What kicked your Butt into Gear !?



  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    People fat-shaming me when I was an obese teenager. And that's why I think fat-shaming is good. Society is so soft these days... Oh, there's a 350lb person walking into McDonalds...don't stare, don't make rude comments, they're beautiful as they are. Bull crap. They're disgusting, unhealthy, a bad example, lazy, etc. If I'm ever 350lbs, people BETTER make fun of me, stare at me and laugh!!! Make me ashamed!!! I deserve it!

    I know Ima piss some people off...so be it.
  • jason_m_dylan
    jason_m_dylan Posts: 1 Member
    Two things... One was a girl (Don't judge! lol). The other was that I used to be very healthy and tone, but as I got a little older, I wasn't able to run 10 miles a day and do three hours of yoga. So, I started just "not caring" so much about it and well, got a bit of a tummy.
    For a few months though, I've known that I want to get back in shape, eat better, quit smoking and all that. She just happened to be a motivation for me to start doing so.
    So far I've quit smoking and began eating very healthy. Exercise will start soon, but I'm still waiting for my body to adjust to things before I start doing any strenuous stuff. Most likely it'll just be yoga for the first month after I start.
  • A_Rene86
    A_Rene86 Posts: 141 Member

    Fai30 wrote: »
    fidycixer wrote: »
    brkn <3

    Hiiii I have no idea what this means ! But I'm so happy that your in gear !

    He's saying his motivation is a broken heart. Just scrolling through some stuff and thought I'd clear that up :)
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Weight gain after recovering ftom surgeries and not being able to pull my pants up.
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    1. Weighing myself and being shocked at the number I was confronted with.
    2. Seeing myself in the mirror and not being happy, not feeling as confident.
    3. Wanting to be healthier and set a good example (i'm a med student so I want to be able to set a good example for my patients)
  • Tazzie0208
    Tazzie0208 Posts: 66 Member
    As I get older I have learnt that nobody can do things for you but your own self. I'd look at myself in the mirror and would not like what i'd see. I don't like going shopping for clothes because i have so many I don't wear and I want to wear them so badly.. they just don't fit. I have a lot of back issues and the pain of my sciatica originally led me to start doing pilates. Then my doctor ordered Physical Therapy so I did 10 sessions. All the exercises coincided with the ones from pilates, so I decided to do pilates twice weekly. My pilates instructor guided me back to yoga (a couple of years ago I could not do any pose at all, so hard for me) after i finished my PT. A year after I started pilates, i felt ready for Yoga. I have been doing Power Yoga for over a year, but i know I'm not 100 % strong because i don't practice it everyday. So I decided to start a plank challenge to strengthen my core to be better at yoga. Another thing that pushed me to start my journey to a better fit was my own Insurance company from work. They give us points for healthy goals achieved and I want to get as far as I can (points can be used to purchase gift cards and items from a marketplace online). One of the apps that connect to Go365 (Humana) is MFP. I had been here before and was doing great back in 2014, but after a winter season... I stopped wanting to wake up early to exercise. .. so everything went down the drain. With all this thinking, actions and wishes I'm back full force and I hope i can stick by the healthy eating and exercise this time. I even bought me a 21 day fix package of containers so i can start eating better. I need to cut on carbs and eat more veggies. We all need to be fit and we all can do it. We love ourselves don't we?? We can do it!!! I enjoyed reading everyone's posts and I hope we all become each other's support!!!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Went up a pant size then needed to go up another size. Enough! I squeezed myself into the now too small by one size clothes and said they were not getting any larger. Time to get back on track and lose the 25 pounds I'd managed to regain in a mere 6 months. Ten down and clothes much more comfy. And I'm starting to feel healthy again too.
  • anniehiver24
    anniehiver24 Posts: 53 Member
    Fai30 wrote: »

    Ahhh dresses, me too.. I was unpacking my summer clothes last weekend... and ... those neon Mango Jeans... wont be seen this summer for sure hahaha but maybe next summer ?

    I suffered an ankle injury a number of years ago as well.

    It's really hard..those thing just have a way of never being the same again.
    But you will get better. Just takes some time...and if your like me.... it's prbly couldn't be fast enough.

    How did you get into fencing !?

    Honestly, I'm trying to quick fit my way into my summer dresses. It's usually too cold to wear them until mid-April anyway, so still got time!

    I've never dealt with a severe injury before, so my patience on myself was a little.... lacking to say the least. I hope you had a better time with it. How long were you out for?

    I joined when I got into University (so coming up to 4 years ago). They offered it as a varsity and I thought it was cool, new and interesting so I tried, got selected, and became half decent at it. xD

  • bobbikrause
    bobbikrause Posts: 4 Member
    Breaking up with a boyfriend! He was very obese and I was highly overweight. We bonded by going out to eat and rarely did anything physically active together. After I left him, I got my first smart phone (this was back in 2012) and started doing mfp. In three months I went from 195 to 165 and felt amazing!

    Fast forward a couple of years and I was still watching what I ate and working out. I was at my smallest in my life when I got unexpectedly pregnant! After years of dieting I went crazy and ate anything and everything my whole pregnancy and ended up gaining 60 lbs! Three months after giving birth (Last May) I realized the party was over and started logging and moving again. As of today, I am four pound away from goal weight with every intention of getting there by our Spring Break trip next month! :)