progress. you can apply the protocol to any cardio workouts.
  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    I have RA too. I have had the same problem you are having. I can't get on the floor either, and sometimes exercise just hurts my joints for days.I think that a treadmill will help more than walking in place, I use a elliptical, and I think it works great. I would say go ahead and try to use the weights unless they cause you pain. Losing weight can be a real challenge, esp. if you are taking steroids. Sorry for the rambling response, good luck. :)
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I suffered severe whiplash and other injuries in a terrible car accident about 5 years ago and gained 100 lbs. Prior to the accident, I did EVERYTHING from weights to running 6 days a week. Now, I am very limited, however, I would recommend the elliptical. You can get a very intense cardio workout with very little impact. I just did a 30 minute workout and burned almost 500 calories. I also do light weights to work my arms. I have lost 40 lbs. over the past 2 years. It's coming off slowly, but it is coming off. Good luck and Blessings on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • monjet13
    monjet13 Posts: 40 Member
    get your arms pumping when you walk if the weights your using seem to light increase it if there just isn't any money left and( I know this sounds silly) use a couple of water bottles or even milk jugs. If at some time there is some extra cash the make weight vest that you can add weight to gradually, also some pools have water aerobics classes. hope this helps
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you for all the responses. Sorry this took so long to answer, busy this weekend.

    For the people that suggested the HIIT or Tabatha: I'm a little confused. I read the website but what is that I have to do in the intervals? I didn't quite get it. On the other hand, remember I have RA, I'm not sure I can do much of anything that will be fast or hi calorie burn as I can't run or jump or squat (metal unfit hips). If there is something low impact in my hips that I can do I will be happy to try it.
    I would love to do swimming, specially with this heat. I have been trying to find somewhere but everywhere is so expensive. I'm thinking of finding a class. There was something in the newspaper the other day about a new "motion in water" class but it doesn't come into my area untill the fall so I'll have to wait a bit to check up on that. On the other hand, I have a bad shoulder so I would have to swim one-armed, haven't gotten the hang of that yet (when I have tried it before). I learned to swim correctly so now that my arm is kind of dead, can't figure it out. I know, I'm a mess!!!
    The good news! I got my treadmill!! I'm so excited. I (hubby did) set it up yesterday and it works great! Actually I'm headed to use it as soon as I get done here.

