Big guy, weightloss slowing a bit, looking for advice/tips/guidance.

Hello there. I've been using MFP to log my meals for 55 days now, just to keep an eye on my calories. I know there are many other things this can be used for but it's all above my head, as i know nothing of nutrition really.

So I started at 385 on 1/14/17 and am currently 333. The weight came off fairly quickly the first month, and now the last few weeks have been much slower although i eat roughly the same and exercise a bit more than i did at first. (still need to improve my gym visits)

I've only started accessing the community on here the last week or so, and there is so much to take in. My main concern is that i may be hurting my weightloss by not eating enough. Is that even possible? I did not track anything prior to this diet, but i would hazard a guess that i was eating/drinking north of 4000c a day easy on average.

I haven't wanted to set a strict line on myself, because i was afraid i would cross it and then be in the mindset of "I already ate too much so why not more".... Instead, i just told myself i'd try to stick to around 1000c per day and if it was a few hundred over or under that was ok because i'd still be way under what a guy my size should be eating.

So for the past 55 days I've done pretty well at averaging around my 1000c. I had 2 "free"days where i did a polar plunge and allowed myself pizza and beer haha, but other than that i've done ok. The first week was hard for sure, but since then, i don't really get hungry much, and often i have to force myself to eat dinner just because i know its bad to skip meals.

As to the questions.. Am i hurting myself by not eating more calories each day, even if i'm not hungry? Are there specific supplements/vitamins i need to be taking? (just started taking Multivitamins). Do i need to vary my meals and/or change up my calorie intake often to "surprise my body/metabolism? (i eat mostly the same foods daily)
Any advice is appreciated.

(high 2 days "cheat" polar plunge weekend)
(started dieting 1/14 but didnt' weight myself first 3 weeks, thats why big drop at start)
(sample day, yikes that pickle sodium!)
(sample day, pretty standard)



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You absolutely are undereating, less than half of your goal. This is not a good thing. It won't hurt your weightloss, but it will do a number to your body and health.

    It's also common to lose more at the beginning because of water weight dropping, but that is short-lived. How much are you losing a week now?
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,850 Member
    You should be consuming about 1500 at least. When you eat lower than 1200 it puts your body into starvation mode and saves calories. Put your goals into mfp and see what they say and do that for a while. Weight loss isn't linear and will slow. Big jumps at the beginning because you're changing your body and then you have to keep working harder and harder. Eat more, try to keep it health and keeping working out. Muscle weighs more than fat but it also burns more calories. Good luck!
  • Roothlus
    Roothlus Posts: 8 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    How much are you losing a week now?

    First 3 weeks about 33 lbs. Roughly 5-4-5-2-2 in the weeks since. I don't weight myself every week exactly so hard to be percise but seems like a big drop for a guy my size.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    It looks like you lost >16 lbs in the past month?

    Up your calorie intake to recommended before you hurt yourself.

    Also, you may be gaining water weight from your salt levels. That happened to me when I ate pickles and sunflower seeds one week. It flushed out the next week for a big catchup loss.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Roothlus wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    How much are you losing a week now?

    First 3 weeks about 33 lbs. Roughly 5-4-5-2-2 in the weeks since. I don't weight myself every week exactly so hard to be percise but seems like a big drop for a guy my size.

    18 pounds in five weeks is fine at your size, if not still a little quick. At most you should be aiming for 1% of your weight per week.
  • madjmk
    madjmk Posts: 2 Member
    From my experience the initial weight loss is always faster. I think you definitly need to eat more calories and gradually drop back as you continue to keep losing. A couple of pounds a week is reasonable, it takes time for your body to just physically lose the weight.

    What type of exercise are you doing? Depending on the exercise nutrition will be very important. Try to keep the carbs lower too, I'm still trying to find my happy balance with carbs and exercise but I felt that if I ate too much carbs my body held onto the fat more and the progress felt delayed.

    One more thing, if you are really not that hungry, that's awesome! I would suggest to keep the meals small then, like you have been, and incorporate the extra calories with healthy snacks throughout the day to keep your energy levels from spiking. Like some fruit, veggies (not my personal favorite snack), 2% cottage cheese, 2%milk string cheese, or to-go nut bars (I like 150 cal goodness know squares or 150 calorie almond nut bars). I love food (sort of my problem in the first place!) so I had to learn as I went with what was nutritionous but what I also enjoyed eating.

    I'm just speaking from my own personal journey, I've lost about 80lbs and am jumping back on MFP after a little break with maintaining to get back to lose the last 40lbs.

    Keep looking at your weight graph for inspiration, it show continuous progress which is awesome! It might seem slow but if you continue to watch your calories, in another 55 days when you look back at the graph you will be happy with the slow and steady results.

    (And I agree...that sodium content in the pickle is crazy!)
  • creyes4182
    creyes4182 Posts: 29 Member
    That's way too low, I was there before. It works until it stops then you get frustrated eat normally and it all rushes back. You need to go on one of those weight loss calculators put in your stats and set a deficit of like 500-800 calories. You'll probably be closer to 2500 calories. I use to be 350 and did a lot of yo-yoing so I know. Don't go super low on calories. When you hit a wall you will have nowhere to go. I got the most consistent results from limiting my carbs and cooking more of my food. Those frozen meals are not good for you. Up your veggies, meats, good fats(coconut,olive,avocado) and limit bread/rice/pasta/juice/soda. Cut out potatoes completely and try sweet potatoes instead. Look into paleo diet and later on keto.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    What you are eating is totally fine unless your doctor wants you to watch sodium. That is a bit high. Like everyone else said how much you are eating is way too low. I'm 5'3" and 220 lbs and lose eating a lot more than you do. That red line on the calorie chart, that is how much you should be eating. You are likely not consuming enough micro or macro nutrients on 1000 calories a day which is bad for your health.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    If you're actually consuming 1000cals/day you're definitely under-eating. I would suggest upping your cals slowly until your weight loss balances out to about 1-2lbs/week on average. This will give you a change to adjust slowly to eating more and also deal with any under-logging issues. Under-eating can issues such as vitamin deficiencies, hair loss, loss of libido, lack of energy etc.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I did that too. Your weight loss will slow because it happens. You won't continuously lose 50lbs a month, sadly. I lose 21lbs in 6 weeks (3.5lbs per week) and I started much thinner. Now I am 35lbs lighter and losing at a rate of about 1 to 1.5lbs per week. You should eat a bit more, however. My goal on here in my diary *says* 1012 calories but my goal is actually 1200. I did it for the same reason you did - because I have a mindset that always wants to go over my goal, so this way I can go over and still be within a good range. I go over pretty much everyday though. You should raise your goal because you seem to be meeting it and not exceeding it. Try at least 1200, but for someone your size I'd recommend 1400-1500 at the minimum.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Your calories are way way too low.

    The reason that your weight loss has slowed down (from insanely fast to just plain fast) is that you've lost weight. In losing those 50 pounds, your body is burning several hundred calories less than it was before.

    But you're still undereating.

    Also, you will have lost a lot of water weight at the beginning - which is "easy" weight and doesn't correspond to fat loss.

    But you're still undereating.

    Please increase your calories to a reasonable level (likely over 2000 calories/day) and adjust your expectations as to how fast you can safely lose weight. To put this in context, my husband weighs more than 100 pounds less than you and has lost 30 pounds in 6 months eating about 3,000 calories/day.

    That's not typical though. 3000calories a day for most people under 300lbs they would gain weight. My BF is about 6' and in the 200s and he definitely can't lose eating 3000 lol
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Yes, you are hurting yourself by eating too little. But you are also jeopardizing your success by eating too little - undereating always leads to overeating. Eat the amount MFP gave you every day (+/- 50). You will still lose weight, but safely, effectively and comfortably.
  • BonnieDundee78
    BonnieDundee78 Posts: 158 Member
    Yikes. You're a good looking guy. But if you continue losing weight this quickly, you will NOT look good or (more importantly) feel good. You're risking doing serious damage to yourself. MFP is telling you that you can lose weight safely and steadily at 2100 calories. Why not trust it?

    Slow down.
    Eat more.
    Enjoy the journey.

    And go easy on the sodium, eh? You're risking high blood pressure, heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes. Wouldn't it be nice to be alive to enjoy your svelter self?
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Darn, I can burn 2400 cals per day, based on losing 2lbs per week (in maintenance mode, so ain't happening), but you seriously need to up your calorie intake.
  • Nappingcat97
    Nappingcat97 Posts: 21 Member
    If you continue doing this, you will be 400# this time next year. In two months you lost what it took me three years to do. You should lose weight about the same rate you put it on. Is it slow, and maddening? Yup. Does it work? Yup.