How many of us are Autism Moms?



  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    I have an almost 8 yo daughter with autism. She has come a long way in the last 3 years.

    I also have a 13 yo son with NLD. Life is really hard for him.
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Hi All. I have two boys ages 14 and 11 with Aspergers, ADHD, high anxiety, and sensitivity issues. I have to say that the older they get the easier it has become. My oldest is completely off all medication and is back on a regular diet. I changed both my kids to gluten and casein free diet when they started with gastrointestinal issues.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    We hve an appointment date for a sensory eval finally.Two weekas from Friday! I am excited cause its just the next step on getting closer to anwsers and maybe a dx. Anyone care to share info about thier experience if they had one seeing fgetting a sensory eval?
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    my youngest will be 3 next month and was developing normally and speaking as an infant. Then at around a year he wasn't talking as much, but still some signs and I thought he was just focusing on walking. Then at around 16-17 months he stopped looking at me and I knew something was wrong. He's stools also changed and they became mucousy and lots of diarrhea. He still doesn't talk (only says a few words here and there...nothing consistant), he uses mmmm or mil for milk and signs some. I have him on a gluten free and caisen free diet which can be very challenging, but his stools have gotten totally better. He attends an autism school/therapy center since last Oct. that came to the area and it's been a God send. They just got a speech therapist and he has a therapy plan so I'm hopeful. They use PEC (picture exchange communication) at his school (we haven't been using it b/c I want him to try and say the word) It's been very difficult as you all know. He makes strides in some areas, but then it feels like there's deficits in other areas. He started grouping things together and moving them around and now when he gets frustrated he (gently) bangs his hand on his head. This has increased a lot over the past week :frown: He is also very sweet...usually loves to be held, wants to be around people (usually) and a complete joy!!! I wish it could be easier for him and all of us...but it is what it is and I just have to trust in God that it will all work out the way it's suppose to :)

    My weight problem started as a teenager when I used food to console me (my mom passed away). I need to stop this control food has over me or that I allowed it to have. Now is my time to get in contol and I thank God that he brought me to this site.

    God Bless you all and all your children!!!

    :flowerforyou: Pam
  • bzmommie
    bzmommie Posts: 39 Member
    I have 2 kids with Autism. My son will be 11 in Aug and is high functioning Autism and his biggest problem is communication. He is very smart and tells us his wants and needs but will not have conversations with us. My daughter is 8 and was just officially diagnosed with Aspergers although I have know for awhile. If you want to request me as a friend feel free to.
    LINDYLOU67 Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry I'm such a late poster... just searched on a whim to find other Moms with auties. I am amazed that there are so many of us in the same boat!

    I have three children... Sarah (age 19, "typical", whatever that is lol) , Michael (age 18, autism) and Jack (age 5, PPD-NOS). Would love to network wtih other Moms that have found the key to juggling it all... including making some time for Momma! It's been a huge challenge to find the energy at the end of the day for fitness.

    Feel free to request me as a friend if you want to chat or need a partner in motivation.

  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Looking to add other parent's with children on the spectrum. I have a 6 year old diagnosed PDD-NOS. This is not a new finding, we've known since he was very young.
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    we should make this a regular checkin with each other. As moms of special needs children our lifes can be so different from others that it would be nice to have a place to talk. about anything!

    I am a very outgoing person but I cant help but avoid playdates and public places becauseof Eli's behavior. because Eli looks just like every other little boy out there people give me dirty looks when he behaves the way he does cause they cant "see" that something is different and its hard to take the looks and judgements about my parenting. I am a great mom, they just dont know. Those stuations are the ones that usually have me running for the nearest fast food place and it hard. anyone else feel like they withdraw from public outings and playdates for fear of what might happen?

    I used to be this way but am a stronger woman now. These people have NO right to judge. They have NO idea what you deal with day in day out with your child(ren). I used to leave places in, I'm more outspoken and will say look, he has special needs. If they act interested, I'll elaborate. If not, I leave it at that.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Mother of a 14 year old son with Aspergers but am in no way stressed NOW because of it. Early on, DEFINITELY.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I just want to applaud all you guys. I have worked with the developmentally disabled including many autistic people for the last 5 years. I managed the children's group home, and am glad despite the tough times, you still care for your children. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Going to bump this for my wife to have a look at later, she has a post-grad diploma in Autism and now supports families and schools with the development and schooling of primary aged children who have Autism
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I am not a mom, but I am a special education teacher. I have my Master's in Special Education with an emphasis in Autism Spectrum Disorders. I have been teaching for over 7 years, and worked with individuals (both young and old) with Autism, DCD, EBD, etc for several years before I started teaching.

    Individuals with Autism have a special place in my heart, and always will. While I'm not a mom, I care deeply about my students and the people I have worked with. Please know that I am here for any of you as a support as well!! I may be able to give you a different side of the story or help explain why a school or teacher would do/say something like that!

    Good luck to all of you!
  • jacalou
    jacalou Posts: 61 Member
    Good to see other Moms here who understand. I have a sweet, little 6 year old girl with Asperger's. She is brilliant and artistic and a kind, kind soul. Some days are more challenging than others. But like allof you, I wouldn't change her for the world. She is my one of my inspirations for getting my butt in gear and losing this weight.
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    I am not a mom, but I am a special education teacher. I have my Master's in Special Education with an emphasis in Autism Spectrum Disorders. I have been teaching for over 7 years, and worked with individuals (both young and old) with Autism, DCD, EBD, etc for several years before I started teaching.

    Individuals with Autism have a special place in my heart, and always will. While I'm not a mom, I care deeply about my students and the people I have worked with. Please know that I am here for any of you as a support as well!! I may be able to give you a different side of the story or help explain why a school or teacher would do/say something like that!

    Good luck to all of you!

    THANK YOU!!! for caring so much about your students. We have been truly blessed, being in a small school district with an excellent special education program which started with developmental preschool at 3 and my son is now in Kindergarten, partially in a regular classroom and partially in a special education classroom depending on his tolerance and behavior that day. He has a 1 on 1 aide all day every day that I am SO thankful for. It's people like you that make us worrying Mom's at home breathe a sigh of relief! THANK YOU!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I also came across this thread and wanted to express my love and gratitude for all you moms out there!
    I am a speech pathologist for an organization that serves adults and kids with developmental disabilities. I have 5,500 people and am the only SLP. It is hard not being able to provide as much time, energy, effort, support, skills, etc. as I would like.
    I care for every single one of my guys like they are my own child.

    Please keep me as a resource if necessary. Autism is such a communication (or lack, thereof) based condition and that is my specialty.

    Best of luck to all you moms with your children and your weight loss journey. You CAN do it!

  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    I have a step son that is 6 years old and has been diagnosed with autism. He spent the weekends with me and my husband. He's been a blessing to my life and career. I am a special education therapist for the past 14 years and having him in my life has made me able to see thing outside the box and inside. If you wants to add me as a friend or asked me about intervention please feel free. Jenny
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    I have a 3 year old son with autism. It's so frustrating and when you have a child with special needs you really learn to put yourself last. I have 3 children--7 year old son and 3 year old boy/girl twins and I put myself not just last but dead last--even past the family dog. The toll all the worry takes on you is the worst. I am an older mom (almost 41) and I worry about what will happen to my youngest when my husband and I are gone. I need to get back in shape and be healthy for my kids, especially my autistic son. I'm so happy to see a group of moms here who have autism and weight loss struggles in common. I accept all friend requests. I'm new and so my page is slow but once I get into the groove, I am a lot of fun and very supportive! Hugs all!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I work with children with Autism alllllll day. :)
  • shagybear33
    HI. :D

    I have a 4 year old son (he just turned four on Monday actually).

    He's had issues since he was a few months old. At a year old he had surgery due to his soft spots closing too soon.

    He was developing normally until he was about 18 months old. He lost some of his skills, quit speaking, was not very social and had behvaiour and emotional issues, hypersensitivities to textures, temperatures and sounds.

    Just recently he was evaluation for Autism. By the time we got into the assessment, some of his skills had increased. He had started making eye contact and starting using his body language to try and get his point across. Due to these two developments, he was not diagnosed with Autism. Although they stated that he definitely had a lot of traits. They want to see him again before he starts school.

    3 months before his 4th birthday his language skills exploded. He is a non stop chatterbox now. He still has trouble with pronouncing words and using proper words, but he has come a long way. He is also not as clumsy as before.

    I am still at a loss though. He is a very difficult child. He had emotional outbursts from very minor things, is very sensitive to stimuili, although he will sometimes run into things full force and then laugh. He has recently taken to jumping off the dining room table and jumping from piece of furniture to piece of furniture. He is also still experiencing SEVERE separation anxiety from me. I STILL cannot go anywhere in the house without telling him or he completely melts down and tries to find me. He is a very picky eater, although he will say he's hungry ALL the time. His sleep has become very disturbed lately too. He wakes up a few times a night, snores exremely loud and is very restless in his bed. He doesn't really play well with children, and he is constantly annoying his older brother. He also screams and gets mad for the smallest reasons.

    There are other issues as well, but this post is very long already.

    Im seeking any imput from you awesome mom's out there on how I might be able to handle him or if I should pursue trying to find out what might be causing all of this.

    Please help. It is getting very frustrating and his behaviour etc is disrupting our family life.

    Thanks for any advice/help.

    Sorry this post is so long. :D
  • NashvilleShelley
    I am a friend of a mom with an autistic son. I just want all of you to know how special your child is!

    Her son is a couple months older than my oldest son. They grew up playing together since 6 months old. My other son is a few years younger and absolutely loves his other "big" brother! After 10 years, we moved away, and 5 years later my kids still talk about how amazing he was! I smile every time I hear them talking about him to their new friends. They never say he was autistic but they love to tell everyone that they have a friend who can draw anything and it looks exactly like the picture and he could have seen the picture a month ago. Yes, this little boy was an amazing artist. Sidewalk chalk art work on the driveway was fantastic! My boys think he is the smartest kid they have ever met! I feel so fortunate that my children were exposed to a special needs child at an early age and saw that he was different but better at many things!

    Your special needs kids are just that special! I am glad he taught my kids so well. It is hard at times...I use to watch my friend's son so she could go out - shop, get her hair done, etc. He has forever touched my life like no other non-special needs child has! So on your hard days, maybe you can call a friend to help you out. I am so glad that my friend trusted me to watch her son so I could see how special he truly is!