Need healthy 150 cal snack ideas!!!!

I have 1 space to fill in today's menu for a snack, a 150 cal deal. Preferably low sugar or none would be better! Any ideas????


  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    1/4 cup of raw almonds!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
  • bethy0316
    bethy0316 Posts: 75
    Low Sugar ... well, my personal fave is the new Fiber One brownie (I like the chocolate fudge the best)... if you subtract the fiber from the total carbohydrates (only when the fiber is over 5g) then it's only 13g of carbs ... and it tastes like heaven to me. And, only 90 calories.

    Might not be what you were looking for ... but it's yummy.
  • becki29uk
    becki29uk Posts: 2
    I like low fat humous with a few breadsticks, as long as you dont eat the whole tub or go overboard with the breadsticks you can keep the calorie intake low.
  • Susie_Bee
    Susie_Bee Posts: 34
    A few ideas:

    - Hard boiled egg, preferably the white only (or 1 whole egg + 1 white)
    - Cooked ham slices (no sugar, low sodium)
    - Dill pickles
    - A protein bar (ProtiLife, Pure Protein, Atkins)
    - A protein shake
    - Yogurt (plain or with fruit and/or granola)
    - Almonds, walnuts, pistachios
    - Low fat cheese
    - Triscuit crackers (plain or with salsa or bruschetta)
    - Raw veggies & hummus
    - Fruit
    - Cereal
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Plain yogurt with blackberries
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member
    Or yogurt with any other fruit. Blueberries are in season here.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    Almonds or string cheese, my go to snacks